2018年9月2日 星期日


自動多噴頭洗沙循環穿梭設備     Source: https://www.glasspoint.com/technology/sealed-from-dust

Sealed From Dust   Source:  https://www.glasspoint.com/technology/sealed-from-dust

Many of the world’s oilfields are located in deserts where blowing sand and dust create unique challenges for solar power. By bringing the solar collectors indoors, GlassPoint has overcome this longstanding hurdle. GlassPoint’s technology is proven to withstand harsh deserts environments, producing solar steam even in the toughest operating conditions.

Self Cleaning Solar Greenhouse

Unlike all other CSP technologies, GlassPoint has brought its solar collectors inside a commercial greenhouse. The sealed greenhouse creates a wind-free environment, protecting the mirrors and other delicate components from dust, dirt, sand and humidity. This is especially important in the Middle East, where sandstorms are common year-round.

GlassPoint solar steam generators include a proven, robotic cleaning system that automatically washes the roof of the greenhouse at night. The system recaptures wash water in the gutters, which is filtered and reused to minimize water consumption.
Real-world operating data from solar projects in Oman and the United Arab Emirates reveal that soiling can reduce performance by an average of 2.5% per day. If the optical surfaces are left unwashed for a week, performance drops by more than 15%, underscoring the need for daily wash cycles. Exposed solar designs often rely on manual washing systems, which can be unsafe for operators and impractical at scale. In remote oilfield locations, manual washing will significantly increase operating costs.

Proven Desert Performance

In a recent Middle East dust storm where winds exceeded 53 km/h (33 mph), a GlassPoint solar steam generator continued to operate, producing steam for the entire day. Optical performance was completely restored overnight after one wash cycle where layers of accumulated sand were removed from the greenhouse. The following day, the solar EOR facility exceeded performance targets, producing more than 100% of steam output models.

Protected from Soiling

GlassPoint’s enclosed trough design dramatically reduces energy losses from soiling. The greenhouse roof is six meters above ground level and experiences half the soiling rate of surfaces one meter above grade. More than 90% of the sunlight used to produce steam enters through the roof of the greenhouse, where soiling levels are the lowest.

GlassPoint maintains a pristine environment inside the sealed greenhouse by injecting dehumidified and filtered air to preserve an internal pressure that is higher than the exterior atmosphere. The difference in pressure expels sand and debris through any small gaps in the structure, preventing sand and dust from entering.

In other solar designs, the mirrors and positioning systems have no protection from these outdoor elements. If faced with a sandstorm, the solar collectors would quickly cover in sand and operations would be idled. In addition to increased downtime, losses due to soiling are a significant challenge for designs where the mirrors, the key optical surface, are located close to ground level. Not only will these systems require more frequent cleaning, it also puts them in the “abrasion zone” for high-speed wind blown sand particles. The sand abrasions would degrade the surface of the mirrors in just a few years, reducing performance and increasing maintenance costs.


2015-10-26  发布者: Walt    http://www.cspplaza.com/article-5973-1.html



  稠油(heavy oil)亦称重质原油或高粘度原油。按粘度分类,把在油层温度下粘度高于100mps、已脱气的原油称为稠油。





   电加热技术是在空心抽油杆中穿一根电缆,电缆的一端与空心抽油杆的底端相连,在由电缆、空心抽油杆构成的回路上施加交流电,通过被加热的空心抽油杆对稠 油或高凝油实现加热降粘。与其他技术相比,具有较高的效率,而且该工艺作业比较简单,费用较低,因此具有明显的优越性,在我国的许多油田得到广泛应用。



   各国对于EOR技术的研究已经开展多年,已经商业化应用的EOR技术有多种,其中应用最广泛的是热法采油(热采技术)。当前稠油热采主要是利用电加热降 低稠油粘度或利用燃气锅炉生产蒸汽注入油井去稀释稠油,这两种方法均要消耗大量的电能或天然气燃料,存在着较大的能源浪费。

   随着可供一次开采的石油储量和产量日益下降,稠油的开采将日益迫切。传统的利用电加热或天然气辅助稠油开采的方法浪费宝贵的电力和燃气,并不具备可持续 发展性。利用太阳能聚光集热技术来提供稠油热采所需的热能,亦即太阳能EOR技术是一种可持续发展的绿色能源技术,随着电力和天然气价格的逐步上涨,绿色 环保的太阳能EOR技术将迎来勃勃市场生机。



  美国Glass Point是第一家将玻璃房槽式太阳能光热技术应用于稠油热采的公司。

   Glass Point以槽式技术为基础,结合沙漠地区的气候特点,设计了封闭型槽式聚光镜场,与传统的光热发电用露天槽式聚光镜场相比,技术上有了很大突破:其聚光 镜场设计的最大亮点是将太阳能聚光镜置于玻璃房结构中,玻璃房里保持着高于外界的空气温度和压力,可以防止灰尘进入,能抵抗外部风沙等对聚光镜的侵蚀损 坏。


   对聚光太阳能技术玩家而言,基于对热能的利用,从理论上来讲,只要需要高品位热能的工农业生产及生活领域,如太阳能海水淡化、合成气SolrGas生 产、太阳能空调等都可以设法采用聚光太阳能集热技术实现热能发生方式的转变。但除了光热发电,在太阳能热利用领域,还没有哪个项目做到百MW级别以上。阿 曼太阳能项目可称之为聚光太阳能行业开拓新兴多元化市场的标杆。


   一次石油能源需求的日益增加和其有限储量,使全世界面临严重的石油危机。太阳能资源是储量最大的绿色可再生能源,作为油田开采的辅助能源,将玻璃房槽式 太阳能光热EOR技术应用于稠油热采,能降低油田稠油热采常规电力和天然气的消耗,节省资源,提高原油采收率,增加原油产量,提高国家战略石油储备,促进 国民经济健康发展,具备国防和国民经济两方面的重大意义。

