2018年7月28日 星期六


北方戈壁沙漠風沙吹得勁, 種下的小苗一晚便給埋了.  舊輪呔橫豎沒用, 也多得很, 不妨放在戈壁沙漠作擋風欄柵. 古巴行, 咱們也行.  

古巴圖文資料來源:  http://www.rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/exploringtheedibleplanet2/episode/513195        (有片)

古巴頻密下雨,  用大輪呔墊高來預防洪水沖走農作物.


 The basic components from which tires are constructed include pigments, chemicals, more than 30 different kinds of rubber, cord fabrics and bead wire. 

Manufacturing Process:
The process of building tires begins with the mixing of basic rubbers with process oils, carbon black, pigments, antioxidants, accelerators and other additives. Tires are formed on machines and heated at over 300 degrees Fahrenheit for 12 to 25 minutes. 

Petroleum Products Used:
Petroleum products account for approximately 22 percent of the materials used in the average tire. This equates to between 5 and 10 gallons of petroleum products, usually crude oil, natural gas or other hydrocarbons.  Source: https://thegrownetwork.com/are-old-tires-or-treated-wood-safe-in-gardening


A scientist at Plant and Food Research says toxic chemicals can leach out of the rubber.
Brent Clothier, a production scientist at Plant and Food Research, responded:
I wouldn't recommend growing food in unlined car tyres.
They are typically made of (relative weights) natural rubber (100); zinc oxide (3) and stearic acid (5) as activators; carbon black (50) as reinforcer; process oil (5) as self-adhesion; antioxidant (1); accelerator (0.5); and sulphur (2.5) as vulcanising agent.
Also during their original use they pick up, on the outside, hydrocarbons from the road surface and emissions from cars. Lining would be prudent, if not essential.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has no worries about tyres being used for containing vegetable gardens, but tyre mulch or ash is a definite no-no as the zinc is more readily leached out and can make the soil toxic.
One study of the soil under a 10-year-old tyre dump in the UK showed elevated soil cadmium, lead and zinc concentrations, and these decrease exponentially with distance away from the pile.

Where large numbers of tyres have been burnt, nothing grows.

We have raised gardens at home made out of treated timber, and I made plastic linings to separate the wood from the soil inside.
In most treated timber it's the CCA (copper, chromium & arsenic) that leaches out. Arsenic is the most mobile.
A 2011 study (Environ Health Perspective, 2011 Jul 1; 119(7): 989–996) showed that of standard new plastic items a large percentage leached traces of chemicals having detectable estrogen activity. A few parts per billion may be detrimental to young mammals.
Send questions to Ask-A-Scientist,  email questions@ask-a-scientist.net  Source: https://www.stuff.co.nz/science/76438466/ask-a-scientist-can-i-grow-vegetables-in-old-tyres

                                                           Source:   科威特的沙塵暴   www.rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/sciencewithyou/episode/513365


博主猜測:  西班牙人口4,642萬, 佔地50萬平方公里,  有冠軍電池 Grabat Energy   https://www.grabat.es/en
現時一般地區太陽能已能與火電同價, 西班牙則可能比火電更低, 已經能夠給歐洲帶來能源獨立,  或者要告別撒哈拉太陽能了.  歐洲各國的人喜歡南下在西班牙買渡假屋, 用西班牙電和電池也就是可接受的了.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_energy_in_the_European_Union#/media/File:SolarGIS-Solar-map-Europe-en.png


圖文轉載自:  http://en.rfi.fr/europe/20180728-france-portugal-spain-build-undersea-power-line

(L-R) French President Emmanuel Macron, Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez at the Energy Interconnections Summit in Lisbon on July 27, 2018. PATRICIA DE MELO MOREIRA / AFP

The three countries agreed Friday to build a power line in the Bay of Biscay (紅點)with the aim of integrating electricity links between the Iberian Peninsula and Europe.

After a meeting in Lisbon, leaders from the three countries announced a deal to finance construction of a power line nearly 300 kilometres long in the Bay of Biscay linking south-west France to northern Spain.
The European Commission said in a Friday statement that it will invest 578 million euros in the power line, “the largest ever awarded to an energy infrastructure project” by the EU.
The statement adds that the power line “will double by 2025 the exchange capacity between France and Spain”.
Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa called the Bay of Biscay line "a very important step” at a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Friday.
The Iberian countries hope the power line will allow their domestic energy companies to have a larger share in the EU electricity market. Just six percent of Spain’s electricity is currently interconnected with the EU, according to the European Commission, which has set a target of 15 percent for the coming years.
Renewable energy boost
Leaders from the three countries said the Lisbon deal also aims to increase renewable energy production and lower carbon emissions.
Portugal is one of the EU’s “leading countries in renewables”, according to the European Commission, with “more than half of electricity consumption” supplied by sources like hydro and wind since 2014. The country has also seen cases of “renewable power production surpassing total electricity consumption”.
The deal is part of the EU’s broader energy transition, according to Macron, who reiterated on Friday that France aims to close its coal plants by 2022.
Natural gas and EU energy sovereignty
In addition to the two natural gas pipelines linking the Iberian Peninsula to France through the Pyrenees mountain range, Madrid and Lisbon would like to be build another pipeline in Catalonia, the semi-autonomous region in Spain's northeast.
However, Reuters has reported that a study commissioned by the EU found the proposed pipeline in Catalonia would not be economically viable due to the projected high costs – three billion euros in total.
For France, the project’s budget is cause for concern. But Macron said he was open to developing natural gas and potentially building more pipelines, if “gas consumption in Europe remains significant”.
Building more pipelines in Europe would further the EU’s goal of increasing its energy independence.
According to the European Commission, the bloc imports 69 percent of its natural gas. In 2017, 37 percent was imported from Russia, and nearly 20 percent from Algeria and Qatar.

延伸閱讀: 西班牙的太陽能產業  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power_in_Spain

西班牙東南部本納斯沙漠 (280 平方公里):




由於資產貶值、營運衰退、財務支出增加,西班牙能源及工程大廠Abengoa去(2016)年大虧76億6,200萬歐元,較2015年財損多出6倍,於股東會宣布將出售其美國子公司AtlanticaYield、汽電共生廠A3T、燃氣複合循環發電廠Norte III及在墨西哥之Zapotillo水道以支付公司重整衍生之新債務。未來亦計畫出售其在墨西哥之複合循環發電廠A4T、西班牙Trajo醫院、迦納及印度清奈之海水淡化廠、南非太陽能電廠Khi及Xina Solar One、阿爾及利亞之太陽能-燃氣複合電廠Hassi R'Mel及海水淡化廠。轉載自: https://www.greentrade.org.tw/zh-hant/purchasing_info/西班牙能源大廠abengoa將出售美國及墨西哥資產-0

European Commission - Press release

European solidarity on Energy: Better integration of the Iberian Peninsula into the EU energy market

Brussels, 27 July 2018

In the presence of the European Commission, the Prime Minister of Portugal António Costa, the President of France Emmanuel Macron, and the President of the government of Spain Pedro Sanchez will meet in Lisbon today to strengthen their regional cooperation in the framework of the Energy Union.

Leaders will take stock of the important progress achieved in better integrating the Iberian Peninsula into the internal energy market and will formally agree on ways to strengthen the regional cooperation between Spain, France and Portugal.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said: "Today's event shows the value of European solidarity and regional unity. By agreeing on steps forward to complete the energy interconnections between France, Portugal and Spain and ways to enhance our regional cooperation, we are strengthening the security of energy supply across Europe, and delivering on our promise to make Europe number one on clean energy and renewables. The world looks to us for leadership in these turbulent times. Let's show just how much unity can achieve.”

Commissioner Miguel Arias Cañete said: "This summit will showcase the commitment of the Juncker Commission to get the hardware of the Energy Union built on the ground and make a difference. A solid and resilient energy infrastructure is also essential to encourage regional action in new areas, such as renewables and energy efficiency. This will help us deliver on our Paris Agreement commitments. I am particularly pleased by the signing of a grant agreement for the power line crossing the Bay of Biscay, the largest investment in energy infrastructure under Connecting Europe Facility ever awarded. It is good for Spain and Portugal, good for France, and good for Europe”.

Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete will be present on behalf of the Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. The Vice-President of the European Investment Bank Emma Navarro will also attend the meeting.

Since the Juncker Commission took office, the integration of the Iberian Peninsula into the internal energy market has been a priority. By supporting the construction of the necessary infrastructure, the EU's goal is to end the energy isolation of this part of Europe, whilst improving energy security, giving consumers more choice, and spurring economic growth and jobs. These interconnections are also essential for renewable energy sources to thrive and make Europe world number one in renewable energy.
Underlining the EU's willingness to complete the Energy Union and fulfil its commitments under the Paris agreement, the leaders will sign the Lisbon Declaration that clearly sets out the way forward. It builds on the Madrid Declaration from March 2015 which launched the integration process and set up a High Level Group chaired by the Commission to steer progress. A grant agreement for the power line crossing the Bay of Biscay totalling €578 million, will also be signed at the occasion. It will be the largest Connecting Europe Facility investment ever awarded to an energy infrastructure project. With 280 kilometres of electricity interconnection, the link will double by 2025 the exchange capacity between France and Spain and bring Spain closer to the 15% interconnection target contained in the new regulation on the governance of the Energy Union.
The lack of sufficient interconnection capacity remains an obstacle for the creation of an electricity market in South-West Europe and has prevented Iberian energy companies from fully participating in the EU electricity market. With an interconnection capacity of only 6,000 MW, Spain and with it, Portugal remains largely an energy island that does not participate fully in the European electricity market. This interconnection capacity also puts them behind the 15% interconnection target contained in the recently adopted regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union. Since the Juncker Commission took office, energy interconnections between the Iberian Peninsula and the EU internal market have been boosted considerably.

Examples of progress:
  • Biscay Bay line: with 280 kilometres of electricity interconnection, it will double by 2025 the exchange capacity between France and Spain, bring Spain closer to the 10% interconnection target set by the European Council (from the current level of 6%) and will integrate the whole Iberian Peninsula into the internal electricity market. At Lisbon, it was awarded €578 million in Connecting Europe Facility-Energy grants, the largest ever awarded to an energy infrastructure project.
  • Santa-Llogaia-Baixas/INELFE project: the completion in June 2017 of the phase-shifter transformer in Arkale, Spain, enabled the full utilisation of the Santa-Llogaia-Baixas interconnection between Spain and France, doubling the electricity interconnection capacity between both countries. These investments co-financed by the European Commission made it possible for Spain to help France and show solidarity during periods of supply-demand stress during the winter of 2017.
  • Interconnection project between Spain and Portugal (Ponte Lima – Vila Nova Famalicão - Recarei (PT) and Beariz - Fontefría (ES)): it will allow Portugal to attain the 10% level of interconnections by increasing the current interconnection capacity level to 3.2 GW. The commissioning date of the project is planned by 2021.
  • Pyrenean crossings: two projects to increase the electricity interconnection capacity between Spain and France across the Pyrenees are under consideration. A first link concerns Cantegrit in France and Navarra in Spain, and the other one Marsillon in France and Aragón in Spain.
  • Val de Saône gas pipeline: it will contribute to Spanish and Portuguese access to the European Gas Market when completed by end 2018.
  • STEP project: aims at increasing the bidirectional flows between the Iberian Peninsula and France and improve the interconnection with the internal gas market through the development of the Eastern gas axis, including a third interconnection point between Spain and Portugal.
In addition to the financing opportunities provided to infrastructure projects of common interest (PCIs) under the energy window of the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) and the European Structural and Investment Funds, the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) (the so-called “Juncker Plan”) supports key interconnection projects, therefore accelerating and complementing the current structure of European financial assistance. The proposals for the next EU budget for 2021-2027 include a new energy window under the Connecting Europe Facility, with a budget close to 1 billion euro (€865 million), to nurture Member States cooperation on cross-border renewables projects.


新华社里斯本7月28日电(记者 章亚东 张柯)葡萄牙、西班牙和法国27日在葡萄牙首都里斯本举行的第二届能源互联峰会上正式签署了三国能源互联协议。





  桑切斯也表示,向清洁能源转型是西班牙的目标,西班牙将在保障国家安全的前提下进一步降低能源成本。Source: http://www.xinhuanet.com/fortune/2018-07/28/c_1123190631.htm


地中海之南有埃及(9,345萬人, 人均國內生產總值(購買力平價)12,137美元, (人均國內生產總值(國際匯率)3,709美元),阿爾及利亞(3,710萬人, 14,949美元, 4,129美元),摩洛哥(3,254萬人, 8,612 美元, 3,151美元)利比亞( 617萬 人, 14,348美元, 6,157美元) 突尼斯(5百萬人, 11,651美元, 3,919美元),種族上他們都是阿拉伯和柏柏爾人的後裔. 大部份時間都是猶太教,羅馬天主教, 遜尼派穆斯林共同相處 (數字來源:維基百科).

歷史上撒哈拉沙漠(多於80%為石漠hamada)曾有一大湖和各種草原動物.  但時至今日地中海之東部和南部均為沙漠, 加上近日氣候變遷,少雨乾燥, 大面積沙漠化把內陸居民, 農牧民廹遷至地中海南岸一帶, 造成糧食, 肉類主要靠入口, 一旦國際糧食價格攀昇, 便導致政治不穩, 歷史稱為麵飽革命, 類似過去發展中國家農作失收, 大面積饑荒引致的農民革命帶來改朝換代的結果.  延伸閱讀: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_riots_in_the_Middle_East

以富國利比亞作例子, 的黎波里的小麥靠從歐進口, 肉類來自阿聯猶,蔬菜來自突尼西亞, 但利比亞出口高質石油, 足夠進口所有生活必需. 阿爾及利亞的麵粉從法國進口, 僑匯每年也有數十億(官方渠道), 上百億歐元(官方渠道加旅客帶進).

埃及每四人便有一人須吃進口麵粉製作的麵飽, 每年需進口麵粉一千萬噸, 是最大的麵粉進口國, 雖然埃及人是最早開始種植小麥的, 這顯示出尼羅河已不敷應用.  尼羅河的淡水寧願沖出大海也不賣給以色列, 也未嘗使用技術將河水盡. 天天驕陽似火的結果是各種金屬設備都需要躲避太陽的直接暴曬.

富國利比亞嚮往西方中產階級自由化生活而革命, 其他一般群體估計為麵飽而革命.  德國原來有計劃在撒哈拉沙漠投資 4,000億美元用太陽熱能供電歐洲, 有鑒當地政治不穩, 計劃從此劃上句號. 陽熱設備可以借助特殊儲熱體(廉價化學鹽)在晚間發電, 40公里乘40公里面積大的集光镜所產電能足以满足整個德國的需求。延伸閱讀 https://www.dw.com/zh/撒哈拉沙漠电能之梦/a-3407517?&zhongwen=simp

現時太陽能多晶硅的電價已趨向於與火電同價, 西班牙更是低於火電價格. 西班牙的冠軍電池Grabat Energy https://www.grabat.es/en 已投入國際電動車市場. 荷蘭烏德勒支 Utrecht  LomboXnet.nl 已嘗試用智慧電網解 決太陽能供電  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102y2nb.html    .   撒哈拉沙漠供電歐洲的設想已落後於政治形勢.  從西班牙沙漠鋪幾萬平方公里(或更多, 10萬平方公里)的多晶硅即可供電全歐洲的想法趨向於成熟.  延伸閱讀: 西班牙沙漠太陽能照亮歐洲   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102y5wf.html

Al Gore 在其The Future: Six Drivers of Global Change, 2013一書中, 有提及非洲 800 個湖乾涸而地中海以北國家用子彈驅趕氣候難民船隻的事實.  非洲的撒哈拉沙漠國家從此得用自己的辦法解決氣候轉變之下大面乾旱問題.  在上世紀殖民地時代, 歐洲的地理學者已有大量文獻有關解決北非撒哈拉沙漠國家乾旱的辦法, 就是用地中海的水去淹沒北非的低地,  每個北非國家都有成千上萬平方公里的低地.

Thirty-Three Countries with Land Areas Below Sea Level
Below Sea Level Location
Israel Dead Sea shoreline
408 meters below sea level
Jordan Dead Sea shoreline
408 meters below sea level
Syria unnamed location near Lake Tiberias
200 meters below sea level
Djibouti Lac Assal shoreline
155 meters below sea level
China Turpan Pendi
154 meters below sea level
Egypt Qattara Depression
133 meters below sea level
Kazakhstan Vpadina Kaundy
132 meters below sea level
Ethiopia Denakil Depression
125 meters below sea level
Argentina Laguna del Carbon
105 meters below sea level
United States Death Valley
86 meters below sea level
Eritrea near Kulul within the Denakil Depression
75 meters below sea level
Morocco Sebkha Tah
55 meters below sea level
Western Sahara Sebjet Tah
55 meters below sea level
Libya Sabkhat Ghuzayyil
47 meters below sea level
Dominican Republic Lago Enriquillo
46 meters below sea level
Algeria Chott Melrhir
40 meters below sea level
Azerbaijan Caspian Sea shoreline
28 meters below sea level
Iran Caspian Sea shoreline
28 meters below sea level
Russia Caspian Sea shoreline
28 meters below sea level
Tunisia Shatt al Gharsah
17 meters below sea level
Australia Lake Eyre
15 meters below sea level
Uzbekistan Sariqarnish Kuli
12 meters below sea level
Mexico Laguna Salada
10 meters below sea level
Denmark Lammefjord
7 meters below sea level
Netherlands Zuidplaspolder
7 meters below sea level
Mauritania Sebkhet Te-n-Dghamcha
5 meters below sea level
Japan Hachiro-gata
4 meters below sea level
United Kingdom The Fens
4 meters below sea level
Germany Neuendorf bei Wilster
3.54 meters below sea level
Sweden reclaimed bay of Lake Hammarsjon, near Kristianstad
2.41 meters below sea level
France Rhone River delta
2 meters below sea level
Poland near Raczki Elblaskie
2 meters below sea level
Suriname unnamed location in the coastal plain
2 meters below sea level
* The elevations listed are approximate. For many of these depressions the lowest point is the shoreline of a lake where water levels rise and fall in elevation in response to rainfall, evaporation, use of water by humans and many other factors. CIA Factbook.
Source: https://geology.com/below-sea-level

有關具體實施辦法的討論可參考此處博文 突尼斯龐大的沙漠太陽能熱發電供電歐洲 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102xho1.html

中國已量產每平方公尺100元的鈣鈦礦太陽能電池  參考:  可印刷的太阳能电池  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102xw4y.html  

撒哈拉沙漠國家若能以廉價鈣鈦礦太陽能開發利器, 加上低地抽水蓄能(24小時)設施(運作可參考 突尼斯龐大的沙漠太陽能熱發電供電歐洲 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102xho1.html ), 嘗試用低價新打造供電歐洲的藍圖,  一方面利已利人, 另方面解決氣候轉變下的難民問題(沙進人退), 相信歐洲亦會積極響應.  西班牙用了撒哈拉便宜電去綠化沙漠所得利潤會更大.  未來15年地中海東南各國對水的需求將增加4倍, 其中原因之一是現時年輕人口(有高達一半比例, 如阿爾及利亞, 沙特更有70%人口在30歲以下)15年後成家立業, 大大增加對水的需求.

參考: The Mediterranean is not a sea. It is a world, surrounded by deserts, made of high mountains bordered by narrow plains and estuaries. And in the middle of these lands, is the "Mediterranean". This part of the world has been the cradle of a human civilization that today has a global influence. A geographical, natural and human fresco 在鋪上灰泥的牆壁及天花板上繪畫 of the Mediterranean; to understand how the natural environment has shaped civilizations.  Source:  http://programme.tvb.com/info/mediterraneanaseaforall

運作機制:  設有低地數千平方公里, 用水力發電站24小時輸入地中海水. 天一亮即啟動數百(或更多)平方公里之光伏(或鈣鈦礦太陽能)陣列(位於較少沙暴之石漠), 將水全數泵上蒸發湖, 嘗試提煉各種的化學產品.  最後將濃鹽水循管道(長可達上千公里)排入大西洋或紅海.  附設有海水淡化温室似澳大利亞 Sundrop Farms http://www.sundropfarms.com   . 埃及的例子如下:  從 1926 Dr. John Ball, the director of the Desert Surveys Department of the Survey of Egypt Authority (英國之保護國) 開始, 到 1957 年美國 CIA, 都專題地以引地中海水入低地 Qattara  (19,605 平方公里, 平均深 60 公尺至133 公尺) 水力發電, 以改善沙漠氣候為目的. 今天廉價的鈣鈦礦太陽能已經可以成就這些目標. 日出後, 廣大的鈣鈦礦太陽能陣列將低地裡經過 24 小時水力發電的海水全部抽入蒸發湖, 并在那裡嘗試提煉各種的化學產品, 剩餘濃鹽水通過 400 公里管道送入紅海. 廉價水電輸往歐洲賺取差價 詳見埃及與  Renaissance Dam  之磋商http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102xp09.html

延伸閱讀:  揭秘马斯克清洁能源计划:用太阳能满足能源需求  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102xhnz.html

                        沉默的宝藏: 盐湖资源 张彭熹

 https://books.google.com.hk/books?id=e0nZOOXR9vQC&printsec=frontcover&dq=沉默的宝藏:+盐湖资源+张彭熹&hl=zh-TW&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil896nndPcAhXI7WEKHexxCY8Q6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=沉默的宝藏: 盐湖资源 张彭熹&f=false


思考題:  從西班牙(下圖)到以色列都有不少海水淡化廠, 它們是不是將濃鹽水就地排放?  地中海水質有無受到影響?

         Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Location-of-the-Largest-SWRO-Desalination-Plants-in-Spain_fig17_305442742

Source: http://www.greenreport.it/news/acqua/le-polemiche-sul-dissalatore-allelba-documento-sulla-dissalazione-del-festival-dellacqua-2017