2017年5月4日 星期四

海水淡化 RainMaker 現况報告

What is the status of Rain Maker?
We continue to modify Rain Maker to make it smaller and more efficient. Because of the scale of the project, we don’t want to release a substandard product. In the meantime, we’ve developed two other water solutions: one is for brackish water, and one is for greywater. We are currently in the testing phase, and expect to begin piloting all three water products sometime in 2017.

How much will one Rain Maker unit cost?

We’re still refining the prototype, so don’t have an estimate of cost that we’re able to release at this time.

If red tape is preventing the Rainmaker from being implemented in communities, why not go after large corporations that can use the technology?

We’re actually doing just that. There are several companies and universities that have expressed interest, and with whom we’re in conversation.

Is the salt byproduct that Rain Maker produces harmful to the environment?

The distillation process Rain Maker uses is no different from how the sun evaporates ocean water to form rain clouds: Fresh water is produced, and salt is left behind. The amount of fresh water created in both instances, however, is inconsequential compared to the volume of the ocean. That said, we commit to ensuring that if Rain Maker is used for desalination, the salt will be returned to the ocean in a manner that creates no negative impact on the marine environment. If Rain Maker is used for cleaning contaminated water, the salts, minerals, and pollutants left behind will be in a semi-solid state, and can be disposed of safely and efficiently in a land-based waste facility.

What type of power source is required to run the Rain Maker?

Rainmaker runs on 240V/480V 3-phase systems, and is designed to operate with generators so it can be run in very remote areas without a power grid.

Can the Rain Maker clean wastewater from the fracking 

頁岩氣廢水 process?
Yes it can, but the degree to which the water is purified depends on the contents of the wastewater. Rain Maker has not been tested on fracking wastewater to date.

Does Rain Maker remove lead, and could it be a solution to the water contamination crisis in Flint, Michigan?

The answer is both yes and no. The results of Rain Maker’s first round of testing in fall 2015 showed that it is effective at removing lead from contaminated water. However, the current problem in Flint is not an issue of the source of the water being contaminated, which is the scale at which Rain Maker could potentially help. Rather, it’s an issue of water infrastructure, where the pipes bringing water into homes have become corroded and are leaching lead and other toxins into the water. Rain Maker wasn’t designed to address water delivery issues.

Isn’t water one of the main ingredients of 5-hour Energy? Would Manoj consider using Rainmaker water to produce 5-hour?

Yes, that’s the plan.


美國官僚文化窒礙RainMaker面世 https://billionsinchange.com/solutions/water/
The first solution was the RainMaker for desalination, a machine that could convert ocean water into fresh water using a process that mimics how the sun evaporates seawater to form rain clouds. Unfortunately, some of the bureaucratic barriers associated with desalination were unavoidable, and deployment of RainMaker has stalled because of regulations and permitting requirements. So while this machine is still an option for the future, Stage 2 has turned its attention to the other RainMaker devices(見頁首二幅圖), which can be used immediately.

                                      https://billionsinchange.com/frequently-asked-questions/#water          31/5/2018

鳕(鰵)魚對歐洲的貢獻 In Cod We Trust

Source:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cod_fishing_in_Newfoundland

昔日 (1497 - 1994, 共 497 年)之捕鱈勝地: 紐芬蘭島至鱈魚角(紅點)

Source: Google map
博主補充:  捕鱈魚為生和崇尚宗教有無直接聯系? 
In cod we trust = In God we trust?

1983 研究報告指出英國漁民的死亡率是一般製造業從業人員的 二十倍以上 150頁, Mark Kurlansky <<鱈: 一条改變世界的魚 Cod: a biography of the fish that changed the world>>臺北, 新雨 1999.  無論捕魚怎樣現代化, 在巨浪滔天的大西洋打魚撈蟹仍然是歐美高死亡率的一種生計(参考: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1757794/pdf/v061p00016.pdf   , 搜索大量影片: Alaskan crab fishing講述阿拉斯加捕蟹漁民在驚濤駭浪中不眠不休, 連續多天進行高強度勞動, 不慎失足落水更是很難獲救.)

歷史上 (十七世紀至1930 年代前) 在大西洋捕捉歐洲, 紐芬蘭近岸鱈魚是危險而辛苦的, 只需用二人划小艇, 趁二月至四月冷暖海流交匯, 海面濃霧瀰漫時出海,  在大浪與嚴寒中用生命豁出去把魚捕回來 146. 二十世紀漁船採用蒸汽機之前, 划艇捕鱈是一場性命攸關的賭博,  賠光了便用上足夠的宗教活動去紀念和崇拜, 漁民傳统便如此一代一代傳承下去.  電影<<阿甘正傳>>主角出海捕蝦失敗即前往教堂祈福. 

1830 - 1900 年之間, Gloucester , Massachusetts 人口只有 15,000,   在海上失蹤的漁民總數有 3,800 人, 比 1812 美洲戰爭的死亡人數還多 1.7 倍 149頁

冬天的時候, 冰島漁場常常吹著每小時97公里的暴風 201頁, 在高地上等待家裡的男人從海上歸來的婦女親眼看到漁船被巨浪吞噬的情形 183 頁

在西班牙有個巴斯克人的城市叫畢爾包, 由於當地的鐵工業可以提供歐洲國家船隻上的錨及其他鐵製品, 歷史學家 Samuel Morison 统計出該地曾更換 1,530 至 1,600 艘的沉船. 可見歐洲人的野心顯然遠遠超前於他們的技術.  為了紐芬蘭這個新漁場, 船難或失蹤好像家常便飯一樣地稀鬆平常 73頁

1692 年, 當那個惡名昭彰的判決法庭 Court of Oyer and Terminer成立之後 , 曾經懷疑數百名婦女具有妖術, 並且把其中的十九人吊死, 這個法庭就是以鱈魚為徽章的 96頁  

1497 John Cabot 發現紐芬蘭有豐富的鱈魚後, 往後四百年漁民依然使用和當年相同的方法捕魚 161 頁.  1918 年開始, Bath, Maine 才開始用蒸汽機拖網作業, 歐洲三十至年 165頁.  1928 拖網漁船開始用油引擎.  二次世界大戰期間, 有冷凍設備的大馬力拖網漁船開創了海上工厰的時代 173頁

新英格蘭把鱈魚看成是一種具宗教性的魚, 那是因為這種魚為那裏的人賺進不少跟宗教有關的財富.  民間傳說是耶穌使鱈魚大量繁殖用以供養彌撒的 58頁  那些因十七世紀的鱈魚漁業而致富的鱈魚貴族成員更是公然地以鱈魚為財神的膜拜象徵, 鱈魚也經常出現在公家的徽章上 104 頁

美國南北戰爭後北方開始工業化, 鱈魚貿易漸漸低靡而促成工業建立.  鱈魚貴族由新興的工業階級所取代 137頁 

今天鱈魚由於稀缺使到價格上揚, 比豬肉貴而成為一種海鮮類食品(非鹽醃). 快餐店的魚柳飽(鳕, 明太鱼 Alaska pollock), 英國的炸魚薯條便是鱈魚做的.  1830 年倫敦的猶太人開始油炸鱈魚銷售, 十年後人們便開始搭配着薯條一起吃至今 248 

西班牙擁有歐洲共同體中最龐大的艦隊, 魚的消費量又是冠軍, 共同體給予的漁獲配額卻越來越少. 各國經濟海域的劃分使到西班牙人和葡萄牙人只能在國際公海捕魚  218 頁.   七十年代英國人認為西班牙捕了太多的鱈魚,  酸溜溜的以 fox in the chicken coop 形容之.

太平洋鱈魚是不同品種的魚, 牠的肉較不值錢, 並且壽命不超過十二歲, 捕獲的量不多. 太平洋捕青鱈 Pollack為主 238頁.  亞洲的漁民出海前有沒有向上天祈福? 傳統上是有的, 電視也經常看到前往三沙市的漁民有祈福.  中国c919大型客机 C是China. 第一个“9”的寓意是天长地久,“19”代表的是中国首型大型客机最大载客量为190座. 
In The Yankee Cook Book (1939), Imogene Wolcott relates another story about why the cod is sacred.

She claims that when Jesus performed the miracle of the loaves and fishes (五餅二
) to feed the multitudes, he did so using a codfish. The light colored markings found on the cod today are the impressions left by Jesus's fingers and thumb.

Note the white stripe caused by Jesus's touch

Source:   http://newenglandfolklore.blogspot.hk/2011/08/jesus-likes-codfish-satan-likes-haddock.html


The first original NH insignia for the colony of New Hampshire showed the state's primary resources, cod fish and trees  
Source: http://www.seacoastnh.com/history/rev/seal.html

Source:  search Newfoundland stamp cod https://hk.images.search.yahoo.com 

Source:  search Newfoundland stamp cod https://hk.images.search.yahoo.com 

The Trinity Congregational Church, Gloucester, Massachusetts   https://www.pinterest.com/puhiava/architecture-churches/

博主分析: 教科書上說中國是農耕文化, 歐洲是農牧文化.  現在才知道歐洲應該是捕魚(鱈)文化才對.  歐洲沒有大草原但有大西洋和波羅的海(極多鯡魚herring, 生吃為主, 英国煤熬供應有限,  全部供應大鱈魚鹹魚工業還未足夠, 小小鯡魚只能煙燻保存 smoked kipper www.kipper.co.uk ).  中世紀每年齋戒ニ百天吃的是鱈魚乾 (鹽醃或北歐風乾). 美洲(西印度群島)種蔗奴隸吃的也是鱈魚乾, 那就是今天澳門, 葡萄牙, 西班牙, 西印度群島, 美味佳餚馬介休 Bacalhau 現今西方工業國典章制度多由北歐漁民 Vikings 流傳, 如陪審團, 三權分立等, 有電影專門說明之.  從漢薩同盟 (捕鯡魚, 12世紀 - 1669), 到發現美洲新大陸, 漁民都擔任着主要角色. 

参考:  Mark Kurlansky <<鱈-改變了世界的魚的故事 Cod: a biography of the fish that changed the world>>臺北, 新雨 出版社 1999 (71頁指出在中世紀的歐洲, 食用的魚約有百分之六十是鱈魚, 就連之後的兩百年左右也仍維持這樣高的比例. 43 頁指出美洲新大陸由西班牙巴斯克 Basque 鱈魚漁人早於哥倫布發現. 由於他們喜歡守秘, 故不為人所知,  後來不列塔尼人 Bretons 偷偷地跟縱才被發現 39 頁.  十八世紀結束時, 新英格蘭地區和紐芬蘭地區每年各有約兩萬兩千噸的鱈魚輸出(歐洲和美洲)量, 但是冰島卻連一千噸都不到.  大部份的冰島人都是農民, 但是許多人在ニ月到四月期間捕鱈魚賺外快, 這些收入比他們用其他時間務農所賺的錢還要多.  英國人曾在十五世紀用穀物來交換冰島的魚 182頁.  他們英國人只願意吃正統的鱈魚, 不是藍鱈, 不是黑線鱈, 更不是比目魚 205頁) 希臘帖撒羅尼迦 Thessaloniki 炸(鹽醃鱈)魚薯條是受ニ戰英國駐軍炸(鮮鱈)魚薯條的影響.

為什麼歐洲這麼需要買東方的香料?  1682 年皇家漁業局 Royal Fishery 的一位會計 John Collins 曾經在 <<鹽與漁業>>一書中寫道 : 至於魚肉的品貭呢? 大多數都有魚臭味.  那是一定的, 要是當初沒有先用鹽醃過或沒有完全晾乾, 這種魚臭味就沒辦法去除了! 76 頁.  法國以北的國家太陽不能曬鹽, 只能風乾, 煙燻或少用鹽(煤熬出來的英國鹽成本高).

延伸閱讀: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collapse_of_the_Atlantic_northwest_cod_fishery
 Tyler Cowen <<An Economist Gets Lunch, 中午吃什麼?>>臺北早安財經文化有限公司 2013 一書更建議在西班牙改吃異國料理換換口味, 不必再吃一輪過鹹的西班牙小菜, 生火腿切片和 bacalao (鹹鱈魚乾), 因為西班牙有很多南美洲和拉丁美洲的移民和餐廳, 在那裡吃得比美國同樣餐廳好, 價格也很便宜 272頁 

In Cod We Trust


轉載自: http://www.nytimes.com/1996/01/28/magazine/food-in-cod-we-trust.html

中文請參考: http://www.guokr.com/article/154574/

Years ago, when the cold weather put a crimp(使起皺) in the family larder (a room or place where food is kept, lard 是豬油, larder 是存放猪油的櫃), the Portuguese people of New England would rely on cod, the fish they called fiel amigo, or faithful friend  忠實的朋友. Indeed, while other more delicate species headed south for the winter, cod stuck around, eating to its heart's content at the bottom of the North Atlantic.

Source: Google map

Once, the waters from Newfoundland to Cape Cod (地圖上紅點) teemed (湧現) with cod. The explorer Giovanni Caboto(John Cabot)(1450年–约1499年),是意大利的航海家、他于1497年受英格兰国王亨利七世的委托出海,发现了北美洲) regaled (款待) his British patrons with tales of an ocean so rich that cod could be caught by simply lowering a weighted basket into the water(497 年後的 1994 鱈魚已經是捕撈殆盡了, 加拿大在大西洋的漁場全部關閉 224頁). Cod was Massachusetts's first industry and the source of its early wealth. Serious fortunes were made from the export of salt cod and the manufacture of cod liver oil.


So indebted were the people of Massachusetts to the "beef of the Atlantic" (revenues from cod paid for the sea war against England) that a carving of the fish hangs in the Massachusetts House of Representatives  
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Cod  . 現今議會裡還懸掛着那條神聖木雕大鱈魚 1784.

Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/denniswright/3009242289/sizes/l/

  "Good old Boston," goes the ditty (a short, simple song), is "The home of the bean (著名食品為 Boston Style Baked Beans with molasses 糖蜜, Boston Beaneaters (1893 - 1906, baseball 球隊))  and the cod/Where the Lowells talk to the Cabots/And the Cabots talk only to God."

     一般人感恩節沒有大火雞, 烹一條大鱈魚全家吃一頓
               In cod we trust = in God we trust?

Cod and God were often equated in Europe, where dried salt cod became a staple (主食) of Lent (40天大齋戒) and other fast days, with the French eating morue, the Spanish bacalao and the Scandinavians lutefisk. Here, however, cod descended to a secular low. Those who couldn't afford a big bird on Thanksgiving had Cape Cod Turkey: boiled whole cod,  boiled potatoes and trimmings (修剪下來的蔬菜). 
Today, when people eat a dish like this, they do it as much for memory as for nourishment.  Face it, cod's very sturdiness (雄壯) and abundance, what it was once revered (崇敬,敬畏) for, resulted in its social decline. 

歐洲和波士頓靠吃鱈渡過困難的日子, 一旦富足了便貪新忘舊

The Cabots may have made their money from cod, but once they ascended the upper reaches of Boston society, cod was too common a fish for the likes of them. Until recently, it was the rare fine restaurant that celebrated its lean firm flesh and forgiving flake (薄片).
Atlantic cod is a member of a long extended family, but is often confused with nonrelatives. A. J. McClane's Encyclopedia of Fish Cookery describes the Atlantic cod (which can grow up to 211 pounds but is generally harvested at a fraction of that size) as the standard-bearer. Often, any pint-size white fish is passed off as scrod (鳕鱼的幼鱼), which is technically a small Atlantic cod. Black cod, an unrelated sablefish, and blue cod, a cabezon, add to the general confusion.

Haddock (黑線鱈), hake (狗鱈,無鬚鱈) and pollock (阿拉斯加鳕鱼和明太鱼) are members of the clan, but because they taste different than the standard-bearer, they cook differently as well. Which is not to prevent you from exchanging one family member for another in the recipes below -- affability (和藹可親) is a cod family trait. Almost any member of the clan will be flattered by butter and cream, by olive oil, herbs, lemon or tomato. It is a family that takes its comfort however it is offered; I've never met a cod hurt by boiling, broiling, deep-frying, sauteeing, baking, stewing or steaming.

冬季是鱈魚當造, 便宜而豐腴(音如)的滋味暖萬家

But let's be truthful here: the Atlantic cod outshines the rest of the brood (一窩孵出的雛雞) in taste and texture no matter what the season. Winter, however, is its shining moment. More abundant than its relatives, cod will be caught closer to home, and that means a fresher taste of the sea.



Cod With Mustard-Cracker Crust
4 4-ounce cod fillets 1 teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper to taste 8 teaspoons Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 cup cracker crumbs.
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Sprinkle the cod fillets on both sides with salt and pepper. Stir together the mustard and cumin and rub the mixture all over the cod. Coat the fillets in the cracker crumbs and place on a baking sheet. Bake until the fish is cooked through, about 15 minutes.
2. Preheat the broiler. Place the fish under the broiler just until browned, about 45 seconds. Divide the fillets among 4 plates and serve immediately.
Yield: Four servings.

Cod Smothered With Wild Mushrooms
1 teaspoon olive oil 2 1/2 cups cubed wild mushrooms 1 clove garlic, peeled and minced 2 teaspoons salt Freshly ground pepper to taste 3 tablespoons chopped Italian parsley 1 cup mushroom broth 3 teaspoons fresh lemon juice 4 4-ounce cod fillets.
1. Heat the olive oil in a large, nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the mushrooms and cook, stirring occasionally, for 2 minutes. Add the garlic and cook for 30 seconds longer. Stir in 1 teaspoon of salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of parsley and mushroom broth. Simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
2. Season the cod with 1 teaspoon of salt and pepper. Drizzle with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Place the fillets in the skillet, spooning the mushroom liquid over the top. Reduce the heat to medium-low and braise until the fish is cooked through, about 6 minutes. Place 1 cod fillet on each of 4 plates and spoon the mushroom sauce over the top. Sprinkle with the remaining parsley and serve immediately.
Yield: Four servings.

Cod in Red Wine Sauce
2 teaspoons unsalted butter, cold 1 teaspoon olive oil 4 4-ounce cod fillets 4 shallots, peeled and minced 2 cups red wine 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons port 1 teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper to taste 2 teaspoons chopped Italian parsley.
1. Heat 1 teaspoon of the butter and the oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the cod and saute just until cooked through, about 2 minutes per side, turning the cod carefully with a wide spatula. Remove the cod to a plate and keep warm.
2. Place the shallots in the skillet and saute until softened, about 1 minute. Add the wine and cook, stirring and scraping the bottom of the skillet with a wooden spoon, until reduced by half, about 5 minutes. Stir in the vinegar and port. Cook for 1 minute longer. Cut the remaining teaspoon of butter into small pieces and whisk it into the sauce. Season with the salt and pepper. Strain.
3. Spoon the sauce into the center of 4 plates. Top with a cod fillet and sprinkle with parsley. Serve immediately.
Yield: Four servings.

Cod With Sweet-and-Sour Tomato Sauce
1 teaspoon olive oil 2 small onions, halved and thinly sliced 2 1-pound cans plum tomatoes, drained (liquid reserved) and finely chopped 1/2 teaspoon grated orange zest 3 tablespoons fresh orange juice 2 tablespoons Madeira 1/4 cup raisins 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon honey 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons salt Freshly ground pepper to taste 2 tablespoons toasted slivered almonds 4 4-ounce cod fillets 2 tablespoons minced scallions.
1. Heat the olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add the onions and turn the heat to medium-low. Cook until completely wilted and browned, about 10 minutes. Add the tomatoes, 1/2 cup of the reserved liquid, orange zest and juice, Madeira, raisins, vinegar, honey, cinnamon, salt and pepper. Simmer for 25 minutes.
2. Stir in the almonds. Place the cod in the skillet and cover with the sauce. Simmer until just cooked through, about 10 minutes. Carefully transfer the fillets to plates using a wide spatula. Spoon some of the sauce over the fish, sprinkle with the scallions and serve immediately.
Yield: Four servings.

Cod Stew With Tomatoes, Kale And Chorizo
6 ounces chorizo, thinly sliced 3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced 1 small onion, peeled and chopped 8 cups stemmed and torn kale 5 large red potatoes, cut into 1/2-inch chunks 1 28-ounce can plum tomatoes, drained and coarsely chopped 2 cups water 1 1/2 teaspoons salt Freshly ground pepper to taste 4 4-ounce cod fillets.
1. Heat a large pot over medium heat. Add the chorizo and cook until browned, about 5 minutes. Add the garlic and onion and cook until soft, about 5 minutes. Stir in the kale, potatoes, tomatoes and water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring twice. Uncover, raise the heat slightly and cook for 20 minutes longer. Stir in the salt and pepper.
2. Place the cod over the liquid, cover and simmer until just cooked through, about 5 minutes. Using a wide spatula, carefully transfer the fillets to shallow soup bowls. Spoon the stew over the cod and serve immediately.
Yield: Four servings.

Cod and Potato Stew With Oven-Dried Tomatoes
The tomatoes:
2 teaspoons rosemary oil 1/2 teaspoon orange oil 14 medium-size plum tomatoes, core end cut off, halved lengthwise 1/2 teaspoon salt Freshly ground pepper to taste The stew:
2 teaspoons olive oil 1 medium onion, thinly sliced 2 large cloves garlic, peeled and thinly sliced 2 medium carrots, peeled and finely chopped 1 large rib celery, finely chopped 1 1/2 cups white wine 3 cups water 1 bay leaf 2 sprigs fresh rosemary 2 medium baking potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced 1/2 jalapeno, seeded and minced 1 pound cod fillets, cut into 1 1/2-inch chunks 2 teaspoons salt Freshly ground pepper to taste.
1. To make the tomatoes, preheat oven to 200 degrees. Combine rosemary and orange oils in a small bowl. Using a pastry brush, coat both sides of the tomato halves lightly with oil mixture. Place skin-side down on a large baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
2. Bake the tomatoes until they shrink to about 1/4 of their original size, about 4 to 6 hours; they should remain soft and juicy. Let tomatoes cool on the baking sheet. Cut them in half crosswise and set aside.
3. To make the stew, heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the onion, garlic, carrots and celery. Reduce the heat to medium-low and cook, stirring often, for 10 minutes. Stir in the wine, water, bay leaf and rosemary. Add the potato slices. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 25 minutes. Stir in the tomatoes and jalapeno and simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes. Add the cod and simmer just until cooked through, about 3 minutes. Divide among 4 bowls and serve.
Yield: Four servings.

博主補充:  鱼為主和崇尚宗教有無直接聯系? 1983 研究報告指出英國漁民的死亡率是一般製造業從業人員的十倍以上 150頁 (Mark Kurlansky <<鱈魚之旅 Cod: a biography of the fish that changed the world>>臺北, 新雨 1999 ). 無論怎樣現代化捕魚, 打魚撈蟹在今天的歐美仍然是最高死亡率的一種生計.  

歷史上(十七世紀至1930 年代前)捕捉歐洲近岸鱈魚是危險而辛苦的, 只需用二人划小艇, 趁二月至四月冷暖海流交匯, 海面濃霧瀰漫時出海,  在大浪與嚴寒中用生命轄出去把魚捕回來的 146頁. 二十世紀之前, 漁人捕魚是一場性命攸關的賭博,  輸光了便用上足夠的宗教活動去紀念和崇拜.