2018年6月16日 星期六


 墨西哥灣流的演變圖 Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%A2%A8%E8%A5%BF%E5%93%A5%E7%81%A3%E6%9A%96%E6%B5%81

beachcomber 海灘撿漂浮物的拾荒者(或尋寶人). 英國(特別是左邊海岸)受墨西哥灣暖流影響 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/墨西哥灣暖流  , 氣候温和潮溼, 海流更不時將遠方的枯枝朽木, 及一切大海的無償饋贈,包括漁產及海菜, 遺在海灘, 在無人撿拾的情况下, 下次大潮又會將一切捲走, 漂流到更遠的天邊.  

接近北極的斯瓦爾巴群島, 與及英倫三島(愛爾蘭不產煤), 均蘊藏豐富煤礦, 暴露在大氣中的煤層(可以是高地), 不時有煤塊滑落海邊, 潮水捲走遠方.  拾荒者出時間和力量, 收獲往往出人意表.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coal_mining_in_the_United_Kingdom

在海灘上, 古代英國人捨棄了海菜(當垃圾燒了取暖), 拾海煤回家煮粥而導致工業革命, 故其民族歷史稱煤為海煤 - sea coal.  近海煤礦礦穴滲水而發明了蒸汽抽水機, 蒸汽發動機等等 (参考https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/蒸汽机).  荷蘭則利用風車抽走低地雨水.

英國, 中東海灘有人偶然拾得龍涎香而發了點小財.  詳見以下維基百科資料: Ambergris is primarily found in the Atlantic Ocean and on the coasts of South Africa, Brazil, Madagascar, the East Indies, The Maldives, China, Japan, India, Australia, New Zealand, and the Molucca Islands. Most commercially collected ambergris comes from the Bahamas in the Caribbean, particularly New Providence. Fossilised ambergris from 1.75 million years ago has also been found. A 1.1-kilogram (2.4 lb) lump of ambergris, found on a beach at Anglesey, Wales, was sold to a French buyer for £11,000 at an auction in Macclesfield, England, on 25 September 2015. A 13-kilogram (29 lb) piece of ambergris was found by two Omanis, washed up on a beach on the Fooshi shores of Sadah province in southern Oman, in November 2015.

日本列島近海海流   Source: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%BB%91%E6%BD%AE
1. 黑潮 2.黑潮續流 3.黑潮再循環流 4.對馬暖流 5.津輕暖流 6.宗谷暖流 7.親潮 8.リマン(Liman)寒流

日本人拾海帶海菜(日本不產煤,進口的煤比中國還多https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/煤  ), 除了用作湯底外, 110年前, 還利用海帶提煉出了味之素 ( 池田菊苗(1864年10月8日-1936年5月3日),日本化學家。
1864年出生於京都,曾留學歐洲,東京帝國大學教授。1908年,他發現海帶的味道源自穀氨酸鈉,谷氨酸鹽能產生鮮味的感覺。其後他取得味精的專利,成立「味之素」。1913年任日本化學學會會長。來源出處為 Wikipedia 池田菊苗條目). 

古希臘哲學提出了四種味覺(鹹、酸、甜、苦). 第五種 - 鮮味的味覺科學最終吃,懂吃的東方日本提出, 打破了中華傳統烹調智慧 "知其然, 不知其所以然" 的迷津. 日式料理以水為基底(菜籽油未普及, 油貴, 鐵鍋不耐高温), 中華烹調則以油為基底(宮崎正勝<<你不可不知的世界飲食史>>, 遠足文化事業股份, 2013, p.166).   延伸閱讀 儘管食材稀缺,但日本還是把和食做成了世界非物質文化遺產  https://kknews.cc/society/4yq8g.html





鹹、酸、甜、苦和鮮味五種味覺.  日本湯底喜用乾海帶取其鮮味, 但沸騰前必需撈出全部海帶, 否則日本人認為海帶騰後其氣味轉差.  泡過湯的海帶可以再泡, 或加入調味料食用之. 中國人和韓國人則將海帶煮軟而服食之. 福島和烏黑蘭人重視海帶的放射性食療功用. 延伸閱讀  https://read01.com/zh-hk/M0LPOO.html   白血病的剋星飲食「海帶蘿蔔湯」 https://kknews.cc/zh-hk/health/rran9a4.html


物化性质:干海带表面有一层粉术状白霜,在阳光下呈针状结晶,略带甜味,这是海带析出的一种具有医疗价值的物质一一甘露醇,在海带中的含量高达17%。甘露醇是医院的常备药物,具有良好的利尿作用,是一种渗透性利尿剂,用于治疗肾功能衰竭、药物中毒、浮肿和腹水等。经常使用的是20%的甘露醇注射液。其作用原理是甘露醇不易从毛细血管渗入组织,从而增加了血液中的渗透压,组织中的水分迅速进入到血液中,经肾脏排出体外故能降低颅内压、减轻脑水肿等。資料來源: 百度百科海带多糖條目. 

A loanword from Japanese meaning "good flavor" or "good taste", umami (旨味) is considered fundamental to many Eastern cuisines; and other cuisines have long operated under principles that sought to combine foods to produce savory flavors, such as in the emphasis on veal stock by Auguste Escoffier, the pre-eminent chef of 19th century French cuisine, and in the Romans' deliberate use of fermented fish sauce. However, it was only recently recognized in modern science as a basic taste; well after the other basic tastes have been recognized by scientists, in part due to their correspondence with the four tastes of ancient Greek philosophy. Umami, or “scrumptiousness”, was first studied with the scientific method and identified by Kikunae Ikeda, who began to analyze kombu in 1907, attempting to isolate its dashi taste. He isolated a substance he called ajinomoto, Japanese for “at the origin of flavor”. Later identified as the chemical monosodium glutamate (MSG), and increasingly used independently as a food additive, it is a sodium salt that produces a strong savory taste, especially combined with foods rich in nucleotides such as meats, fish, nuts, and mushrooms. 來源為 Wikipedia taste條目


<<鮮味的祕密 : 大腦與舌尖聯合探索神祕第五味!收錄39道天然鮮味食譜 = Umami : unlocking the secrets of the fifth taste >>歐雷.G.莫西森(Ole G. Mouritsen), 克拉夫斯.史帝貝克(Klavs Styrbæk)著 ; 羅亞琪譯, 臺北市, 麥浩斯出版, 2015

維基百科:   https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/鮮味



Sea Coal 愛丁堡海灘揀無煙煤的童年

In our household I was always the one to be first out of bed in the mornings. In my teen years this was usually about four o'clock or so.  Being first up it became my job to clean out the fireplace from the remnants of the previous evening's fire then set and light a new fire to heat the house in the morning.  For fuel we used almost entirely sea coal. Not many people know what sea coal is. It's coal that washes up on the beaches. There must be exposed beds of coal on the sea floor out in the Firth of Forth 福斯河的入海口(北海),愛丁堡為沿岸城市. After storms at sea, coal washes in and is to be found  along the high tide line. There was never a lot of it at any one time or place on the beach but enough to supply the needs of those in the village who appreciated sea coal. It was common practice to always carry a bag with you when you walked the beaches to carry home your black gold 拾黑金.

Sea coal is like no other type of coal. In appearance it's sparkling clean and shining jet black.   Fist size chunks are like large black diamonds. In the fireplace it can be ignited by heating with the very minimum amount of kindling. Mined coal, which we also bought for heating the house, came from the Wellesley coal mine at Buckhaven (上圖) and was delivered to us by a horse drawn coal lorry. The coal seams of the Wellesley coal mine extended out under the Firth of Forth and although it was very good coal it did not have the properties of sea coal. Mined coal must first be heated to a relatively high temperature before it will give off gas that will ignite.  When mined coal is completely spent there will be a fair amount of residual ash. The process of combustion of mined coal also generates a considerable amount of smoke and soot. Hence the nickname of Auld Reekie (the smoke covered Old Town, 舊城暱稱) bestowed on the town of Edinburgh before the days of North Sea oil. Sea coal has quite different properties. As sea coal is first heated it enters a semi liquid stage and bubbles as it's gases ignite. It burns with an extremely hot flame and produces a clean flame that gives off a far greater amount of heat than mined coal. Burning so cleanly there is very little residual ash or chimney soot or smoke 無煙煤. When the fire has finally burned itself out, what's left in the fireplace is only a very small amount of powder.

In the long dark winter nights when the sea was loud, Earlsferry boys of an age group spent some of their  evenings in caves such as the one that Jimmy Linton and I made that was just above the high tide mark at the east end of the Dome Park.  The back half of the cave that we made was the natural rock face of the rising shoreline. On the seaward side, to complete the surrounding walls of the cave, we built up a rock wall from nearby boulders. To roof our cave we covered over the top  with bits of driftwood planking. To make our creation wind and water proof we chinked the spaces between the sidewall boulders with seaweeds. The back of the rising rock wall became the place where we formed our sea coal fireplace. To cover the narrow doorway we used a piece of canvas that was supported by iron rods which at one time had been part of the iron fence  that separated the Lilburn field from the West Sea Road. At times, along with sea coal, we burned driftwood and sun dried aromatic sea weeds that we gleaned from the high tide line. Yes, there were times that we did smell like smoked kippers. With the flickering flames we needed no other light. Without a doubt we must have looked like sea gypsy creatures that crawled up out of the sea. Now, thinking back to the 1930's when Jems and I were about ten years old, in spending our evenings like this we must have instinctively been going back to the ways of our ancient primeval ancestors.

At times, along with sea coal, we burned driftwood and sun dried aromatic sea weeds 焚燒海帶紫菜取暖that we gleaned 苦心搜集 from the high tide line.