A working reconstruction of Felix Trombe's solar furnance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%A9lix_Trombe was established at Mont Louis in 1980 by Denis Eudeline, an engineer and public advocate of solar technology for international development. The sun's rays are reflected by a flat mirror onto a convex parabolic mirror, which superimposes multiple images of the sun onto a single focal point, instantaneously producing temperatures in excess of 3,000 degrees Celsius with near-zero emissions of CO2 or other pollutants Source: <<Relational Architectural Ecologies: Architecture, Nature and Subjectivity>>, Peg Rawes edit
The Mont-Louis Solar Furnace is engaged in a process of technology transfer to the countries of the south; the city of Safi (紅點)
in Morocco is participating in this process.
The aim is to install in villages, solar ovens that will cook pots, plates for eating bread, building materials, and melt any metal to make pots or tools. Source:
官方發布資訊: https://www.monprojetpourlaplanete.gouv.fr/media/default/0001/01/48b8b901bf2e88c558aeed313ab08cfb44045128.pdf
(必看, 上不到此網可搜索 FOUR SOLAIRE POUR CUIRE LE PAIN, 中譯太阳烤箱烤面包 )
Essaouira 索維拉, Morocco (法文是Maroc), 烏納拉的杜亞村落 Douar of Ounagha (紅點)
Google map
延伸閱讀: 零距離科學: 太陽的想像17/08/2018 以下圖片來源:
www.rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/sciencewithyou/episode/516701 (有片, counter 11:45 開始)

以下圖片出自官方發布資訊: https://www.monprojetpourlaplanete.gouv.fr/media/default/0001/01/48b8b901bf2e88c558aeed313ab08cfb44045128.pdf
(必看, 上不到此網可搜索 FOUR SOLAIRE POUR CUIRE LE PAIN, 中譯太阳烤箱烤面包 )
Denis Eudeline 還教當地婦女製作簡易太陽灶: