2018年3月1日 星期四


2017年年底,全世界的石油化工行业的专家学者、政府部门、大石油公司高管等,聚集一堂,讨论石油的前景,化石燃料到底还能活跃几年——2018国际能源发展高峰论坛在北京举行。此次论坛可谓石油行业的一次盛会,吸引了能源行业的权威专家丹尼尔·耶金Daniel Yergin、欧佩克秘书长穆罕默德·巴尔金等能源行业的多名大腕闻达。 





航运交易公报  2018-02-22 轉載自 http://solar.in-en.com/html/solar-2302146.shtml

  据TechNews 报道,世界上第一批装备太阳能硬帆的货船将同时利用风和太阳能为动力,并准备进行为期12——18个月的海上试航,日本再生能源开发商 Eco Marine Power(EMP)正在估算一艘船的硬帆能提供多少推进力、以及航运路线上可能获得多少太阳能量。
  据介绍,EMP开发一种称为“Energy Sail”的硬帆,帆上嵌有太阳能电池板,能承受海上强风,如果海上气象太过恶劣也可以把帆的高度降低避免毁坏;船舶靠港时,太阳能板会持续为发电机提供转换自太阳能量的电力。
  安装在船舶甲板旋转支柱上的“Energy Sail”硬帆由高强度碳纤维制成,EMP目标为结合远洋货船作业,这种太阳能硬帆专门设计应用于航运,从大型散货船、滚装船到小型警卫巡逻船、渔船都可安装。


EnergySail  Source: http://www.ecomarinepower.com/en/energysail

Wind & Solar Power for Low Emission Shipping!

The patented EnergySail is revolutionary rigid sail device designed by Eco Marine Power that allows ships to harness the power of the wind and sun in order to reduce fuel costs plus lower noxious gas and carbon emissions. The patented EnergySail is unlike any other sail - it can be used even when a ship is at anchor or in port and has been designed to withstand high winds or even sudden micro-bursts.

EnergySail® - not just a sail!

The EnergySail can be fitted with a range of renewable energy technologies such as solar panels or wind power devices. It is a truly unique renewable energy platform specifically designed for shipping that can be fitted to a wide variety of vessels from large Capesize bulk ore carriers and RoRo vessels to naval and coastguard patrol ships. The EnergySail is the ideal solution for ships with wind assisted propulsion or sail assisted propulsion.

EnergySail Patent Image. Japan Patent: 6020995
A variation of the EnergySail that is suitable for Unmanned Surface Vessels (USV's) and smaller ships such as passenger ferries or fishing vessels is also being developed. The EnergySail can be configured to suit the operational profile of a vessel. For example the number & type of solar panels can be changed or a variety of other equipment can be installed.
This means the device can be configured for a particular type of ship, for the route the vessel operates on and/or the operational profile or mission profile of the vessel.
This makes the EnergySail a truly flexible platform for renewable energy technologies as a means to lower airborne emissionsincluding greenhouse gases (GHG) and facilitate the move towards more environmentally friendly ships.
The flexible nature of the EnergySail design will also allow for it to be upgraded during the life-cycle of the ship it is fitted to so that newer technologies can be incorporated as they become available such as more efficient solar modules or panels.
It has also been designed so that it will require little maintenance and be robust enough to withstand the harsh conditions of an operational life at sea.
Although the EnergySail has primarily been designed for Eco Marine Power's Aquarius MRE System other applications for its use are also being studied.
It could be for example used as a stand-alone unit on a cable laying vessel, coastal tanker or oceanographic ship. In addition a simplified version of the Aquarius MRE System including a modified EnergySail could be utilised on a range of smaller vessels.
An alternative version of the EnergySail could also be used horizontally.
An example of how the EnergySail could be incorporated into a modern ship design is the Aquarius Eco Ship. This low emission - sustainable ship design concept includes an EnergySail array and other technologies that solar & wind power can be used to reduce fuel consumption and lower noxious gas emissions on commercial ocean going ships.

EnergySail - Key Features

  • Flexible design. Can be upgraded and modified after installation if required.
  • Automatic positioning via computer control system.
  • Can be integrated with other systems and equipment on-board ships via control system architecture.
  • Designed to be safe, robust & reliable. Multiple layers of safety are incorporated into the design.
  • Can be lowered and stored when not in use.
  • Suitable for a wide range of ships and vessels.
  • Pathway to low emission & low carbon shipping!

EnergySail by Eco Marine Power









“除了熔融盐之外,人们还通过导热油作为介质利用太阳能,”王福家介绍,利用光热是江苏丰海新能源工程技术有限公司进行海水淡化的方式之一。“也是通过抛物线形的聚光镜将太阳能聚到集热管中,管中流动的是导热油,而不是熔融盐,通过热油将海水蒸发冷凝后实现淡化。”  轉載自: https://www.china5e.com/news/news-1021956-1.html      博主註: 此法已早在南澳大利亞生產西紅柿多年, 規模愈造愈大  http://www.sundropfarms.com/sundrop-system/