2018年9月8日 星期六



紫荊雜誌2018-09-07 https://www.52hrtt.com/xg/n/w/info/A1536113875836





https://www.zhihu.com/question/23557479       https://www.cordonbleu.edu/home/zh


Is Le Cordon Bleu Shanghai, China’s only branch of French food school, feeling the pressure?

Former students report how high demand for fine Western cuisine education has seen resources spread thinner in classes, while wealthy parents are enrolling children with few serious culinary ambitions

10 August, 2017  https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/food-drink/article/2106078/le-cordon-bleu-shanghai-chinas-only-branch-french-food-school

To get to China’s first Cordon Bleu campus, in the Pudong district of Shanghai, ask your taxi driver to stop at the address on Pudong South Road, where you’ll see a large blue sign posted near the entrance of a vacant hotel lobby. Though the sign on the wall says Le Cordon Bleu, the dusty glass doors next to it will be chained shut, nary a piece of furniture in sight. If you’re lucky, the security guard loitering inside will point you to the small side street to your left.
After walking down the street past a convenience store, a middle school campus and an athletics track, , you’ll see what’s left of another Le Cordon Bleu sign, in shreds, on a large iron gate. You may attempt to enter, but your path will be blocked by sand bags, torn planks of wood, and mounds of debris. Go past the gate and keep walking all the way to the end.

The school, when it finally emerges, is an innocuous building, the walls of its side entrance covered in immaculately pruned ivy. Inside, the lobby is suffused in a warm glow, light reflecting off yellow-painted walls, thick golden curtains, and perfectly buffed white floors.
Welcome, at last, to Le Cordon Bleu Shanghai.
This branch of the famed culinary school, established in Paris in 1895, is the first of its kind in China, and one of 21 around the world. It opened in a five-storey building just over two years ago, having enrolled its first class of students for pastry and cuisine courses in April 2015.

I spoke with several students from the first classes of graduates about what really goes on. It appears that like most new institutions, Le Cordon Bleu Shanghai is still gathering its bearings, both outside its walls and inside the kitchen.
Tang Rong, a 20-year-old student from Dehong in Yunnan province, first learned about Le Cordon Bleu Shanghai when she was 17. Growing up in her family’s restaurant business and wanting to improve her skills, she applied when she heard Le Cordon Bleu was opening a branch in China. She was accepted into the first class for the Grand Diplome, the full series of cuisine and pastry courses that is completed over 18 months. When Tang enrolled in April 2015, her class had 37 students.

Luo An, a 22-year-old from Shijiazhuang in Hebei, had his heart set on studying at Cordon Bleu since he was 13. He joined in July 2015 for the second class of the Grand Diplome, part of a cohort of 43. Today, average enrolment per class hovers around 70.
When it had just opened, students were super passionate and worked hard … [now] there are many rich kids who just come to have a try, take a look
Luo An
Tang and Luo acknowledge that many issues have arisen at the school due to excessive demand. Without much competition for rigorous, internationally recognised Western culinary training in China, the school has been overwhelmed with applications. Each year, the administration accepts an increasingly larger number of students, which has had an impact on the learning experience, quality of students and limited shared resources.
Several students I talked to complained that the amount of ingredients allotted to students has become smaller and smaller, especially with expensive items such as foie gras or truffle. The share of ingredients is sometimes so small, they said, that students can barely taste them in their concoctions.
Tang remembers when she was a student and part of a small first class. She always had enough ingredients, in fact, she and her friends would sometimes not need to go out for lunch because they had eaten so much of their own dishes. However, Luo, who now works at the school as a teaching assistant, admits that the amount of ingredients has shrunk.

Students share not only ingredients, but also kitchen space and equipment. On one scorching July day during Tang’s tenure, when the class had more than 20 ovens running at the same time, the electrical system in the building overloaded and shut down. In Shanghai, summer temperatures regularly reach almost 40 degrees Celsius, and the kitchens can be hotter than outside. In an improvised administrative move, Cordon Bleu Shanghai now takes a two-week break from mid- to late-July.
The first Chinese student to enrol in a Cordon Bleu school was in 1995. Today, Chinese students have enrolled in campuses all around the world, becoming one of the best represented nations. With the Shanghai branch, access for Chinese students has become even easier, with Chinese translations offered for all French instruction.

But some believe the popularity of the school has diluted quality. “Having the school in China, it’s convenient to study and it’s good to have Chinese translation,” Luo says. “When it opened, students were super passionate and worked hard. But later, many more parents started sending their children there, even those that are not motivated. There are many rich kids who just come to have a try, take a look.”
Tuition for a nine-month course in either “Cuisine” or “Pastry & Confectionary” costs about 160,000 yuan (HK$186,000). Students are either passionate and dedicated career trainees, or wealthy hobbyists who have the time and money to learn some knife skills. While Tang and Luo’s families were able to support them through school, many other students enrol after several years of working and saving for the course. Others have to borrow money to attend.

For Chinese people looking to start a career in fine cuisine or pastry, Cordon Bleu can be a great introduction. “Shanghai is the best place for international food in China,” Luo says. “More and more want to study and there is growing demand for Western food. There are not many other options [for training] in China.” Studying at Cordon Bleu can also be an alternative to traditional university for those sure of their career goals and looking for more practical education.
The school’s full-time teaching methodology can only be described as rigorous. Tang says her 18 months at Cordon Bleu were stricter and more comprehensive than she expected. Not only did the school teach cooking, they also taught her how to clean and be organised.
“Before students break from class, they must clean everything,” Tang explains. “This should always be done by students, since they use the equipment. But once, after class, the instructor rewashed everyone’s pots, since he thought some students did not wash them cleanly enough. He wasn’t angry; he just wanted to set an example. He wanted us to cherish, love and respect our place – to take ownership of our kitchen.”

Le Cordon Bleu Shanghai is slowly adapting to its new home and has begun to integrate more Chinese ideas into its curriculum. Currently, there are no Chinese instructors on its full-time staff. Tang and Luo hope that in the future, talented Chinese chefs can be invited to teach alongside the French masters. With the school beginning to incorporate Chinese ingredients such as Sichuan peppercorns and Yunnan wild mushrooms into their menus, they feel hopeful for more integration in staff and culinary traditions.
As well as working as a teaching assistant for Le Cordon Bleu, Luo also runs private catering projects. Tang, meanwhile, has an online store that sells high-end custom cakes and catered items. She says that the business is prompting her to think beyond what she learnt at Le Cordon Bleu.
“Not only do things need to taste good, but I need to think about shipping, reducing costs, and making sure things last and stay fresh,” she says. “At Cordon Bleu, we mostly learned techniques, but there’s a lot more to learn to actually do a job in the real world.”

I ask both Tang and Luo if they would go back to Le Cordon Bleu if they could do it all over again. They both unequivocally say yes. They loved their time there and value the skills learned.
But when I ask them about their goals for the next five to 10 years, both Luo and Tang laugh and say that ultimately they want do something a bit easier. “Maybe something like a Japanese beer bar, some simple food,” Luo says. “Sashimi, katsu. Late-night dining. Comfort food.”



圖文轉載自: http://news.ifeng.com/a/20180312/56678176_0.shtml

中国电力新闻网讯 通讯员黄子平 潘锐报道
在为期三天的会议中,联合国教科文组织官员及来自世界各地的专家学者在大会上发表讲话,充分讨论形成共识,即立即行动,拯救乍得湖,以恢复其生态系统,实现可持续生存、安全和发展目标。2月28日,各国政府首脑表达了一致应对乍得湖湖面减少的政治意愿,签署发表了《阿布贾宣言》(Abuja Declaration),确定执行跨流域调水的解决方案。宣言呼吁乍得湖区域、非洲大陆,乃至国际社会对乍得湖的恢复加大关注力度和支持。


Lake Chad: Can the vanishing lake be saved?

  • 31 March 2018  
圖文轉載自:  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-43500314   

                               Transaqua would cost tens of billions of dollars to build

This is one reason why the delegates in Abuja decided to dust off a scheme first mooted back in 1982 by the Italian engineering company Bonifica Spa.

It came up with Transaqua - a plan to construct a 2,400km (1,500 mile) canal to transfer water from the upstream tributaries of the mighty Congo River all the way to the Chari River basin, which feeds Lake Chad.

The study into the “Transaqua” project would be carried out by Italian engineer Bonifica and PowerChina. The two companies signed an agreement to cooperate on the scheme in Hangzhou last year.

'Deafening silence'

It proposed the transfer of up to 100 billion cubic metres (約兩條黄河) of water a year and featured a series of dams along the route to generate electricity.

At the meeting, it was agreed that Bonifica and PowerChina, the company that helped build the Three Gorges dam spanning the Yangtze River, would complete a feasibility study. They announced that the effort to raise $50bn (£35bn) for the Lake Chad Fund should begin immediately.

Bonifica says its plan will use less than 8% of the water the Congo River discharges into the Atlantic and would not be a threat to the Democratic Republic of Congo's continuing Grand Inga Dam project, which would create the world's largest hydropower generator if it is completed.

                                           Map showing the Chari River drainage basin. Source: Wikipedia

Further engineering work would be needed to enable the Chari River 沙里河是非洲中部的一條河流,長949千米,發源於中非共和國,向西北流入查德,在恩賈梅納與洛貢河匯流後沿查德與喀麥隆的邊界注入查德湖。沙里河流經的主要城市有薩爾和查德首都恩賈梅納,查德人口大多聚居河畔(Wikipedia)。to handle the increased flow of water. The project can be done in a staggered 交錯,
 way, with each completed stage immediately adding to the flow of water into the Lake Chad basin.

Other options that have been considered include one which involves pumping the water uphill from Palambo, in the Central African Republic.

As well as the funding challenge for Transaqua, there will be resistance from environmental campaigners to overcome. And even carrying out the feasibility study properly requires peace.
Chinese media has reported the transfer canal would be 100m  wide and 10m deep and would be flanked 側面 by a service road and eventually a rail line.

"It is a project which responds to the never-tackled infrastructural needs of the African continent, which maybe will give birth to a real African renaissance," says Mr Vichi, who sees all along the route of the canal vast potential for agro-processing and transforming agricultural products for African and foreign markets.
Ministers know life is likely to get ever tougher for the people who live around Lake Chad. That's why they are paying attention to the plans to bring it back to life.


 POWERCHINA attends international conference on Lake Chad

 2018-03-20   http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/20/WS5aa24e0ca3106e7dcc140b3d.html

Co-sponsored by the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and UNESCO, an international conference on Lake Chad was held in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, from February 26 to 28.

Attendees included the presidents of Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Central Africa and Gabon, the premier of Cameroon, representatives of the UN Secretary-General, the chairman of the African Union, representatives from the World Bank, African Development Bank, and Islamic Bank, and Director-General of UNESCO.

Representatives from POWERCHINA were also invited to the conference, including Tian Haihua, Deputy General Manager of POWERCHINA and Secretary of the Party Working Committee at POWERCHINA Central and West Africa Headquarters, Huang Ziping, Deputy Chief Engineer and Head of the Hydropower and Water Division, and Wang Xinhuai, Deputy General Manager of the POWERCHINA Central and West Africa Headquarters.

Officials, experts and scholars from all over the world gave speeches at the conference. During the conference, a consensus was reached that said actions should be taken immediately to solve the ecological problems and reverse the contraction of Lake Chad and achieve the goals of sustainable livelihoods, security and development.

Leaders from the participating countries showed determination in dealing with the problems of the Lake Chad Basin. On February 28, the Abuja Declaration was signed and published. It establishes a project for inter-basin transfer and calls for greater concern and support for the protection and revitalization of the area.

The Minister of Water Resources in Nigeria referred to the commission of POWERCHINA under theLCBC to carry out the basic research and feasibility study of the inter-basin water transfer project to Lake Chad. As one of the leading builders in the energy and power, water and infrastructure sectors in African, POWERCHINA expressed its good willingness and commitment to the social responsibility of African countries.

Led by POWERCHINA INTL. and implemented by POWERCHINA HUADONG, the research will consider the necessity and feasibility of inter-basin water transfer and provide a scientific basis for the project. The research team surveyed the Lake Chad in March, 2017 and the study is carried out according to the plan.

Huang Ziping also introduced China's inter-basin transfer projects exemplified by the newly completed South-to-North Water Transfer Projects.

After more than two decades of exploration, with the core plan of inter-basin water transfer project to save Lake Chad, restore its basin ecological environment in order to achieve tens of millions of the African people's survival and sustainable development. The conference set a milestone to save Lake Chad with the regional, African and international efforts. The conference has also sent a strong invitation to the African continent and the international community.

As an active participant and partner, POWERCHINA, in line with the concept of greater integration with the local societies and common development, has fulfilled its social responsibilities and served the African people. POWERCHINA became a prominent business card of responsibility at the conference.

延伸閱讀:  http://www.cblt.org/en/news/power-china-came-ndjamena-after-signing-memorandum-understanding-water-transfer

国际社会承诺为缓解非洲乍得湖盆地人道危机提供近22亿美元    https://news.un.org/zh/story/2018/09/1016822



轉載自:      https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1610659630963163260&wfr=spider&for=pc

环球网报道 记者 朱梦颖】据德国《明镜》周刊3日消息,德国外交部长海科·马斯当天在乍得湖国际会议上宣布,德国计划在2020年前,为非洲乍得湖地区的非洲人民提供1亿欧元的人道主义援助。




2018 年 9 月 4 日  轉載自:     https://news.un.org/zh/story/2018/09/1016822


水战争?埃塞在尼罗河修建非洲最大水坝 埃及或武力回应

水战争?埃塞在尼罗河修建非洲最大水坝 埃及或武力回应

2018年05月07日 参考消息  http://mil.news.sina.com.cn/2018-05-07/doc-ihacuuvu1896225.shtml

参考消息网5月7日报道 法国《费加罗报》4月23日发表唐吉·贝尔特梅的文章《尼罗河之战将会发生吗?》称,埃塞俄比亚在尼罗河上修建巨大的复兴大坝引发了与埃及的紧张关系。两国都声称对该河拥有主权。


South Sudan: Congo-Nile Canal Will Save Egypt, Avert War, Make Juba Hub of Africa

By Joe Odaby   http://southsudannews.org/south-sudan-congo-nile-canal-will-save-egypt-avert-war-make-juba-a-hub-of-african-north-south-hook-up112713
Juba, South Sudan — November 27, 2013 (SSN) …The leading South Sudanese think-tank, The Fashoda Institute of Strategic and Regional Studies, has published a strategic analysis of why and how the Egyptian Government is reviving a three-decade-old old idea — one going back to the Anwar as-Sadat Administration — to resolve the country’s acute water crisis.
Egypt is reconsidering the idea of a canal diverting waters from the Congo River into the White Nile near Juba, South Sudan, and thus markedly increasing the quantities of water which would eventually reach Lake Nasser behind the Aswan Dam. According to the Egyptian calculations, the quantities of water required to revolutionize the state of the Nile water reaching Egypt would be a minuscule 微小的 amount of the Congo’s flow.
Ultimately, the country which would be most affected by the Congo-Nile Canal project — if it could ever be implemented — would be the Republic of South Sudan.
Fashoda Institute states that Egypt’s Nile water crisis has been markedly aggravated, politically, in recent years as Ethiopia continues building the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile, which many Egyptians have claimed would reduce the flow of Blue Nile waters to Egypt: “The Ethiopian Government has said that all studies point to the reality that the impact on water flow would be minimal. The former Egyptian Government of Mohammed Morsi, however, used the charge against Ethiopia as a political distraction from the turmoil in the months leading to Morsi’s removal”.
Think-tank asserts that from Egypt’s standpoint, Ethiopia’s concurrent Nile policy goes beyond potentially affecting the quantities of Nile water available for Egypt. In 2010, Ethiopia launched the Nile Basin States Initiative and challenged Egypt’s long-held posture as the dominant authority over the use and distribution of the Nile waters. Presently, the Nile Basin Upstream States have a decisive say over the use of water in their territories. This is a national trauma for Egypt; both the Government and the people.
Initially, Cairo started preparing for a major confrontation and even war with Ethiopia over the GERD project. Both the Hosni Mubarak and Morsi administrations pursued the crisis and war options very seriously despite the domestic upheavals since 2010. Still, Cairo could not alter the profound change in the correlation of forces along the Nile. The outcome of the initial phase of the Egyptian-Ethiopian crisis demonstrated to all, in the words of French-Tunisian geographer Habib Ayeb, that “Egypt no longer owns the Nile”.
“The Congo-Nile Canal designs are being undusted as perhaps the only viable solution to Egypt’s impending plight”, writes the Fashoda Institute. “By conservative calculations, the Canal could provide Egypt with 95-billion cubic meters of water annually, almost doubling the current share of 55.5-billion cubic meters. While such a diversion of water would be dramatic for Egypt, it would represent a minuscule 微小的 quantity for the Congo River because about 1,000-billion cubic meters of Congo waters pour into the Atlantic Ocean every year.”
Most intriguing is the study, conducted by Professor Gamal al-Kalyouby of the American University of Cairo, completed in September 2013. Although Professor Kalyouby insists that his study is a pure academic endeavor, senior Egyptian defense officials suggest otherwise. Indeed, the Government’s Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority conducted the comprehensive geological, geographic, and hydrological studies which provided the data used by Professor Kalyouby in his study. Formally, however, senior officials, including Egypt’s Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Muhammad Abdel Matlab, distance Cairo from the project on the basis of a myriad 大量  of legal and financial reasons. But numerous experts concur 同意 that these excuses are quite irrelevant if not factually wrong.
According to Professor Kalyouby’s study, the best solution for delivering water from the Congo River to the Nile River is a 600km canal which would feed into the White Nile to the south of Juba, South Sudan. The water would then converge into the Nile Basin to northern Sudan and then to Lake Nasser, behind the Aswan High Dam. The Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority’s data focuses on the 600km route because there is an altitude differential of only 200 meters between the Congo and the White Nile. The technical challenge of lifting the huge quantities of water could be implemented via four consecutive water-pumping stations. Moreover, the downstream flow of the added White Nile water could be harnessed to generate 300-trillion watts of electricity per hour: the equivalent of the entire lighting needs of Africa.
The Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority’s data also points out that the road and rail infrastructure which would have to be built to facilitate and support the Congo-Nile Canal would effectively fill the gap which currently exists between the transportation infrastructure of northern Africa and that of southern Africa. Consequently, there would emerge a unified road and railway network connecting the entire Africa from Alexandria to Cape Town.
The Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority estimates that the 600km long Congo-Nile Canal could be completed within 24 months, at a price of 8-billion Egyptian Pounds: roughly $1.16-billion. This estimate includes the digging of the canal, building the four pumping stations, and all transportation and support infrastructure for the project. If correct, this cost estimate is minuscule compared, for example, to the Chinese price-tag of $25.5-billion for the Lamu mega-port complex in Kenya.
Little wonder that Cairo is quietly testing the water in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Egyptian businessman Ibrahim al-Fayoumi is known to be tacitly pursuing initial steps under the cover of his extensive infrastructure and mining projects in the DRC. Fayoumi is one of the most prominent investors in the country and also has the reputation of being extremely close to the defense and intelligence establishment in Cairo. Congolese senior officials confirmed Fayoumi’s assertion that official Kinshasa was most interested in the Congo-Nile Canal idea, given the anticipated flow of cash, as well as in return for international recognition and legitimization.
The Congolese officials added that both President Joseph Kabila and Prime Minister Augustin Matata Ponyo “support in principle the [Congo-Nile Canal] initiative”.
While Egypt and the DRC would be the prime beneficiaries of the Congo-Nile Canal project, South Sudan would be the country most affected because of the dramatic increase in the quantities of water carried by the White Nile. South Sudan has the unique Sudd wetlands eco-system which a dramatic increase in the flow of the White Nile would destroy. Therefore, South Sudan would need, at the very least, to complete and expand the Jonglei Canal in order to avoid major damage to the Sudd wetlands. The digging of the 360km long Jonglei Canal started in 1981 but was brought to a halt in 1984 by the escalating liberation war. By that time, 240km of the canal’s total of 360km had already been excavated. Presently, the thick vegetation and land erosion reclaimed much of the completed canal work. As well, South Sudan would require the construction of extensive power and transportation infrastructure in order to sustain the building of the Jonglei Canal.
Significantly, time is uniquely suitable from a security point of view.
In early October 2013, David Yau Yau, the main rebel leader in Jonglei State, responded positively to President Salva Kiir Mayardit’s recent initiative to invigorate and press for national reconciliation. For the first time, Yau Yau expressed interest in talks with official Juba and did not rule out cessation of hostilities. Yau Yau’s revolt was the primary source of the debilitating violence in Jonglei State which made any major projects impossible.
“Juba is active in the various Nile Basin organizations and groups”, points out the Juba-based think-tank. “In May 2010, Addis Ababa initiated the formation of the Nile River Basin Commission of the, then, five states of the Nile sources. The states signed the New Nile Cooperative Framework Agreement reorganizing water-management and construction projects. The treaty formed a commission to approve or reject all large-scale hydraulic projects, dams, canals, and anything else which would have an impact on the course, volume, or quality of the Nile’s waters. South Sudan was admitted as the member on July 5, 2012. On June 19, 2013, South Sudan took over the rotating leadership for 2013-14. The NILE-COM agenda for the year includes providing strategic guidance for improved efficiency and effectiveness, as well as formulate long-term work plans and complete a number of strategy and policy documents”.
South Sudan also assumed membership in the traditional Nile Basin Initiative which is comprised of all the nations along the Nile River from the Equator to the shores of the Mediterranean. On August 16, 2013, South Sudan’s Council of Ministers unanimously passed a resolution endorsing Juba’s bid to join the Nile Basin Initiative. This was the first act of the new Cabinet appointed by Pres. Salva Kiir on July 31, 2013. The Cabinet discussed and approved the framework document regarding the Nile Basin Initiative. The mere focusing on the Nile Basin Initiative in the first meeting of the new Government is a manifestation of the great importance of Nile Basin policy for Kiir’s Juba.
“Ultimately, geography plays the winning hand for Juba”, concludes the Fashoda Institute.
South Sudan could become Africa’s continental hub, a juncture of the emerging trans-African west-east route between Cameroon on the Gulf of Guinea and Kenya on the Indian Ocean which is expected to emerge in the wake of the new energy and minerals export routes, and between the possible trans-African north-south route between Egypt on the Mediterranean and South Africa’s Cape of Good Hope which would emerge should the Congo-Nile Canal become a reality.
Thus, as the current leader of the NILE-COM, President Kiir’s Juba has a unique opportunity to play an historic role in moving Africa’s water, energy, and transportation basin to the future era.

 延伸閱讀: 中國電力建設集團有限公司籌500億美元救乍得湖    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102ycce.html

Shows the height above sea level of the Nile at different points. 
Source:  http://www.mbarron.net/Nile/newbigmap.jpg

Shows the flowrate of the Nile at different times at the year.
Source:  http://www.mbarron.net/Nile/newbigmap.jpg

阿特巴拉河(羅馬化:Nahr 'Atbarah)發源於非洲東北部的埃塞俄比亞西北,塔納湖以北約50公里和貢德爾以西30公里,流經805公里,在蘇丹中北部的阿特巴拉(17.677°N 33.970°E)跟尼羅河匯合,支流特克澤河可能是阿特巴拉河的真正上游部分,因為特克澤河在匯合前的河道較長。 在尼羅河流入地中海前,阿特巴拉河是最後一條流入尼羅河的支流。阿特巴拉河在全年大部分時間與小溪無異,只在夏天雨季有大的流量。
Source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atbarah_River


The Nile, its tributaries, and the countries of the region

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_politics_in_the_Nile_Basin#/media/File:River_Nile_route.jpg

 延伸閱讀: 南水北調之十三級提水, 總揚程 65 公尺 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102xs6u.html


22 reasons for rejecting project to connect the Nile and the Congo rivers    Al-Masry Al-Youm January 20, 2015  https://www.egyptindependent.com/22-reasons-rejecting-project-connect-nile-and-congo-rivers

The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation has officially turned down a project to connect the Nile and the Congo rivers.
The ministry sent a technical report to President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb stating 22 reasons for refusing the project as follows:
1. The proposed project to transfer 110 billion cubic meters of water per year did not pass through the globally known cycle of projects from the feasibility study stage to the final report.
2. It did not specify how the water would be directed from the Congo River to the stream that will be created. Instead, it only referred to a dam that would be built on the Congo River. Also, it did not provide any hydrological information about the flow of the water at the point of transfer for a sufficient period of time.
3. It did not specify the number and longitudinal and lateral sections of the pipelines, which should be 550 pipes of a 2.0-meter diameter over a length of 600 km.
4. It would need several pumping stations to pump more than 800 cubic meters, including the waste, which would cost a lot.
5. It did not specify the number of pumping stations and their locations.
6. It did not specify the source and amount of electrical power needed for the stations, which would be more than 30,000 MW. This would be a difficult challenge because the electrical power available in Egypt is 24,000 MW.
7. It did not specify the annual cost of the energy needed to run the stations.
8. It did not specify the locations of the 18 proposed dams that would generate the hydroelectric power, their heights or their specifications.
9. It did not provide the longitudinal and lateral sections of the stream in southern Sudan, which should be 1,000 to 1,500 meters with a depth of 5.0 meters over a length of more than 1,600 kilometers until the Egyptian border. 
10. It did not provide any information about the intersections of the proposed long waterway with the numerous natural waterways in the area or specify the type of facilities required at those intersections.
11. The proposed route of the waterway in southern Sudan passes through swamps where huge amounts of water are lost. Consequently, any new surface water in this area will be lost too.
12. It did not specify the path of the waterway and its dimensions within the Egyptian border. And as the Nile River cannot absorb any additional quantities of water at the moment, a new river would be created in the Egyptian desert at a huge cost, in addition to pumping stations and many other water facilities.
13. The initial estimated cost of the major works is exorbitant. 
14. It did not provide any cadastral studies or tests for the soil to determine the path of the pipelines.
15. It did not compare the cost per cubic meter for transferring water from the Congo River to Egypt with the cost per cubic meter for a desalination of the sea water.
16. It did not specify the source of funding for the project, its financing conditions and its payment method.
17. It did not specify the risk for such a long waterway passing through geographically disparate regions and security unstable tribal areas, which was the case during the implementation of the Jonglei Canal in southern Sudan.
18. It discarded the legal dimension of the proposal, as the Congo River Basin includes several states. And it did not mention that the Congo agrees to withdraw water from its river, or that Sudan and South Sudan approve of the project, especially that the project would not benefit any of these countries.
19. There were proposals to transfer the Congo River water to Lake Chad and to Libya that the Congo had rejected because its Constitution prohibits the transfer of water out of the country without the consent of the people through a referendum.
20. Other countries may request to transfer to them part of the Nile water from Egypt by the same token if the Nile Basin countries agree.
21. We should remember that Egypt and Sudan have for 40 years failed to build the Jonglei Canal over 360 km to pass 4 billion cubic meters of water before we start thinking about transferring 110 billion cubic meters for a distance of more than 3,000 km.
22. It would be more useful to take advantage of the tremendous amount of water that is currently lost by evaporation and transpiration in the swamp area of southern Sudan, especially that there are studies about this since the 1940s that we can benefit from.



Egypts Lost Dream of Linking Congo, Nile Rivers   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102ycwl.html




圖文轉載自:  https://www.dw.com/zh/撒哈拉沙漠电能之梦/a-3407517?&zhongwen=simp




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