2017年1月23日 星期一

香港的拜火教男爵八世出任孟買Tata集團董事局 (共四篇博文)

Sir Jamsetji Jijibhoy

At the back of the prayer hall, 101 Leighton Road,  is a large portrait of Sir Jamsetji Jijibhoy 1783 - 1859.  The famous Parsi merchant and philanthropist was a self-made opium magnate and the first British subject in India to receive a knighthood as well as the first to be given a baronetcy.  It seems somewhat fitting that, although he was not directly linked with Hong Kong, that this Parsi icon is enshrined in their hall.  In many ways he symbolises the Parsi, particularly those in Hong Kong who emulated Jijibhoy by making money through trade and then carrying out grand acts of charity.
The great tower building itself is a testament to one of the values strongly held by the Zoroastrians.  First you must look after yourself and then, when you are strong enough, help others.

In 1803 Jeejeebhoy was shipwrecked off Cape Town with the surgeon of the  Brunswick, William Jardine, thus starting  a lifelong  friendship  患難之交  founded on mutual business canniness 精明謹慎   and  largess 慷慨的贈予.
Source: http://industrialhistoryhk.org/jamsetjee-jeejeebhoy-china-william-jardine-celestial-connections/
Source: Wikipedia
Jejeebhoy was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) in 1783.  At the age of sixteen, having had little formal education, he made his first visit to Calcutta and then began his first voyage to China to trade in cotton and opium.
His voyages to China resulted in a long trading partnership with the Canton based company Jardine Matheson & Co. He was seen as the chief representative of the Indian community in Bombay by the British Imperial authorities.  One of William Jardine's agents in Bombay, who would become his lifelong friend, was Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy.
In 1817. both men (William Jardine and Jejeebhoy) were on the Brunswick when the crew of a French ship forcibly boarded her. Since then, a life long co-operation between the two began. Jejeebhoy was the first Parsee merchant to be created a baronet by Queen Victoria and he would become fabulously wealthy in the years to come.
  The Jejeebhoy Baronetcy (sometimes spelled Jeejeebhoy), of Bombay, is a title in the Baronetage of the United Kingdom. It was created 6 August 1857 for Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy.

Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy, 8th Baronet 男爵八世

He (1957年生) was the son of Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy, the seventh Baronet. He is one of the owners of the Rustomjee realty group and a board member of Tata Group 印度獨立與香港回歸後, 封爵之繼承只在芵國進行.

William Jardine and Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy  in Bombay (Wikipedia)
1802年3月2日,William Jardine 18岁,毕业于爱丁堡医学院,并得到爱丁堡皇家外科学院文凭,决定加入英国东印度公司。3月15日,威廉·渣甸在满足了录取条件后, 获得了2个月的预付工资,成为一名在东印度公司的商船"布伦瑞克号"(Brunswick)上进行海上服务的外科医生。为东印度公司服务有一个好处,就是允许每个雇员利用货舱夹带自己的2箱或大约一百英镑货物。渣甸以异常的机敏,甚至聪明的谎言,参与这项生意,获取分配给那些对此不感兴趣的乘客的货舱空间。
渣甸的第一次海上亚洲之旅相当平凡,但他在第一次航海时遇到了2个在他后来经商时扮演重要角色的人。第一位是医生同行,托马斯·威丁(Thomas Weeding),护航船格莱顿号(Glatton)的外科医生。第二位是刚刚在1801年初抵达广州的26岁的查尔斯·马格尼亚克(Charles Magniac)。
1817年,渣甸离开东印度公司,先是成为孟买几间小商行的代理商和小股东,最后在1823年在广州加入了在中国开业的最古老的英国私人公司—马格尼亚克商行(Charles Magniac Co.)。渣甸在孟买的代理商之一是詹姆斯·杰吉伯伊勋爵(Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy),后来成为他毕生的好友,两人曾在布伦瑞克号上,一同被一艘法国船劫持。杰吉伯伊是维多利亚女王所封的第一位帕西人从男爵,在未来的年代里变得令人难以置信的富有。
塔塔集团 印度最大的集团公司,2010-2011年度收入达到833亿美元,相当于印度国内生产总值的6.14%,现在市场资本总额为689亿美元(只列入塔塔集团96个公司中公布的28个)。塔塔集团在六大洲40多个国家经营业务,其产品出口到140个国家. Source: Wikipedia
參考印度防衛網頁 http://indiandefence.com/threads/i-was-wrong-tata-is-devil.42870

