葡萄牙傳統炆七鰓鰻 A traditional Portuguese Eel Stew

Ensopado de Enguias is an Portuguese Eel Stew which is very traditional and one of the more unique dishes in Portuguese cuisine. It is one of the most signature dishes all throughout Portugal, especially in the north near the coast line, as well as more south in Ribatejo. In Ribatejo the eels are most typically caught swimming upstream in the enormous Tagus river. This dish combines the wonderful and unique taste of the eels in a rich and flavorful stew.
Source: https://easyportugueserecipes.com/eel-stew-ensopado-de-enguias/
七鰓鰻是一種美食,歐洲的上流社會從中世紀開始就視其為珍饈。文獻記載英格蘭國王亨利一世愛吃七鰓鰻,結果有一次在諾曼第吃了太多的七鰓鰻後死去。直到今天,在南歐的一些國家(法國、西班牙、葡萄牙等),七鰓鰻仍然是一道昂貴的名菜。由於過度捕撈,歐洲的七鰓鰻數量一直在減少。韓國人同樣也食用七鰓鰻。Source: wikipedia