2016年4月29日 星期五

日本歷史家宮崎正勝" 食の世界史" 2006 (2015-12-21 13:25:48)

一如"大英帝國之所以能發展成日不落帝國,實在是因為英國人為逃離他們國家的料理"的玩笑話(博客主的註一,在為口奔馳的時代,這不是玩笑話), 英國料理的難吃的確聞名世界.在食材貧乏的英國,最具代表的料理即是烤牛肉(roast beef). 烤牛肉是駐紮在英格蘭的古羅馬軍利用英格蘭的牛所做出的炙烤roast料理.即使是堅硬的牛肉,英國貴族都視為平民不得享用的奢華食物 (58頁)

西元1620年,清教徒為逃避英國詹姆斯一世(1603-1625在位的蘇格蘭人)的迫害,102位清教徒塔搭乘帆船五月花號,抵達波士頓的普利茅斯,也就是所謂的清教徒移民始祖 (Pilgrim Fathers). 他們在嚴苛的氣候與飢餓脅迫下從事殖民地的建設,而最後拯救其生命的卻是傳授農業技巧的原住民.因此,翌年的11月存活下來的清教徒們(共47人)為了感謝上帝與原住民而舉行感恩節 (155頁)

Corn is King: 玉蜀黍擁有800倍收獲;稻米擁有100倍收獲 (44頁) 天津高成鳶則認為小米(黍)有1萬倍 (註二)

甘蔗,甜菜beet之年生產量共超過15億噸,遠比稻米與小麥的生產量還多 28頁

1/3飼料所含的熱量可轉化為猪肉,羊的一成以上,牛的一成之熱量轉換率 51頁 每增加一公斤肉雞體重所需的飼料,甚至還不到兩公斤,與牛或豬的飼養相比較可獲取五倍的利潤 61頁

Marvin Harris suggested that (concluded from results of Stehpen Boyd Eaton, Melvin Konner, Emory university) according to available data in history, a man could digest 788 grams of lean meat per day in most of the times, that amounts to 4 times the average of an American today ( 46頁)  註三

西元19世紀,在世界各地占有殖民地的歐洲,由於殖民地所帶來的莫大財富,逐漸興起成為"柔和帝國".而法國料理,就是在那樣歴史背景下的近代產物 66頁

Peanut butter was invented by John Harvey Kellogg (1852 - 1943)

以上摘自:(中譯本)你不可不知的世界飲食史 臺北遠足文化事業股份有限公司 2013

博客主的註一:参考"為口奔馳,為食謀反"典故如下:HMS Bounty, also known as HM Armed Vessel Bounty, was a small merchant vessel purchased by the Royal Navy for a botanical mission. The ship, under the command of William Bligh, was sent to the Pacific Ocean to acquire breadfruit plants and transport them to British possessions in the West Indies. That mission was never completed, due to a mutiny led by Acting Lieutenant Fletcher Christian. This was the famous Mutiny on the Bounty. 以上摘自 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Bounty

註二: 高成鳶 從飢餓出發: 華人飲食與文化, 三聯 2012 351頁 (millet is King) 

註三:  面積 294 平方公里的波蘭羅茲省因為過去人口少, 可以大量畜牧也說不定: 
  • 1793年:190人
  • 1806年:767人
  • 1830年:4,300人
  • 1850年:15,800人
  • 1880年:77,600人  source: Wikipedia


清教徒移民 When the first house was finished, it immediately became a hospital for the ill Pilgrims. By the end of February, with deaths still rising, thirty-one of the company were dead. Coles Hill, a prominence above the beach, became the first cemetery with the graves allowed to overgrow with grass for fear the Indians would discover how weakened the settlement had actually become.[51] Between the landing and March, only 47 colonists had survived the diseases they contracted on the ship. During the worst of the sickness, only six or seven of the group were able and willing to feed and care for the rest. In this time, half the Mayflower crew also died. 以上摘自    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pilgrim_Fathers

