2017年9月19日 星期二



轉載自:  商务部  2016-02-12  http://www.in-en.com/article/html/energy-2244454.shtml 






2017-09-19    新华网   http://www.china5e.com/news/news-1003094-1.html


Source: 2017-09-14 国家能源报道 陶镜羽 www.china5e.com/news/news-1002602-1.html   



Source: Google map

博主補充: 須說服當地人為什麼不能採用以下低成本太陽能光伏布局 (理由是會影響地中海水貭, 除非將排水用 1,000公里管道輸送往摩洛哥入海, 與此同時, 附近的阿爾及利亞  Chott Melrhir 低地 (海平面下 40 公尺6,700平方公里)也有機會利用同一管道, 見下圖紅點):   


Source: Google map

突尼斯低成本太陽能光伏布局 :

於海口處設全日水力發電, 引地中海水入傑里德大鹽湖 Chott el Djerid 低地 (海平面下 10 至 25 公尺, 7,000平方公里). 日出即由光伏陣列發電提低地之水上附近地面巨大貯水池.  水池滿溢後水倒流入低地發電, 同一池水循環再用多次. 地中海入口處只容許進水.  排水方面, 地面貯水池有 1000 公里密封管道通往摩洛哥入海.  設計水體循環若干年一次, 避免水質因蒸發而過鹹,  類似的工程還有附近阿爾及利亞  Chott Melrhir 低地 ( 見上圖紅點) 摩洛哥鹽盤 Tah 工程計劃,  智利 Valhalla.cl  (2017年內開始建造),  死海,  埃及 Qattara 低地等等.  

撒哈拉熱帶沙漠 (少於 20% 是沙漠, 其他是岩漠 hamada)  若有設施如海水管道,  加上海水淡化可容納大量移民. 大規模綠化沙漠之下, 管道出口可設於摩洛哥, 西撒哈拉二國分界處出海.

 為什麽要用 1,000 公里管道而不用運河?  因為長運河涉及龐大管理(如風沙之移除), 須避免停電維修.


Wikipedia 記載摩洛哥 2008 已有類似計劃 (風力提水):

摩洛哥 Hybrid Sebkha 鹽盤 Tah Project 工程計劃: 

Source: Google map

海邊 Tah 鹽盤低地位於摩洛哥與西薩哈拉分界(虛)線上

Hybrid Sebkha  Tah Project 

One project plans to link the high wind potential of the Tarfaya region with the difference in altitude between the ocean and the sebkha  to produce electric power on demandThe water pumped into the ocean would feed hydraulic turbines before arriving in the sebkha Tah 55 meters below. Part of the energy produced by the wind, when it is available, is used to drive pump driving back to the ocean water stored in the basin.   


鹽沼 塔赫 sebkha 位於最南端 摩洛哥 在該地區 Laayoune-Boujdour-Sakia el Hamra 附近的城市 塔法亞。該海盆位於海平面以下55米處,是該國最低點。距離有14公里大西洋,長30公里,寬10公里,面積為250平方公里。 Source: Wikipedia

Source: http://moroccanenergy.blogspot.com/2013/03/sabkha-tah.html

Giant Tunisian desert solar project aims to power EU

04/08/2017 轉載自 : http://www.climatechangenews.com/2017/08/04/giant-solar-project-tests-sahara-eu-power-export-dream/

Developer TuNur this week applied for authorisation to build a massive solar plant on the edge of the Tunisian Sahara, with undersea grid connections to Europe
TuNur is proposing a series of concentrated solar plants like Spain's Gemasolar, here pictured from the historic Solar Impulse round-the-world flight in July (Pic: Solar Impulse)
By Megan Darby
There has been talk of tapping into the Sahara desert’s vast resources of sunshine to power Europe for years, but little to show for it.
The high-profile Desertec initiative, conceived with 19 shareholders and a budget of €400 billion, flopped 撲通落下 amid cost concerns and political instability across North Africa.
Now a massive project in Tunisia is hoping to be the first to make the solar power export dream a reality. Developer TuNur this week filed a permit request to the energy ministry to build 4.5GW of capacity near Rjim Maatoug, in the southwest of the country.
The electricity generated is destined for Europe, with cables under the sea to Malta, Italy and France.
If all goes smoothly, TuNur chief executive Kevin Sara told Climate Home a first 250MW phase, with a connection to Malta, could be running by 2020, for an estimated €1.6 billion investment.
Report: Conflict-hit Syrian hospital goes solar to save lives
The business case rests on Tunisia’s bountiful sunshine – up to 20% more than the best sites in Europe, according to TuNur – and vast area of uncultivated land. EU climate and clean energy goals create demand.
TuNur plans to use concentrated solar power technology, which works by reflecting the sun’s rays onto a central tower from an array of mirrors. Using molten salt to store the energy, it can flex 顯示力量 generation to meet variable demand. The initial 250MW plant would already be one of the largest thermal solar facilities on earth.

(Source: TuNur)

If fully realised, the development would cover 25,000 hectares, nearly three times the area of Manhattan. “There is so much land, which is completely marginal land – it is not good enough for agriculture,” said Sara. “It is just sitting there and the local people are delighted that we are coming to do something with it.”
In 2014, Tunisia became the third country in the world to ink climate protection into its constitution. That was followed by a renewable energy law in 2015.
Political hurdles remain. TuNur lobbied hard to get provision for exports included in the clean energy legislation, against resistance from the state electricity monopoly. This is its first test case.
The Tunisian energy ministry did not respond to an emailed request for comment.
“This was really the will of the parliament that the renewable energy export industry be opened up,” said Sara. “We are cautiously optimistic.”
Report: Tunisia embeds climate change in constitution
The TuNur project is 50% owned by UK-based company Nur Energie and 50% owned by investors from Tunisia and Malta.
Some north Africans are wary of the whole enterprise. In a 2015 critique of the Desertec initiative published in the New Internationalist, Algerian activist Hamza Hamouchene accused its proponents of neo-colonialism.
“The Sahara is described as a vast empty land, sparsely populated; constituting a golden opportunity to provide Europe with electricity so it can continue its extravagant consumerist lifestyle and profligate 肆意揮霍 energy consumption,” he wrote.
“This is the same language used by colonial powers to justify their civilizing mission and, as an African myself, I cannot help but be very suspicious of such megaprojects and their ‘well-intentioned’ motives that are often sugar-coating brutal exploitation and sheer robbery.”
The TuNur export project was being discussed while Tunisians faced power outages 停電 and relied on neighbouring Algeria for energy, he added.
But Sara said people in the region were supportive of the project. Indeed, he argued building a solar industry would help redress the inequality between Tunisia’s wealthy coastal cities and underdeveloped interior. “What we want to do is really create a [solar export] sector and other people to follow us.”
press release announcing the application to the government cites Mohamed Larbi Ben Said, chair of the management board for El Ghrib Collective, which owns the land. “This project provides the economic development necessary for our region and our community; it gives true value to quasi-desert lands in an environmentally sustainable way,” he said.
TuNur was associated with the Desertec Industrial Initiative, but Sara expressed confidence in avoiding its fate: “What we found [with Desertec] was a big consortium of companies looking for business opportunities, but no plan, no projects. That was the problem. We have always been focused on a very specific project on a specific site.”