2017年6月3日 星期六



A new era in fish farming is on its way

博主說明:  根據東森電視2017年6月5日晚十時半報導, 這樣的大養殖籠一共打造100個, 所養三文魚全部返銷中國

Source:   http://www.salmar.no/en/offshore-fish-farming-a-new-era
Ocean Farm 1 – the world’s first offshore fish farm – is now delivered from the shipyard in China and will soon be on its way to Norway. It may represent the first step towards a new era in aquaculture. Based on world-class Norwegian aquaculture and offshore technology, Ocean Farm 1 aspires to address central issues related to sustainable growth in the aquaculture industry.
Following an official handover ceremony on June 3, 2017, Ocean Farm 1 will be sea transferred at the shipyard in Qingdao, China and set its course for the coast of Norway. Upon arrival in the second half of 2017, the 110-meters wide structure will be positioned in Frohavet, off the coast of Trøndelag. As a full-scale pilot facility, Ocean Farm 1 is designed to test out both the biological as well as the technological aspects of offshore fish farming.
Responding to the world’s need for more and healthier food
Within 2030, the world needs to produce 70% more food, and we need to do so using less resources and with a minimal environmental footprint. While oceans cover more than two thirds of the world’s surface, only 2% of the food energy for human consumption comes from the sea. Producing animal protein from aquaculture takes less resources and is friendlier to the climate compared to livestock. Since traditional fisheries are almost fully exploited, increased aquaculture production needs to play a major part in efforts to feed future generations.
Awarded first development licenses in Norway
The Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal affairs recently decided to award development licenses for aquaculture purposes. The objective is to spur new technology concepts that can ensure sufficient growth whilst also ensuring environmental sustainability. The Ocean Farm project is an answer to this the challenge, and SalMar was the first seafood producer in Norway to be awarded this type of development license.
Developed in Norway, built in China
Behind the project is a unique interdisciplinary partnership between world-leading players in Norway within aquaculture, offshore and research (see table below for details). The result is a structure built on the robust technology and principles used at submersible offshore installations, while safeguarding the biological needs of the salmon. When developing technical solutions, every fish farming process has been considered, and new approaches are established for the various operating procedures. The structure complies with the aquaculture industry’s own fabrication standards, as well as relevant offshore oil and gas standards. Ocean Farm 1 is built by the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIS) in Qingdao, China.
A full-scale pilot facility
The conclusion of the construction project is a significant milestone for SalMar, but the real work starts now. Ocean Farm 1 is a full-scale pilot facility for testing, learning, research and development. It will be equipped for R&D activities, with particular focus on biological conditions and fish welfare. Aiming to reduce environmental footprints, improve fish welfare and answer acreage challenges, the learning and new solutions from the project could represent a new era in sustainable seafood production – and is potentially adaptable world wide. In SalMar, we know that as operation starts, we are entering a new challenging phase.
This is Ocean Farming
The company behind Ocean Farm 1 is Ocean Farming AS, a subsidiary of the SalMar Group. Ocean Farming was established specifically to develop an offshore fish farming capability. Through the development and implementation of new technologies and the build-up of operational experience, Ocean Farming will acquire the specialist expertise needed for this next generation of fish farming facilities to achieve its full potential. Ocean Farm 1 demonstrates SalMar’s drive and determination to lead the way in technologies for sustainable seafood production. Ocean Farming has received grants from Innovation Norway to help fund the concept development phase.
Key dimensions Ocean Farm 1:
Height: 68 m
Diameter: 110 m
Volume: 250,000 m3

Our partners in the Ocean Farm project

Global Maritime AS Design and systems integration
Kongsberg Maritime AS Electrical installations and instrumentation for marine and fish handling systems
Mørenot Aquaculture AS Hull outfitting, nets and moveable bulkhead arrangement
Malm Orstad AS Drive system for moveable bulkhead
Emstec GmbH Equipment and systems for fish transfer
Graintec AS Equipment and systems for receipt and distribution of fish feed
Optimar Stette AS Equipment and systems for handling dead fish
Pump Supply AS Equipment and systems for net cleaning
CSIC QWHI Hull construction and installation of marine systems
DNV GL/Noomas Third-party verification and certification
MARINTEK Model testing and associated analysis
Sintef Fiskeri- og havbruk AS Environmental data and calculation of currents
FugroOceanor AS Environmental data and wave calculations
Ramnäs Bruk AB Mooring chain
Lankhorst Euronete S.A. Fibre ropes
Farstad Offshore AS Installation mooring system and fishfarm


全球最大深海渔场“青岛造”青岛早报 2017-06-04   
    “半潜式智能海上渔场由3-7人即可操控,一年养鱼150万条。 ”项目负责人介绍,挪威海上渔场项目配备了全球最先进的三文鱼智能养殖系统、自动化保障系统和高端深海运营管理系统及对应子系统。其中,智能养殖系统包括鱼苗投放系统、鱼苗进食系统、营养均衡系统、生物光调控系统、鱼群实时监控系统、自动捕鱼系统,高分子渔网保护系统、送氧系统、除虱系统等;自动化保障系统包括渔网自清洁系统、死鱼收集系统、死鱼物质分解、水文监测系统等;高端运营管理系统包括自适应升降系统、深海定位系统、通讯导航系统、动力系统、中央控制系统、物资补给系统、消防救生系统、火灾报警系统、生活娱乐系统等。
    挪威海上渔场养鱼的建造成功,为我国企业全面进入这一市场开了一个好头,让挪威海上养殖与“中国制造”深度对接,成为“一带一路”典型案例。(记者刘海龙通讯员张进刚 王守德 摄影报道)


the ocean: China’s military looks to wave farms to power radar on remote islands
as South China Sea disputes simmer

Country has been testing one of the largest power-generating machines of its kind in the world with maximum capacity in excess of 200 kilowatts.    30 November, 2015  

Source: http://www.scmp.com/tech/science-research/article/1884420/harnessing-ocean-chinas-military-looks-wave-farms-power-radar

 China plans to build electricity-generating wave farms near remote islands in the South China Sea, where it is engaged in territorial disputes with several of its neighbours, to mitigate the threat of a power blackout hitting its military radars there, according to researchers involved in the project.

These giant floating power stations are expected to significantly strengthen the nation’s foothold in the disputed waters.

A full-scale unit, about half the size of a soccer field, was deployed for a test run in waters off the Wanshan archipelago near the city of Zhuhai in Guangdong province earlier this month, said the researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Guangzhou Institute of energy Conversion.

Using cutting-edge mechanical designs, the generator will efficiently transform the constant movement of the sea water into electricity and stay in operation on windless days and also in the face of a super-typhoon, they said.

China’s breakneck rush to build civilian and military facilities in these seas has stretched its power supply chain in recent years. One of the biggest headaches has proven to be keeping the country’s larger-than-ever radar network in constant operation.

“Military radars are power-hungry beasts that must be fed all the time,” said one researcher, who declined to be named due to the sensitivity of the issue.

“Sending fossil fuels to remote islands is costly and time-consuming. The shipping can also be affected easily by bad weather or unfriendly neighbours,” the researcher added.

More power is needed for the radar to cast its net wider. When operating at full power to get a bead on a distant fighter jet or unknown object, an early warning system may require thousands of kilowatts of energy - tantamount to the total demand of 1,000 average households in the United States.

Conventional renewable energy sources are not suitable for small islands, the researchers said.

Most lack sufficient land area for the installation of solar power panels, which at any rate are usually quickly compromised by faecal matter from birds, the team said.

Moreover, wind turbines cannot generate a stable enough energy supply, and their performance is also severely affected by the weather.

The unit that was tested is among the largest power-generating machines of its kind in the world, capable of churning out in excess of 200 kilowatts.

Similar power buoys deployed in the US and Australia have shown peak power outputs of around 150kw. The largest single wave energy convertor to date was a prototype deployed at a wave farm in Portugal, which recorded 750kw.

But the new Chinese generator can survive even the most extreme weather conditions, the researchers said.

In the event of a typhoon, it would automatically partially submerge, leaving only a small area on the surface to avoid damage caused by strong winds.

The unit is not anchored to the ocean bed, which allows it to move freely amid strong waves.

The design, which resembles half a submarine, has performed well. A smaller 10-kw prototype even survived Typhoon Haiyan in the South China Sea two years ago. The typhoon claimed over 6,000 lives in the Philippines.

The machine continued generating power during the typhoon even after most of it was submerged, the researchers said.

The wave farms that are planned have a flexible capacity with room to grow as more converters can be added later to meet demand.

The electricity will be channelled to nearby islands using underwater cables.

The enormous power requirements of military radar facilities means they cannot operate on a full-time basis with a large and stable energy supply, so using sea waves to provide power is a logical solution, said Li Ming. The professor of radar technology works at the National Lab of Radar Signal Processing in Xidian University, Xi’an in northwestern Shaanxi province.

But Li doubted whether a wave farm would fully satisfy demand.

“A warning radar consumes far more than 200kw of power,” he said.

Another problem is the cost of such an operation. A wave farm needs many power-generating units to form a grid for maximum output.

But those who field-tested the single unit recently said it cost nearly 20 million yuan (US$3.13 million) to design and build.

英國的酒館晚间小吃: 千層麵,牧羊人pie,漢堡飽,鳮翼,香腸,炸银魚

Pub grub -a pie, along with a pint 品脱啤酒.

"Pub grub" expanded to include British food items such as steak and ale pie, shepherd's pie, fish and chips, bangers and mash, Sunday roast, ploughman's lunch, and pasties. In addition, dishes such as burgers, chicken wings, lasagne and chilli con carne 辣豆酱 are often served. Some pubs offer elaborate hot and cold snacks free to customers at Sunday lunchtimes, to prevent them getting hungry and leaving for their lunch at home.

Since the 1990s food has become a more important part of a pub's trade, and today most pubs serve lunches and dinners at the table in addition to (or instead of) snacks consumed at the bar. They may have a separate dining room. Some pubs serve meals to a higher standard, to match good restaurant standards; these are sometimes termed gastropubs.

Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pub#Pub_companies

以下图文轉載自:  http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-pub-grub.htm

Lasagna is always a good crowd pleaser. 千層麵是一種麵食,特點是用多張寬如手帕的大麵皮疊起來,內層夾上多種乳酪及肉醬,經焗製調味而成。Source:  維基百科

Shepherd's pie is a popular pub grub.   Cottage pie (made with minced beef) or shepherd's pie (made with minced lamb) is a meat pie with a crust of mashed potato Source: 維基百科

In most of the United Kingdom, as well as Ireland, there are popular establishments called pubs which serve both food and alcoholic beverages to a primarily working class clientele. These "public houses" are well-known for serving a variety of comfort foods, appetizers and bar snacks collectively referred to as pub grub by patrons 主顧(尤指老顧客). Standard pub food is rarely mistaken for haute cuisine, but it is generally served in substantial quantities and matches well with stout beers and ales, most notably Guinness.
Traditional pub grub was quite often a slow-cooked stew or a meat-and-vegetables stuffed pie. Workers with contaminated fingers might order a Cornish pasty, a meat stew encased in a doughy crust with a thick, largely inedible rim for safe handling. Other patrons could order a shepherd's pie, a meat dish encased in twice-cooked mashed potatoes. A serving of steak and kidney pie or a simple ploughman's lunch would also qualify as typical pub grub.

The menu for a full-service pub might also include bangers and mash, a dish which combines pan-fried local sausage with a bed of mashed potatoes and a flavorful gravy. The quintessential English snack food fish and chips would also be considered pub grub, along with a sausage and Yorkshire pudding dish known affectionately as "Toad in the Hole."

Modern pubs have also added some international foods to their menus, including American hamburgers, Indian curry dishes, Italian lasagna and Mexican chili. Indian dishes such as chicken tikka masala have become especially popular in the UK. Modern pub grub also includes typical bar food such as fried potato skins, breaded cheese sticks and fried chicken tenders or shrimp served in baskets. Perhaps the most traditional pub food still found on modern menus are prawns and a pint, consisting of boiled prawns served in a pint glass with a stout ale chaser.
The evolution of British cuisine from simple working class comfort foods to world-class fusion dishes can be experienced in new upscale restaurants known as gastropubs. Chefs have taken many of the traditional pub recipes and methods to greater gastronomic heights with the addition of complex sauces or exotic ingredients. As long as the local population feels the need to wet their whistles at a neighborhood pub, however, there should always be traditional pub grub available for visitors.

Broiled焗爐從食物上方發出但高的熱源,做出香脆效果 bacon-wrapped scallops 扇貝,俗稱元貝或帶子.

American hamburgers are found on many pub menus.

Bangers, which are pan-fried sauages, are popular pub fare.

Chicken wings are popular  pub grub.

Pub grub:   炸银魚 Whitebait are tender and edible, and can be regarded as a delicacy. The entire fish is eaten including head, fins, bones, and guts.  Deep fried fish fry             Source: Wikipedia.  英國酒館的炸銀魚用作下酒, 由拉脫維亞漁人在波羅的海深處捕獲, 品種較大西洋的細小但滋味好. 此魚産量不多, 通常只占出海捕撈量的 3%.  倫敦是金融中心故能支付較高價錢.  西班牙的酒館還有炸小蝦(全隻不剖)餅, 炸小墨魚(全隻不剖), 炭烤沙丁魚(全不剖, 摩洛哥也是).  沙丁魚剖了便少了很多味道故無人剖.