2017年5月21日 星期日

馬斯克百天完成南澳供電100MW? Tesla

電臺報導: 潘昭強(澳洲) 談 澳洲供電網的能源論戰  http://www.rthk.hk/radio/radio1/programme/City_Snapshot/episode/424810

How will Tesla fix Australia's power issues?

There isn’t a massive problem with the whole grid yet, it’s mostly contained to South Australia. But there is a bit of background about this.

Australia has a National electricity grid, sort of, it covers the east coast and look like this. 

 Australia’s National Electricity Network (and also known as the National Electricity Market or NEM). Which is run by the Australian Energy Market Operator.

One of the key issues is South Australia (Adelaide) has no coal fired power plants anymore. That is very admirable, but its also pretty short sighted in the way they went about this. South Australia is completely dependent on renewable energy and the two major links to the national grid. It currently has no battery storage and very little storage of any kind. This has been flagged as an issue for a while, everyone knows about issues with renewable, you need some sort of storage or base load to cover things when its not sunny, not windy, or load is more than the gas fired plant (Torrens) can handle. There are smaller generators but they are more about handling peak loads than base loads.
Batteries and storage have been suggested as a possible solution for a while. No one really wants to build a coal power plant in South Australia, its not near any fantastic coal deposits like there are in the states of New South Wales, Queensland or Victoria. Shutting down the South Australian coal power plants is more the result of a National Grid than anything else.

Australia’s fossil energy resources (Wikipedia). Conveniently not located anywhere near Adelaide apart from a gas feed from Victoria. Adelaide is where dumb Australian luck ran out. However, its in a brilliant location for solar and wind.

It was apparently obvious to everyone except the our most handsome politicians. Then a storm came and caused a bit of a problem, it knocked out one of the key links to the national Grid. South Australia’s luck was running out. 

Having one of these important high voltage links go completely down, and combined with other issues, such as South Australia sitting at the end of the NEM, other generators on the NEM playing games to make the most money not generate the more reliable electricity, states not really working well together, the fact South Australia is a smaller state in population has resulted in Adelaide getting pretty erratic energy supplies from the NEM.
Our most handsome Politicians blame the renewable’s, despite the fact it more complicated than that, as really it was connecting to the NEM that put the nails in South Australia’s coal fired power stations.

So Adelaide is ripe for a large battery installation. 25% of homes have PV in south Australia and growing. It has large wind generation capability due to its fortunate location. Storing some of that is going to make a lot of sense out of that existing investment. Its going to decrease South Australia’s dependence on the NEM, it is going to make the grid more reliable, its going to decrease the need to run gas peaking plants, it is going to lower costs, coal power stations can load follow more efficiently, it is better for everyone in every way.

Coal power is imported off the NEM, solar installations have been massive in South Australia and increasing. With a large battery installation South Australia will have one of the cleanest electricity supplies in Australia.
So South Australia is well placed for a battery install. They should absolutely install one ASAP. Actually, Tesla should build a battery factory in South Australia. They could then supply the battery station that will be required for Perth and Darwin and eventually the large ones we need in the middle of the NEM. With Victoria’s Hazelwood Power Station being switched off (due to age and terrible emissions), Victoria will be in much the same situation as South Australia finds herself currently.

Australia doesn’t have power issues — South Australia (represent) has an issue with supplying enough power when it is in very high demand during extreme weather events.

It’s not as though South Australia doesn’t theoretically have enough power to support itself in times of extreme stress. The last time South Australia had a heatwave power had to be cut off to certain parts of Adelaide — a practice known as ‘load shedding’ — because there was not enough power being generated to meet demand. There was an extra gas power plant sitting around idle at the time however the Australian Energy Market Operator however forgot or decided not to turn it on. If the gas plant was turned on, there would have been no need to load-shed.

In response to that incident, the South Australian Government decided that it was going to find a new source of electricity to power our own needs instead of relying on the federal market operator. This is where Elon Musk might come in.

The state government has specified that 75% of the new power must come from a new entrant into the market and the other 25% from renewable energy sources. Elon Musk’s plan — to supply extra power through a 100MWh ‘battery farm’ similar albeit larger than their pre-existing set-ups in California — would fit both criteria if he decided to enter the market. They have not yet, however the state government seems to be interested in the proposal. His plan is an easy and quick fix, at least if we take his company at their word. Musk has even offered to install it free if they can’t get the farm up and running within 100 days of getting the contract.
Tesla is not going to fix South Australia’s power issues...at least not yet. They have not won or even entered the bidding for the contract. There are many other people and proposals vying for the chance in attempting to fix my state’s broken power system, however promising their new idea may be.

Australia’s power plants essentially lie idle from about 11 pm at night to 6:00 am in the morning.

Batteries would allow existing power plants to operate at full capacity 24 hours per day. The excess power generated at night could be used to supplement the power needed at peak times (typically early evening).

As to the economic viability, I doubt it is there yet. Generators currently use gas turbines to cater for peaks. Batteries are expensive, and are inefficient at storing electricity. If batteries were cheaper in real terms than gas turbines, electricity companies would already use batteries instead of gas turbines.

马斯克:给我100天,解决南澳停电问题   http://www.cnenergy.org/gj/201703/t20170327_434259.html
2017-03-27  轉載自: 中国能源报  王林  

  《金融时报》3月13日报道称,如果澳大利亚政府允许,马斯克将在100天内为南澳安装价值2500万美元的100兆瓦至300兆瓦的新型 Gigafactory电池储存系统,旨在最大程度解决南澳供电难题。他同时承诺,如果无法在百天内让系统运营,将免费给南澳供电。
  对于马斯克的“豪言”,澳大利亚总理马尔科姆·特恩布尔以及南澳州长Jay Weatherill均予以了积极回应。特恩布尔特地在社交网站上表示,非常感谢马斯克在能源存储方面的言论,它能在解决能源危机方面发挥重要作用。 Jay Weatherill则透露,南澳将公布新的能源政策,包括优先使用电力存储技术并予以补贴,力求大规模推广储能技术。
  事实上,南澳“大停电”问题不断引发化石燃料倡导者与可再生能源支持者之间的争辩,澳大利亚正在考虑利用储能系统来解决国家电力供应挑战。2月 17日,澳大利亚标准协会(Standards Australia)发布了储能标准路线图并指出,如果要在澳大利亚推广储能,必须首先关注储能系统的安装、产品安全和性能标准。
  南澳州财政部长和能源部长Tom Koutsantonis坦言,储能是对大停电“对症下药”。“与所有改革开始时一样,尝试和推广储能技术势必需要资金,这需要纳税人的支持,而作用是相互的,纳税人是最终受益人。”他说。
  不过,马斯克并非是瞄准南澳电力供应“大蛋糕”的唯一者,他将面临来自3家澳本土电力存储公司Zen Energy、Lyon Solar 以及Carnegie Clean Energy 的竞争,这3家公司均在布局电力存储设施。
去年10月,Lyon Solar与日本三菱达成合作,双方将共同向价值20亿澳元的太阳能及储电项目提供资金,该项目旨在于2020年在澳建立1000兆瓦的太阳能供电及储能设备。《澳大利亚金融评论报》指出,这个澳大利亚最大太阳能及储电项目,将把储能产业提升至一个新水平,在电力稳定性方面做出贡献。同一时期,澳大利亚地产和基础设施公司Lendlease与Carnegie Clean Energy达成合作,双方将在澳大利亚开展光伏、储能和微网项目的开发、竞标、融资、施工、设备采购等合作。
  《澳大利亚人报》消息称,Zen Energy将在南澳Port Augusta地区投建一个储电设施。Zen Energy董事长Ross Garnaut表示,将在2018年初建成一个100兆瓦时的电力存储设施。“安装电池只是电力解决方案的一部分,我们需要一个完整的商业模式,包括与能源市场、客户和社区建立关系,如果抄捷径,成效会大打折扣。我们早就为此打好了基础,但我不确定马斯克可以。”他称。
  《悉尼先驱晨报》指出,特斯拉已在澳大利亚推出了第二代储能系统Powerwall2,加上电池生产技术进步,投资回报正在逐渐显现,马斯克的 “百日攻坚”计划很可能得到澳政府批准。不过,澳洲智库葛拉顿研究所(Grattan Institute)分析师Tony Wood表示:“马斯克显然又上了一回头条,但仅通过电力存储并不能从根本上解决澳大利亚的电力供应问题。”


2017-12-01  新浪科技  维金   http://www.china5e.com/news/news-1012325-1.html

南澳大利亚州州长杰伊·维瑟里尔(Jay Weatherill)将于本周五前往这一储能设施,为其正式揭幕。
这一储能电池阵列由PowerWall 2电池构成。特斯拉表示,这是全球容量最大、同类中最强的储能电池阵列。

