2016年6月20日 星期一




簡單來說,風暴潮是熱帶氣旋引致的海水上升。熱帶氣旋的風力(圖 1)是水位上升的主因,它的低氣壓(圖 2)是次因。

圖 1      風暴本身的風力引致的水位上升


圖 2      風暴的低氣壓造成的水位上升

過去一百年左右,曾有兩次風暴潮造成嚴重傷亡,一次在 1906 年,另一次在 1937 年,分別造成 15,000 人和 11,000 人死亡



看看圖 3,這幅圖根據現存數據,顯示導致香港出現最高 20 次風暴潮的熱帶氣旋路徑。紀錄保持者是 1979 年的颱風荷貝,那次在新界東的大埔滘水位上升了 3.2 米。總的來說,圖中的熱帶氣旋路徑,要不是直接或幾乎襲港,便是在香港西方或南方掠過。

圖 3      導致維港出現最高 20 次風暴潮的熱帶氣旋路徑

比較上述路徑,可見鮎魚的路徑(圖 4)頗為不同。鮎魚一直與香港維持 400 公里的距離,期間港內水位僅上升了 0.7 米(圖 5),當中有 0.5 米是與東北季候風有關。換言之,鮎魚的風暴潮實際只有 0.2 米。

圖 4      強颱風鮎魚的路徑

圖 5      10 月 21 日(星期四)正午至 10 月 22 日(星期五)午夜鰂魚涌的水位

說起來,過去東北季候風亦曾造成輕微水浸。在冬天,強烈東北季候風加上天文大潮會將水位推高 (博主註:指東北強風會引起吐露港海水倒灌),曾令港島西區上環的低窪地區出現水浸。基礎建設改善後,這個問題基本消失。

由於風暴潮可以造成嚴重破壞,香港天文台於 70 年代曾進行計算和推演,以減輕風暴潮對新市鎮的威脅。為此,位於新界東的沙田等地區在填海時便額外填高了 3 米 。(博主註ㄧ:七十年代當時可能未有考慮海平面迅速上昇因素)。


註ㄧ : Al Gore 戈爾 CCTV  Dialogue  8.7.2016 專題訪問中透露了本世紀海平面會上昇數公尺  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYGhKq0Y3_A , 届時人口最為密集的沙田和大埔會不斷有嚴重的海水倒灌需要在吐露港入口處設閘 (彷似 Thames Barrier 1982).



1. 黃梓輝、李健威,強烈季候風在香港引致的水位異常,第二十一屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會,中國,香港,2007 年 1 月 24-26 日
2. 黃永德、黃梓輝,香港的風暴潮預測,海洋災害預報技術研討會(中國北京) 2008 年 12 月 4-5 日

香港天文台 :風暴潮對沙田新市鎮的威脅


Source: Google map





註— 颱風溫黛吐露港的潮水上漲至海圖基準面以上5.2米,比正常高約3米;大埔滘的潮水更上漲至海圖基準面以上7.0米 Source: http://zh-hk.hongkong.wikia.com/wiki/颱風溫黛。

天文台前助理台長梁榮武提醒,本港今次是好彩,妮妲路徑稍偏移,足可掛10號波,威力勁如1962年的超強颱風「溫黛」。1962 年溫黛襲港期間,造成130人死亡,53人失蹤 2016年08月03日 http://paper.hket.com/article/1475587/妮妲威力遜 稍偏移足勁如「溫黛」?itc=10000


星島日報 – 2013年6月29日



香港天文台: 2009颱風黑格比在香港引起的風暴潮個案研究  黃永德 黃梓輝 

全球暖化令水位 上升(香港過去55 年水位上升約13 厘米),與黑格比相連的風暴潮湧至香港時剛巧遇上天文高潮,兩者的疊加作用下加劇了水位上升,使香港多處地方遭受海水淹浸。2008年9 月23 日晚間至9月24 日清晨,鰂魚涌錄得的最高水位達3.53 米,是自1962 年9 月颱風溫黛襲港以來的最高記錄。大埔滘錄得的最高水位為3.77 米,是自1979 年8月颱風荷貝襲港以來的最高記錄。利用SLOSH 模式進行模擬試驗,我們發現如果黑格比的移動路徑再靠近香港80 公里,大埔滘的最高潮位可高達5.7 米,鰂魚涌則4.5 米.


香港天文台 :風暴潮對沙田新市鎮的威脅

過 去一百年左右,曾有兩次風暴潮造成嚴重傷亡,一次在 1906 年,另一次在 1937 年,分別造成 15,000 人和 11,000 人死亡。香港天文台於 70 年代曾進行計算和推演,以減輕風暴潮對新市鎮的威脅。為此,位於新界東的沙田等地區在填海時便額外填高了 3 米 博主註一:七十年代當時可能未有考慮海平面迅速上昇因素) 1979 年的颱風荷貝,那次在新界東的大埔滘水位上升了 3.2 米。


註ㄧ : Al Gore 戈爾 CCTV Dialogue 8.7.2016 專題訪問中透露了本世紀海平面會上昇數公尺 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYGhKq0Y3_A届時人口最為密集的沙田和大埔會不斷有嚴重的海水倒灌需要在吐露港入口處設閘 (彷似 Thames Barrier 1982).


香港天文台: 2009年颱風黑格比在香港引起的風暴潮個案研究

香港天文台: 2009颱風黑格比在香港引起的風暴潮個案研究  黃永德 黃梓輝 

全球暖化令水位 上升(香港過去55 年水位上升約13 厘米),與黑格比相連的風暴潮湧至香港時剛巧遇上天文高潮,兩者的疊加作用下加劇了水位上升,使香港多處地方遭受海水淹浸。2008年9 月23 日晚間至9月24 日清晨,鰂魚涌錄得的最高水位達3.53 米,是自1962 年9 月颱風溫黛襲港以來的最高記錄。大埔滘錄得的最高水位為3.77 米,是自1979 年8月颱風荷貝襲港以來的最高記錄。利用SLOSH 模式進行模擬試驗,我們發現如果黑格比的移動路徑再靠近香港80 公里,大埔滘的最高潮位可高達5.7 米,鰂魚涌則4.5 米.


英國基督教救助會研究:2060年大洪災 全球十億人受害

2060年大洪災 全球十億人受害

http://www.christianaid.org.uk/Images/act-now-pay-later-climate-report-may-2016.pdf  研究全文)

2016-05-16  〔編譯陳正健/綜合報導〕英國基督教救助會(Christian Aid)最新研究指出,在2060年以前,全球將有十億人深受洪災之苦,其中又以美國、印度和中國受害最深,氣候變遷是導致世紀洪害的主要原因。
研究作者道伊格(Alison Doig)指出,南方的巨型城市(mega-city)例如加爾各答,當地居民最有可能因海平面上升以及雨量增加,受到生命的威脅。


The Japanese mayor who was laughed at for building a huge sea wall - until his village was left almost untouched by tsunami

Updated: 01:32 GMT, 14 May 2011
The huge sea wall and floodgates took 12 years to build and had been widely regarded as a £20million folly. But today one former Japanese mayor is being hailed as a saviour after the grandiose construction allowed his small town escaped the devastation wrought by the March 11 tsunami.
In the rubble of Japan's northeast coast, Fudai 岩手縣普代村 stands as tall as ever after. No homes were swept away. In fact, they barely got wet.The 3,000 residents owe their lives to the late Kotaku Wamura, who lived through an earlier tsunami and made it a priority of his four-decade tenure as mayor to defend his people from the next one.
The 51-foot-high gate, which was criticised as being a wasteful public works project in the 1970s, protected the town from the tsunami
The 51-foot-high gate, which was criticised as being a wasteful public works project in the 1970s, protected the town from the tsunami
The floodgate project was criticized as wasteful in the 1970s. But the gate and an equally high seawall behind the community's adjacent fishing port protected Fudai from the waves that obliterated so many other towns.                                          

Since the tsunami, residents have been visiting his grave to pay respects.
'It cost a lot of money. But without it, Fudai would have disappeared,' said seaweed fisherman Satoshi Kaneko, 55, whose business has been ruined but who is happy to have his family and home intact.
Two months after the disaster, more than 25,000 are missing or dead.
'However you look at it, the effectiveness of the floodgate and seawall was truly impressive,' Fudai Mayor Hiroshi Fukawatari said.
Fudai Junior High School students clean their tennis court after the tsunami- but compared to other towns, they escaped relatively unscathed thanks to the sea wall pictured in the background
Fudai Junior High School students clean their tennis court after the tsunami- but compared to other towns, they escaped relatively unscathed thanks to the sea wall pictured in the background
Towns to the north and south also braced against tsunamis with concrete seawalls, breakwaters and other protective structures. But none were as tall as Fudai's.
The town of Taro believed it had the ultimate fort - a double-layered 33-foot-tall (10-meter-tall) seawall spanning 1.6 miles (2.5 kilometers) across a bay. It proved no match for the tsunami two months ago.
In Fudai, the waves rose as high as 66 feet (20 meters), as water marks show on the floodgate's towers. So some ocean water did flow over but it caused minimal damage. The gate broke the tsunami's main thrust. And the community is lucky to have two mountainsides flanking the gate, offering a natural barrier.
Fudai, about 320 miles (510 kilometers) north of Tokyo, depends on the sea. Fishermen boast of the seaweed they harvest. A pretty, white-sand beach lures tourists every summer.
But 10-term mayor Wamura never forgot how quickly the sea could turn. Massive earthquake-triggered tsunamis flattened Japan's northeast coast in 1933 and 1896. In Fudai, the two disasters destroyed hundreds of homes and killed 439 people.
'When I saw bodies being dug up from the piles of earth, I did not know what to say. I had no words,' Wamura wrote of the 1933 tsunami in his book about Fudai, 'A 40-Year Fight Against Poverty.'
Even current Mayor Fukawatari, who helped oversee construction, had his doubts
Even current Mayor Fukawatari, who helped oversee construction, had his doubts
He vowed it would never happen again.
In 1967, the town erected a 51-foot (15.5-meter) seawall to shield homes behind the fishing port. But Wamura wasn't finished. He had a bigger project in mind for the cove up the road, where most of the community was located.
That area needed a floodgate with panels that could be lifted to allow the Fudai River to empty into the cove and lowered to block tsunamis.
He insisted the structure be as tall as the seawall.
The village council initially balked.
'They weren't necessarily against the idea of floodgates, just the size,' said Yuzo Mifune, head of Fudai's resident services and an unofficial floodgate historian. 'But Wamura somehow persuaded them that this was the only way to protect lives.'
Construction began in 1972 despite lingering concerns about its size as well as bitterness among landowners forced to sell land to the government.
Even current Mayor Fukawatari, who helped oversee construction, had his doubts.
'I did wonder whether we needed something this big,' he said in an interview at his office.
Japanese soldiers pray for tsunami victims. Two months after the disaster, more than 25,000 are missing or dead.
Japanese soldiers pray for victims. Two months after the disaster, more than 25,000 are missing or dead
The concrete structure spanning 673 feet (205 meters) was completed in 1984. The total bill of 3.56 billion yen was split between the prefecture and central government, which financed public works as part of its postwar economic strategy.
On March 11, after the 9.0 earthquake hit, workers remotely closed the floodgate's four main panels. Smaller panels on the sides jammed, and a firefighter had to rush down to shut them by hand.
The tsunami battered the white beach in the cove, leaving debris and fallen trees. But behind the floodgate, the village is virtually untouched.
Fudai Elementary School sits no more than a few minutes walk inland. It looks the same as it did on March 10. A group of boys recently ran laps around a baseball field that was clear of the junk piled up in other coastal neighborhoods.
Their coach, Sachio Kamimukai, was born and raised in Fudai. He said he never thought much about the floodgate until the tsunami.
'It was just always something that was there,' said Kamimukai, 36. 'But I'm very thankful now.'
The floodgate works for Fudai's layout, in a narrow valley, but it wouldn't necessarily be the solution for other places, Fukawatari said.
Fudai's biggest casualty was its port, where the tsunami destroyed boats, equipment and warehouses. The village estimates losses of 3.8 billion yen ($47 million) to its fisheries industry. One resident remains missing. He made the unlucky decision to check on his boat after the earthquake.
Wamura, who died in 1997 at age 88, left office three years after the floodgate was completed.
At his retirement, Wamura stood before village employees to bid farewell: 'Even if you encounter opposition, have conviction and finish what you start. In the end, people will understand.'

"Even if you encounter opposition, have conviction and finish what you start. In the end, people will understand."
-Kotaku Wamura   


  Kotaku在海堤修好后第三年退休。1997年,88岁的他去世。  http://news.sohu.com/20110516/n307596283.shtml