While Spaniards are still watching the season’s top TV series, El Ministerio del Tiempo (The Ministry of Time), which starts at 10.15pm, Germans are already tucked up in bed 钻进被窝.
以下轉載自: 吃的美德 : 餐桌上的哲學思考 / 朱立安巴吉尼著 ;
謝佩妏譯 = The virtues of the table : how to eat and think / Julian
Baggini 初版.
台北市 : 商周出版 2014
Julian Baggini (英國的義大利裔哲學家)
在英國和北美,午餐多半已經成了草草解决的一餐.英國的標準午餐是三明治和一包洋芋片.三明治是切片麵包塗上人工奶油再夾上满满的cheese或ham,或二者都有.至於洋芋片 potato chips,英國人平均每年吃掉相當於100包的洋芋片. 英國上班族的午休時間不到半小時. Ladies who lunch 是指閒閒没亊的貴婦,而商業午餐則是用公費喝好酒的上班族專作的勾當. 1980年代流行的觀念是無能的人才吃午餐,但這並非是奇怪的偏差思想,只是誇大了文化常態.只有在禮拜天,午餐才吃得較久,較豐盛,亦會受到社會肯定,但那是全家人僅剩的少数聚餐時光.
286 - 287頁
註一 盎格魯-撒克遜(Anglo-Saxon) 是個統稱,通常用來形容5世紀初到1066年諾曼征服之間,生活於大不列顛東部和南部地区,語言和种族相近的民族。[1] 他們使用非常近似的日耳曼方言,歷史學家比德認為其是三個強大日耳曼部族-源自日德蘭半島的盎格魯人和朱特人、以及來自之後稱作下薩克森地區的撒克遜人的後裔。盎格魯人有可能來自盎格恩半岛,比德描述他們的整個國家都來到了不列顛,留下他們空空的古老大地。Source:
西班牙 Spaniards eat their lunch, or comida, between 2:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. Serving as the day's main meal, it is traditionally quite a bit larger than the dinner meal, or cena. A typical lunch will have several courses. The first course is the lighter part of the meal, usually consisting of a salad or soup, while the second course is normally your typical fish or meat dish. A dessert can be a simple piece of fruit, a typical Spanish flan, or a sweet pastry or cake.
While there are of course many people who eat full meals, the Spanish dinner (cena) is traditionally much smaller than the midday comida. It often consisting of something lighter like a salad, a sandwich, or a selection of tapas. Spaniards eat late for this final meal of the day- even more so on weekends and during the summer- sitting down to eat anytime from 9:00 until 11:00 in the evening.
Source :
德國 The hot meal of the day is still often served at lunchtime. Whether at a cafeteria, restaurant, or at home where “Mutti” (mother) cooks, hearty, warm stir-fry (Geschnetzeltes), soup (Suppe) or roasts (Braten) dominate in the middle of the day.
Traditionally, German families eat their main meal during the day, between 12 and 2 p.m. However, many families now eat the warm meal in the evening.
Germans used to take siestas up until the industrial
But the labour needs of the manufacturing economies caused the
custom to die out in much of northern Europe. It has been a
diminishing custom in the south as well over the past two decades,
one some are trying to bring back.
But not everyone is in favour. "We have already a half-hour break
for breakfast and half-an-hour for lunch," said Frank Pahlow, a
Berlin electrician. "If we had longer breaks to nap, we would get
home much later, which would be really bad. It's different in Spain
and Italy, where you need a nap because it's so hot, but
in Germany, we don't even have proper summers."
Source:法國 In France, the main meal is served at lunchtime and a lighter supper is served later, even later than the normal American dinnertime. A hot three course main meal is served around noon and lasts for about one hour (although the lunch “break” is usually two hours long).
people, especially in the South of France, have a siesta in the
afternoon. The shops therefore close at lunchtime for four hours. Source:
This is because Franco (French)
decided, back in 1940, to adapt to Nazi Germany’s own time zone
(德法1940開始同屬一時區). The normal thing would be for mainland Spain to be on the
same time as its own Canary Islands, or as Portugal and
義大利午睡 The siesta in Italy is called riposo.During riposo,
most museums, churches, shops, businesses—just about everything except
restaurants—lower the shutters and lock the doors so that proprietors
can either go home (or head to a local trattoria) for a long lunch and
perhaps a snooze during the day’s hottest hours。This
traditional early afternoon shutdown varies from business to business,
but usually lasts about 90 minutes to two hours. It may begin anywhere
from noon and 1:30pm and run until anywhere from 2:30 to 4pm.
is not only considered very bad manners in Greece to make noise during
the period from around 2 to 5 pm (and especially after 3 pm), but there
is a law against it (though broken sometimes by those doing construction
or using rototillers (a motor-driven machine with rotating blades for
breaking up or tilling the soil.), because work is often excused if the
workers have no other time to do that work). This is less so and rarely
enforced in the city of Athens much to the chagrin 懊惱, 氣憤, 委屈of many
local residents. In theory it is quiet time. Siesta time!
if a visitor to Greece is staying in a rooms complex that is near the
houses of local Greeks, it is not appropriate to sit outside talking
loudly and playing a radio or live music at that time.
same need for quiet holds for those renting apartments in Greek towns
or cities. During the hot summer months the midday meal and nap may get
pushed forward until it cools off a little, with the meal even as late
as 4 pm, and the nap to 5 pm or so. Few rules are 'set in stone' in
Greece, but to be on the safe side, in the heat of summer, one should be
aware that many Greeks are still napping until maybe 6:30.
visitors to Greece learn to do as the Greeks do, and find that this way
of patterning one's day makes perfect sense, given the climate.
Source: http://www.greece athens aegean