2016年4月29日 星期五

英国煤炉煮食之煩惱(掃走污穢的煤才開始煮否則沾污食物)與特大份早餐 此博文包含图片 (2016-01-28 22:25:21)

   Until the early years of the nineteenth century most cooking had been done over an open fire or in a primitive enclosed brick oven heated with coals that had to be raked (掃走) before cooking could begin....anything other than simple dishes were beyond the scope of the domestic kitchen; more complex food needed large kitchens with large staffs, where undivided attention could be given at every stage of preparation p.321  Tannahill Reay (Scotland), Food in History,1973,1988 New York Crown Trade Paperbacks 

夜間嚴寒加上天雨,黎明時分煤爐取暖的火已經不多了,趕緊掃走污穢的煤,在保證沒有煤煙煤灰的情況下,趁着火爐還有點餘熱,開始煮一個簡單快捷的早餐.份量必需是足夠大(a Big Breakfast),以免當日有再次生火的需要. 

"To eat well in England you should have breakfast three times a day," said the writer William Somerset Maugham 毛姆, who spent a large part of his life living in France, and clearly thought the only meal Brits did well in the late 19th century was breakfast.   http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/wordofmouth/2014/jan/30/breakfast-lunch-dinner-porridge-eggs-full-english 

中世紀英國最大城市 London 只有 3.5萬人 155頁, 全球水危機 : 節約用水從我做起 = When the rivers run dry / [英]弗雷德.皮爾斯著 ; 張新明譯.北京智識產權出版社 2010

 Coal stoves have lost some popularity because coal is considered to be messy  散亂的,汙穢的,麻煩的來 and the smoke is thick and blue.  Source: http://www.onlinetips.org/coal-burning-stoves/


晚餐是上酒吧,  Pub grub- a pie, along with a pint. 
What is pub grub?    http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-pub-grub.htm
十九世紀初期之前,爐灶都是磚造,人們从灶口放進還有餘熱的木炭灰燼,然后在灶台擺上烹煮的容器,如果想避免容器直接受熱並且受熱均勻,則在灶台上舖一塊金屬板,磚灶的火是用炭來維持,但沒有配備适當的煙囱,因此冒出來的煙从通風口排出.因為磚塊的熱度比較温和,磚灶對於完成烹煮工作有無可取代的便利,但不能烘培Souffle,糕餅 和作焗烤肉类之用.  p.141, 法國美食精髓 : 藍帶美食與米其林榮耀的源流 = Histoire de la cuisine et des cuisiniers /尚-皮耶.普蘭(Jean-Pierre Poulain), 艾德蒙.納寧克(Edmond Neirinck)著 ;林惠敏,林思妤譯. 普蘭 (Poulain, Jean-Pierre.)台北市:如果出版事業股份有限公司, 2013.

Arab Kitchens and Cooks: Cooking was often done outdoors in an area some distance away from any dwelling.  The major piece of equipment was the fireplace, which in some cases was little more than a brazier火盆. Charcoal was preferred to wood because it produced less smoke and was easier to transport. Next to the open hearth there might be an oven (tannur).  Essential water came from wells, springs, or rivers and was piped into city fountains.  p.211-2 Food: A Culinary History, ed by Jean-Louis Flandrin & Massimo Montanari,   ch.17  “Arab Cuisine and Its Contribution to European Culture” by Bernard Rosenberger


Houses were lit by kerosene after oil was discovered in Titusville, Pennsylvania,
in 1859.  It was a dirty fuel, leaving black soot on lamp, walls, fabrics (and lungs), and it required cleaning too.  Who would do all this work? p.231  Linda Civitello  Cuisine and Culture: A History of  Food  and People,


 Coal is not so often found as a cooking fuel on its own. It is, however, found in countries where cooking and space heating are combined.)

