2018年2月7日 星期三


博主補充: 臺灣海峽台風可以無限大(註一), 緊急時只需塔筒頂部向上空伸出一支機械臂抓住葉片, 塔筒中部同時伸出另一支機械臂抓住另一支葉片, 大可安然渡過世界末日.

註一: 例如用吹管打樹上的鳥, 臺灣海峽就象一條吹管
轉載自: http://www.mywind.com.cn/program/products.aspx?MenuID=02030201&ID=33

SCD(Super Compact Drive)超级紧凑型海上风力发电机组针对海上环境气候和水文地质条件,并适应于中国极端台风气候条件而联合设计,采用先进的两叶片、水平轴下风向、液压独立变桨、中速齿轮箱和永磁同步发电机技术,同时通过一系列模块化、冗余化及海洋环境定制化设计方案,使机组具有结构紧凑、安全可靠、高发电量、低度电成本、防盐雾、抗雷击、抗台风等独特优势。









2018-02-07    轉載自: http://www.cspplaza.com/article-11414-1.html

目前,沙特国王大学(KSU)机械工程学教授Hany Al-Ansary正联合美国桑迪亚国家实验室(Sandia National Laboratories)在该国利雅得附近开展塔式光热发电粒子吸热器(PHR)的技术研究工作。































Particle Receivers to Get First Commercial Trial – in Saudi Arabia

Posted on  January 18, 2018  Author   Susan Kraemer

A new solar technology is twice as efficient, cutting the cost of solar thermal energy, by raising operating temperatures to 1,000°C, almost twice the 565°C molten salt temperature in current concentrated solar power (CSP) tower plants.

For most innovative research in clean energy, the dreaded “Valley of Death” after lab scale success is the sad place where great innovations go to die for lack of commercial trials.
But that will not be the case for particle heating receiver (PHR) technology that was first conceptualized at Sandia National Laboratories and is now being researched worldwide.
PHR is cutting edge technology for tower CSP, a form of solar that converts the sun’s heat to power. CSP with thermal energy storage is an important key to powering a carbon-constrained future, because its thermal storage enables solar generation at any time of day or night.
There is an unobstructed path from lab to commercialization for Hany Al-Ansary, Professor in Mechanical Engineering at King Saud University (KSU) and international collaborators investigating one alternative approach using a red sand abundantly available near Riyadh in Saudi Arabia.
The KSU approach relies on the sand flowing through a cavity receiver in the tower, while other promising approaches use different particles in free fall or in an enclosed receiver.

Saudi Arabia will be first to commercialize particle receiver technology

The Saudi Electricity Company is funding and assisting with the research into using the red sand approach for heat absorption in PHRs, and intends to enter the planning phase of a commercial trial in 2018. This sort of commercial support and trial is essential to developing technologies.
Like molten salts, sand loses less than 1% of its stored energy daily, but it can achieve a temperature almost twice as high. This is the main reason for the interest in particle receivers, according to Al-Ansary, who holds 15 patents and has published in peer-reviewed journals.
“Molten salt is limited to around 565°C,” he said. “but depending on which type of particles, you can get much higher temperatures, up to 1,000°C. Our group worked on different containment structure designs, and with simple masonry materials and a well-insulated tank, we reduced heat loss to under 1% per day, similar to molten salt.”

What is the advantage of particle receivers?

Tower CSP with thermal energy storage is an important key to powering a carbon-constrained future, because its thermal storage enables solar generation at any time.
Particle receiver technology has the potential to reduce the cost of tower CSP, because it can nearly double today’s power tower temperatures, which top out in molten salt technology at 565°C.
High temperatures increase efficiency, making particle receivers a good fit with high efficiency supercritical CO2 and air-breathing Brayton power cycles, and enable solar to replace fossil fuels in high-temperature thermochemical processes like splitting water to extract hydrogen at 800°C or make carbon-neutral solar fuels like jet fuels at 1,300°C.
Researchers have investigated many materials for the particles. The advantage of sand is cost. At 5 MW, this particle receiver design would cycle more than 2000 tons of sand through its system.
“We’re excited about sand because it doesn’t matter how much you need, the cost is almost nothing,” he pointed out. At scale, some materials, particularly engineered particles, could become a considerable fraction of initial costs. “When you are talking about thousands of tons of an engineered material, that can become prohibitive at some point.”
Al-Ansary presented the paper on the results of the red sand tests in particle receiver tower CSP at the 23rd SolarPACES Conference in Chile.

How the particle receiver works

At a 20 MW-electrical scale, the receiver aperture would be about 10 meters wide by 10 meters tall and sand would be fed from the hopper to fall in a curtain a few cm thick through a 10 to 15 meter wide slot, exposing the sand particles to the heat of 1000 suns of intensely focused sunlight from a solar field of mirrors reflecting sunlight into the receiver aperture.
Unlike the energy storage tanks in molten salt CSP, the hot and cold storage tanks could be stacked right inside the receiver tower along with the heat exchanger, so there is much less pumping of storage material, reducing parasitic costs.
For a 20 MW plant, the tower would be about 150 meters tall and about 30 meters in diameter with the storage tanks stacked vertically inside. The discharge point of the cold tank would be about half way up the tower, “so we only need to lift the particles from the middle to the top to heat them.”
The sand particles never fall fast, thanks to chevron-shaped obstacles that slow their descent, an innovation previously tested at Sandia in the US by the international research group. Without the obstacles, sand accelerates to 5 or 6 meters per second, even in just a 1 meter drop height.
The obstructed flow maintains a dense curtain of particles everywhere in the receiver, so that all the concentrated radiation is absorbed by the falling particles.
With particles slowed by the chevrons, Al-Ansary’s group got results of about 1,000°C in the lab without the sand agglomerating, and even out in the field, attained temperatures above 700°C.”