2018年9月27日 星期四


                                   龍目島(紅點)  Source: Google map

倫敦的考古學家發現多個亂葬崗,男女老幼堆疊起來,死因不明。經過科學家仔細檢測冰核樣本的硫酸度和地形形成,發現一次神秘火山爆發的元兇,以及爆發經過,而這神秘爆發更跟亂葬崗息息關。 Source: http://programme.tvb.com/pearl
On Air Date: 2018.09.26 (Wed)

Archaeologists in London have discovered a series of mass graves whose victims died in 1258CE (760年前)due to a mass famine triggered by a devastating volcanic eruption. In this documentary, scientists who are experts in natural disasters examine sulfur levels in ice cores and investigate geological formations in order to uncover the mystery of the location of the volcano as well as when it erupted.  Source:  http://programme.tvb.com/lifestyle/volatileearth/episode/1

London’s volcanic winter
轉載自:  https://www.archaeology.co.uk/articles/features/londons-volcanic-winter.htm

Mass graves were needed all too often in the Medieval world, but establishing the specific tragedy behind any given set is difficult. Now Don Walker believes that a group in Spitalfields cemetery can be linked to a massive volcanic eruption, as he told Matthew Symonds.

The destructive force unleashed by Vesuvius, Krakatoa and Mount St Helens made those volcanoes household names. Yet all three are dwarfed by the largest eruption of the last millennium. Probably occurring in early 1258 AD, it violently ejected between 200 and 600 megatons of sulphate into the Earth’s atmosphere. Around eight times the yield from Krakatoa, this was an eruption on a cataclysmic scale.
Despite its magnitude, the identity of the volcano responsible remains a mystery. El Chichón in Mexico, Quilotoa in Ecuador and, most recently, a site in Indonesia have all been named as possible culprits. But while the source of the sulphates remains elusive, the eruption’s fingerprints can be found around the globe. Ice cores from both the northern hemisphere and Antarctica preserve its debris, while a thick layer of ash lies among the sediments in Lake Malawi, nestled between Mozambique and Tanzania. Traces can even be found in the records of contemporary chroniclers writing far from the tropics.


一次火山爆发就能毁灭人类!专家呼吁澳洲赶紧屯粮! 发布日期:2018-09-2..... Copyright: 1688澳洲新闻网 Read more at: https://www.1688.com.au/australia/national/2018/09/27/441360/

圖文轉載自   : https://www.1688.com.au/australia/national/2018/09/27/441360

专家们表示,如果全球食物供应链受到大规模火山爆发的破坏,澳大利亚需要一个国家粮食储备来防止饥荒。 过去的大规模火山爆发,例如印度尼西亚1815年的Tambora火山爆发曾经引发全球气候变暖,导致作物歉收。

根据科学杂志《地球圈》(Geosphere)发表的一篇研究论文,1257年在龙目岛(Lombok)度假胜地林加尼山(Mount Rinjani)附近的萨马拉斯火山(Samalas volcano)爆发,很有可能导致了小冰河时代。 根据这份名叫《预测未来的火山爆发指数(VEI)》的报告,7次火山喷发及其带来的寒冷影响,造成全欧洲的农作物灾难性的死亡,造成了饥馑和大规模饥荒。

考古学家认为,在伦敦斯皮塔佛德(Spitalfields)发现的群葬墓有超过10,000个骷髅,其历史可追溯到那次火山爆发的次年。中世紀阿尔卑斯山脉以北最大的城市倫敦只有 3.5萬人, 155頁, 全球水危機 : 節約用水從我做起 = When the rivers run dry / [英]弗雷德.皮爾斯著 ; 張新明譯.北京智識產權出版社 2010
该研究报告称,世界人口从林加尼火山爆发时的大约4亿,增加到今天的超过70亿,这将使今天大规模火山爆发的影响更具破坏性。 澳大利亚国立大学(ANU)地质学教授阿克鲁斯(Richard Arculus)告诉澳大利亚《每日邮报》(Daily Mail Australia),澳大利亚可以通过储存谷物来做好准备。 他说:“如果我们在火山爆炸指数中发现6到7次爆发,我们就没有办法阻止全球影响。” “但我们可以通过储备谷物来应对此类灾难。” 研究报告称,虽然全球供应链意味著作物产区可以为那些作物歉收的地方提供食物,但这条供应链本身就很容易受到干扰。

据报导,今年瓦努阿图,巴布亚新几内亚和夏威夷的火山爆发以及墨尔本一个令人惊讶的火山场爆发了显示环太平洋火山链的活动增加。 根据气象学、气候学和地球物理局(Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency)的数据,印度尼西亚今年在阿贡山(Mount Agung)发生火山爆发,而上周末期间另一座活火山Anak Krakatau爆发了50多次。

延伸閱讀: 中世纪英國農業的收穫倍率  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102w1lo.html

斯皮塔佛德   https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/斯皮塔佛

思考題: 英國南部農業較北部發達, 設南部3人餓死一人, 北部多少人餓死一人?   2:1 或 1:1?
专家们表示,如果全球食物供应链受到大规模火山爆发的破坏,澳大利亚需要一个国家粮食储备来防止饥荒。 过去的大规模火山爆发,例如印度尼西亚1815年的Tambora火山爆发曾经引发全球气候变暖,导致作物歉收。 ..... Copyright: 1688澳洲新闻网 Read more at: https://www.1688.com.au/australia/national/2018/09/27/441360/
一次火山爆发就能毁灭人类!专家呼吁澳洲赶紧屯粮! 发布日期:2018-09-27 17:40:13 文章来源:1688澳州新闻网..... Copyright: 1688澳洲新闻网 Read more at: https://www.1688.com.au/australia/national/2018/09/27/441360/

