2017年1月31日 星期二



幾年前在香港免費電視頻道看過一套電影詳細介紹了現在發達工業國家很多典章制度是源出自北歐海盗, 如陪審團判案, 三權分立, 放棄阿拉伯菜餚之金色香甜追求北歐著重牛油及食材原味, 又如今天日常消費的北歐牛油曲奇, 傢具連鎖店, H&M 時裝, 沃爾沃, 乃至諾貝爾獎. 因此若設中原文化為農耕文化, 歐洲則為北歐漁業南下殖民化和農牧文明工業化. 沿着殖民化和工業化的方向去理解近代史會很有收獲.

博主分析: 怡和洋行公司標誌乃蘇格蘭國花——薊花, 一旦蘇格蘭成功加入歐盟,  這間顧佣着三十萬香港人的公司将呈現更多北歐特色.

The Impacts Vikings Had On Europe?

轉載自: Donald C, a History teacher B.A. in History. 9 years agohttps://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080618173925AAzlyv8

1. Political Impact: 
The Vikings travelled to many places in their longboats, and as the raided 燒殺殖民, 
南貨北運 they forced many formerly isolationist states to make feeble little alliances. Later, as they became more traders than raiders, they were to travel down the rivers and seacoasts to found new trade towns, that eventually became cities. 
A good example of this is when they travelled down the Muscovy River, and founded Rus, and the trading post that would become Moscow. Their attacks on Britain and Ireland, along with their eventual settlement and integration into the British cultural mix, would ensure that a more independent, not affiliated with Rome and the Catholic church, would eventually develop. Their cultural heritage is still evident in the north of England, where most of their influence was strongest. 
In the lands that later became Holland, they mixed with the Batavians 
巴達維亞人, and created a particularly financially motivated, sea-faring people. Iceland and Greenland were originally founded by Vikings.  A part of the Imperial Guard of the Byzantine Emperors were Vikings. 

2. Religious Impact: 
Vikings had their own religion, that of the very masculine and warlike Pantheon of Aesgard, with Odin, Thor, Freia, and Loki. 
They despised the "weak" religion of Christians, and helped again to ensure that the Roman catholic form of Christianity did not take firm hold in the North of Europe. Later, when they became Christian, this had to be done as a careful compromise and mixing. We see proof of this mixing with the calendar days. Wednesday "Odin's Day", Thursday "Thor's Day", and Friday "Freia" Day. 
Preference for local church authority and traditions, over distant Roman control, was to grow into a movement much later, in northern lands, that was early protestantism. 

3. Technology: 
The longboats and their superior methods of construction were to lead to better ship construction in other lands, as other northern countries tried to copy, but not as well, these remarkable ships. These ships, given large enough size, were the first craft to reliably be able to cross large expanses of ocean, including the North Atlantic. 
Viking weapons were made from higher temperature forges
 鍛造, thus also creating stronger steel This would also lead to a lasting smithy tradition in the northern countries, which created better arms. Traces of this can be still found in the steel mills of modern Europe, like the Krupp steelworks which made German weapons during the First and Second World Wars. 

4. Cultural: 
Look to to answer on religion. 
5. Military: 
Their contribution was the seaborne raider, and the formations they created while fighting numerically superior forces. One cannot discuss military without mention of the "Berserker". In an attack where the Vikings were heavily outnumbered, one or a few of the Vikings would simply declare that "Today is a good day to die.", and prepare for a bloodthirsty, suicidal assault. His arms and legs would be tied off tightly, to prevent him from dying to quickly due to injuries, and allowing him to fight on, only slowly bleeding to death. A Berserker's reward for his sacrifice was the belief that 2 Valkyrie maidens would then descend from Aesgard, to take him to Valhalla (The great hall where Odin and the other gods sit, and be seated to the left of Odin, his seat place depending on the bravery or number of enemies he has killed). 

6. Language: 
North German, Batavian (Early Dutch), Danish, Swedish, Finn, Norwegian, and English all have been influenced or can be directly attributed to the language of the Vikings. Beowulf 
貝奧武夫英雄敘事長詩 is an example of this language, as it is somewhere between Danish and Ancient Briton/Saxon. Many Danes had settled in Britain, and the Royal houses of both Viking lands and Britain were closely intertwined. The Normans who invaded England in 1066 under William the Conqueror were actually descendents of "Norse" men. The Saxons of Germany and Harald Hrothgar, the defending King of England at Hastings in 1066, were related or descendants of Vikings. Anglo-Saxon is a direct result of the Vikings. 

7. Economic: 
The trade routes established by the Vikings were maintained by the later dutch, which was to result, later, in the Dutch Trade Hegemony. For hundreds of years, world trade was to be mainly conducted from dutch ships. 
Other factors that would have a later effect would be in their contributions to exploration. Markland and Vinland were abandoned, and not properly recorded so as they were not credited with being the first Europeans to discover America. Some things though, did live on. The Viking sagas 
長篇敘述 of exploration were given to exaggeration, and most people didn't believe them, but they did reach the ears of other Europeans. It has been a matter of great deliberation, as to whether Columbus had seen the "Vinlandia" map, before getting his idea to sail across the Atlantic.