2018年11月24日 星期六


16-05-2017         圖文轉載自: http://www.sev.fo/Default.aspx?ID=193&Action=1&NewsId=2921&PID=392

After extensive preparation and studies, SEV is developing a tangible plan for the green course. It is a flexible plan that can be amended in the event of unexpected technological and financial developments on the way towards the ultimate goal of making the Faroe Islands 100% green by 2030

SEV announced its plans to reach 100% green energy on shore in the Faroe Islands by 2030, when the company officially opened the Húsahagi wind farm on 9 October 2014.

The Government agreed with the green course in the coalition agreement in 2015, laying a very strong foundation for the green course for both SEV and the Faroe Islands as a whole. The prerequisites for embarking on the green course are hereby met.

The wind farm at Húsahagi is, with its revolutionary battery system, which in terms of minutes and seconds balances the energy output to the grid, the first concrete step on the green course. The battery system enables higher yield from wind energy.

– This is breaking new ground in energy production and all effort will be put into finding the optimal technical solutions for sustainable energy sources in the Faroe Islands. Still, further ground-breaking solutions are required to reach the target, says Terji Nielsen, SEV’s Manager of Development.

Terji Nielsen is leading the work to prepare a tangible plan for the green course, and the following details some aspects of the plan that Terji Nielsen and others are preparing.

The choices to be made between the different technologies and solutions have to be based on environmental impact, economical viability, and security of supply.

One example of a road map is shown in figure 1 below. The figure shows that total energy demand in the Faroe Islands increases both due to normal economic growth and due the changes in energy usage, which is envisaged within domestic transport and heating when the switch from oil and petrol to electric energy takes place in years to come. Electric energy demand is expected to increase from around 350 GWh in 2017 to around 600 GWh by 2030.

Figure 1.

The tangible long-term plan will be a combination of the available energy sources in the Faroe Islands and various energy storage options, yet will also have flexibility built in to adapt to changes in technology and financial circumstances.

One of SEV’s greatest challenges in the future will be to ensure a balance between demand and production. The challenge grows with increasing production from unstable sustainable sources – such as wind, hydro, and solar. It is therefore important to develop systems to secure a balanced, sustainable production every hour of the day, all year round, while maintaining security of supply.

In the short term, the thermal plants – such as Sund power plant – will secure supply and balancing the grid, when supply from green sources is insufficient. With developments in technology, the green sources in conjunction with energy storage will be able to take over the security of supply from the thermal plants for longer periods of time, such as in the summer period.

Wind energy
The Faroe Islands are surrounded by plentiful and unstable winds, and the average annual wind speed exceeds 10 m/s in several locations. Energy production from wind is unstable and closely correlated to the changeable weather patterns in the Faroe Islands. The challenge is that wind alone cannot be the sole source of supply, rather the wind needs to be coupled with more stable production sources, such as hydro.

Wind farms are easily and quickly built, as well as being an inexpensive form of production, and more energy from wind is certainly a part of the plan. This will most likely happen in conjunction with energy storage that can store excess wind energy, and then release the stored energy onto the grid, when wind production is low.

Aside from the fact that wind energy production is unstable in the very short term – minutes and seconds – there is also great variation across seasons – summer and winter. From experience we know that wind energy production in June and July is only a quarter of the production in December and January. The summer period is therefore a challenging time for wind production.  (博主註: A wind farm typically requires wind speeds of at least 6.4 m/s at 50m above ground).

The Faroe Islands are also rainy. Ever since the first hydroelectric plant started production on 18 July 1921, hydro energy has been a very important part of Faroese energy production.

But like wind, hydro is dependant on the weather. Again our experience shows that there is a great difference between summer and winter production, such that the production in a summer month can be as little as 15% of a winter month.

Despite the large seasonal variations in Faroese hydro production, hydro is still a very stable and secure production source when reservoirs are full. This type of production plant runs for many years after the initial investment in turbines, dams, and tunnels. Some of the hydro plants in the Faroe Islands are from the mid-fifties and the sixties, and with on-going maintenance they will continue to produce electricity for many more years.

The summer is, as earlier stated, a challenging time for hydro production. SEV aims to fill reservoirs before the summer period to provide backup production capacity in the event of a breakdown on one of the thermal plants.

Solar power is not presently used in the Faroe Islands, but this will most likely change as the cost of solar plants has reached a level to make them interesting and viable for a small island community in the North Atlantic.

A solar plant in the Faroe Islands will naturally not measure up to the production from a plant in more sunnier climates, yet it is interesting to look at how such systems perform in the Faroe Islands with the limited sunlight available – and not least how such systems stand up to the harsh weather conditions on the islands.

There are two primary reasons for solar being an interesting option in the Faroe Islands. One reason is the steadily decreasing cost of solar technology, which has fallen by more than 75% since 2006. This decrease means that solar will in time be a less expensive form of production than thermal.

The other reason is the seasonal interaction between wind, hydro, and solar, whereby the greatest solar energy potential is during the summer, when less is available from hydro and wind, see figure 2 below for an illustration. Another advantage with solar systems is that they are quick to build and come on-line, and there is very little maintenance once installed.

Figure 2.   黄線為太陽能時段time藍線為雨量 mm, 綠線為風速, 紅線為抽水蓄能

Tidal turbines are a new and exciting technology. There are several large enterprises around the world currently developing the technology. Commercial availability, though, is anticipated to take a further 5-10 years.

On a global scale, experts have estimated tidal energy potential to 80 GW, and around the Faroe Islands the potential is a total of 1GW, of which 15-20% can be reasonably utilized, equal to 150-200 MW. In comparison, the current maximum demand in the Faroe Islands is 45 MW. Although there are very large amounts of tidal energy flowing around the Faroe Islands, the drawback with tidal energy is its variability and direction of flow.

On the other hand, the major advantage is that tidal energy is available all year round, and the strength and direction of flows is entirely predictable.

The inherent stability of tidal energy is therefore a great advantage when compared to the instability and weather dependency of hydro, wind, and solar. An added advantage in the Faroe Islands is the time difference between peak flows in the different sounds, which means that by installing turbines at different locations, tidal energy is always available from at least one of them.

Tidal energy is not weather dependent, and is therefore an energy source available all year round.

Interaction between energy sources
Precipitation and wind speeds decrease as we enter the summer period, but sunlight increases towards the month of May, which is the best month on average in terms of hours of sun. Tidal power is much more stable, and while the output is variable, it is available throughout the year.

The Faroe Islands are very well situated to take advantage of sustainable energy sources, and with well-planned and considered investments, these varied sources can be brought to interact through the seasons.

Wind and hydro can be the mainstay of winter production, and excess production stored by pumped-storage systems to fill reservoirs, which will supplement wind and hydro during the summer months.

Although tidal power is variable, it is predictable compared to the other sustainable sources, and it is not unthinkable that tidal energy will be an important part of total energy production as we near 2030. By employing a mix of the aforementioned sustainable sources along with storing energy in batteries and pumped-storage reservoirs, the Faroe Islands can become independent from oil in 2030.

Energy storage
An electricity system in the Faroe Islands based on sustainable sources which all are variable in time and strength, will entail a large excess production at times, such as a winter’s day with rain, wind, and strong currents. At other times, such as on an overcast, dry, and calm day, the sustainable sources will be insufficient to meet demand.

The changing weather conditions therefore require an energy storage system, that can save energy from times of excess production for use in those periods when sustainable sources are not sufficient to produce green energy.

The requirement is for long-term storage with the ability to store significant amounts of energy to be used in periods, when production from hydro and wind is low – especially the summer months of May, June, and July.

海水抽水蓄能There are not many ways to store such large amounts of energy. The most obvious solution is a pumping system where fresh or seawater is pumped up into reservoirs using excess green energy. When the energy is required, the water will be released to a turbine, which will produce the necessary energy.

Economy and technology
Regular review and adaptation of the tangible course are necessary to make use of advances in technology while also considering the economic viability going forward. Great advances have been made in solar energy production in recent years, with improvements in both yield and cost. As solar is a relatively new technology, care has to be taken to implement the best solution, but this is true also for other sustainable sources, such as with tidal.

The work to reach 100% green energy on shore in the Faroe Islands by 2030 is based on three main principles. First, the security of supply must be maintained unconditionally, and second, all investments must be financially viable, and third is the consideration for the environment. To make the right decisions at the right time is crucial on the green course.

The tangible plan for the green course is a flexible project with the aim to securely and with great care to select the best and least impacting green solutions for the Faroe Islands.

伸閱讀 : https://d2oc0ihd6a5bt.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/837/2018/06/Romain-Gouttefangeas-Wind-and-Li-ion-energy-storage-on-the-Faroe-Islands.pdf

 The Faroe Islands Are Getting Europe’s First Lithium-Ion Battery Directly Supporting Wind

The groundbreaking system from Saft will help the islands integrate more wind and phase out diesel.


圖片轉載自: https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/5.1%20The%20Faroe%20Island%20-%20Solutions%20for%20integrating%20a%20large%20share%20of%20renewables-%20Anders%20Birke%20-%202015.pdf

      The Husahagi Wind Farm (13 turbines)  Source: Google map

                                                                  The Neshagi Wind Farm  (3 turbines)    Source: Google  map

                                                                                         The Neshagi Wind Farm  (3 turbines)    Source: Google  map

    Lake Myrarnar (Vestmanna), belongs to SEV (the Faroese energy supplier) for hydropower.   (3 turbines)    Source: Google  map


主註: 佛德角用的是丹麥維斯塔斯Vestas風車.  片集The Island Diaries http://islanddiaries.knowledge.ca/islands/Cape-Verde  指出2020 佛德角將以風力達致全綠電 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qsb4I4WXSg     搜索  Ashden Award: Cabeolica, Cape Verde, Wind-powered energy security

維德角共和國(葡萄牙語:República de Cabo Verde),簡稱維德角,是一個位於非洲西岸的大西洋島國。它橫跨大西洋中部的10個火山島,距離西非海岸線570公里。獨立前是葡萄牙的殖民地,國名「維德角」在葡萄牙語意為「綠角」。人口約50萬,其中四分之一的人口居住在首都普拉亞。 國內生產總值(購買力平價)人均6,691美元 , 國內生產總值(國際匯率)  人均3,057美元 Source: Wikipedia  . 該國漁民打的都是大魚 https://www.capeverdeislands.org/fishing-in-cape-verde

             Cape Verde’s goal is 100% renewable energy by 2025. Why it may just do it

How The Wind Brought Ana Monteiro Back To Cabo Verde

 Ann Brown  轉載自: http://www.avontade-tours.com/index.php/2018/05/19/how-the-wind-brought-ana-monteiro-back-to-cabo-verde-2

Ana Monteiro knows a thing or two…or three…about the world. She was born in Cabo Verde but has lived in many, many places, giving her a unique global view. “My mother worked for the UN and was transferred to many countries for work. I didn’t go with her to all of them, but I ended up living in the New York, Duala (Cameroon), Lisbon, Plymouth (UK), Worcester (US), San Francisco, and Praia (Cabo Verde),” she says.

Monteiro’s international upbringing has also given her insight into various social and environmental challenges facing the world. This insight has made her want to make a difference, and she is doing so as a scientist in her ancestral homeland, Cabo Verde. Monteiro works at wind energy concern Cabeólica where she is head of its Environment, Social and Administrative Department. Currently, Cabeólica has 30 turbines, providing 22 percent of Cape Verde’s electricity needs.
Cabeólica has made a major impact not only in Cabo Verde, but it has become a project admired worldwide. The company won a 2013 winner of the Ashden Award, the world’s leading prize for green energy. In 2011, it earned the Best Renewable Project in Africa Award at the Africa Energy Awards.
Monteiro talks energy and more with A Vontade Tours.

Q: When you came back to relocate in Praia, what prompted that decision? 
A: It was in 2008. I had finished my masters in Environmental Science and Policy with a focus in renewable energy at the University of Clark in Massachusetts, and had gone on to do an internship at the San Francisco Department of Environment for a year. During my internship, I was looking for a permanent job when I came across a renewable energy project in Cape Verde that interested me. The project was still in the development phase and I sent my resume to the developers, who were based in the UK, and I was hired as a junior developer and came to Cape Verde to start my new job.
Q: What prompted you to enter your field? 
A: It wasn’t my first choice. I wanted to be a marine biologist but I applied late to the college that at the time was one of the best in the UK for Marine Biology (Plymouth University). By the time I applied, they had filled up their vacancies for that course but asked me to join their Environmental Engineering and Science program, which they said I could take for a year and then transfer to Marine Biology. But I ended up preferring to continue with that course. During my year there I became very interested in climate change which then exposed me to renewable energy and that’s what I ended up focusing on. I went on to become interested in environmental policy and went on to do my masters in Environmental Science and Policy again with a focus on renewable energy and conducted my MA thesis on the potential of renewable energy in Cape Verde.
Q: Please explain your title and what you do? 
A: I spent roughly three years as a junior developer for of the renewable energy project, which became the Cabeólica Project. I then transferred to Cabeólica following the establishment of the company and have held the position of Head of Environment and Administration ever since.
In a nutshell, I develop and implement the company’s Environmental and Social Monitoring programs. I managed the project’s integration into the UNFCCC Clean Development Mechanism and now implement the CDM Monitoring Program as well as guarantee compliance with UNFCCC requirements and coordinate the company’s carbon credit sales. I am also responsible for the implementation of a quality standard system within the company; responsible for overall training and capacity building within the company, as well as coordinate other functional areas such as Health and Safety and Marketing.
Q: What have been the pluses of working in Praia? 
A: The pluses for me start with the fact that I am at home and closer to my immediate family. I also came to like the small town feel that permits you to build close and meaningful friendships quickly. Another great plus is the fact that, due to a number of things, there is time to do many things. You can go to the beach during your lunch break, camp on a deserted island, go whale watching, see your friends every day, scuba dive, participate in a carnival, etc., all in an effortless and inexpensive manner. And of course the weather is always nice — even during the rainy season it’s nice.
Q: Why do you feel CV is so far ahead in alternative energy? 
A: I think the traditional renewable energy methods such as wind, solar and hydro are currently so much a part of electricity production, especially when talking about wind in Cape Verde, that they are no longer alternative–it is part of the current norm. I would say that the country is ahead in terms of renewable energy penetration because Cape Verde, as a country, has a very clear and concise idea of where its future energy will come from. The country seeks sustainability and for a country that only has renewable sources of energy, it is evident for us that this is the path.
When the Cabeólica project came along it had huge support of the government and the people. The partners that came together to create the project that propelled Cape Verde into large scale renewable energy, provided the essential ingredients for a successful project which are: government will, technical know-how, capital to fund it, high standards and transparency.
Having already implemented a successful project, gave Cape Verde incentive to envision adopting methods to further exploit the abundant renewable sources. It helps that our size and energy demand allowed for a 30-turbine project to provide more than 20 percent of the country’s entire electricity demand.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about living in Praia?
A: The people.