2018年4月26日 星期四


圖文轉載自: https://www.som.com/china/projects/pearl_river_tower




珠江城大厦垂直風力渦輪機網頁:  www.windside.com/products
Four WS-12 turbine systems in building-integrated wind-tunnels.       

                                                    Source:  www.windside.com/products 

                                                                       Source: sites.psu.edu/friday/guangzhou
                                                Source: Google search picture

廣州塔: Two WS-4B systems help to power LED exterior lights (光伏系统预计的年发电量12660度。风力发电机年发电量约为41472度, 資料來源: 百度廣州塔) 

博主跟據廠家資料(上表)計得二臺 WS-4最高年發電量為 2 x 11,100度電 = 22,200


位於中國廣州一座號稱『全球最節能建築』的摩天大樓『珠江大廈』(Pearl River Tower)被認為是對抗環境污染的一盞『明燈』。這座大廈可利用風能、太陽能發電,正在引領綠色建設技術的新潮流。
  我們無法證實這種說法是否屬實,但珠江大廈無疑是一個令人激動的項目。SOM建築設計事務所東亞區負責人艾米·恩格萊哈特(Ame Englehart)說:『這棟建築的設計十分大膽。開發商非常自信,准備盡可能將這一設計推向新的高峰。』 SOM建築設計事務所堅稱,這一設計是按廣州實地情況量身打造,在別的地方無法復制。


London's Strata tower wins Carbuncle Cup as Britain's ugliest new building

此大厦屋頂裝有三具五扇葉各 19 千瓦kw風力發電機, 年發電量共達50MWh,  跟據風電補貼計劃共有年收入達 £16,000-£17,000 (Source: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/mar/14/razor-tower-wind-turbines )
 The Strata building in Elephant & Castle, south London. Photograph: Sarah Lee for the Guardian

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2010/aug/12/strata-tower-britains-ugliest-building

The 42-storey building in Elephant & Castle was nominated for its 'plain visual grotesqueness' and 'Philishave stylings'  (下圖紅點).  
此處綠點是馬克斯墓 Highgate Cemetery _/

It was hailed a breakthrough in urban wind power: a 42-storey tower with built-in turbines to deliver 8% of its electricity needs. But today the Strata tower in south London found itself becalmed when it was named Britain's ugliest new building, pipping a rival that the judges said resembled a giant pair of buttocks and a bus station that looked like a jelly mould.
Justin Black, the director of the developer Brookfield had already admitted: "It's what I term Marmite architecture – you either love it or you hate it." And sure enough the judges of the Carbuncle Cup, architecture's least sought after prize, opted for the latter.
"Decked out with Philishave stylings, this is a building that appears to be auditioning for a supporting role in a James Bond title sequence," said Ellis Woodman of Building Design, the trade newspaper which organised the prize.
The building was nominated by The Georgian Group for its "plain visual grotesqueness". Adam Jones, another nominator, said: "I used to live in south London and moved partly because — and I'm not joking — the Strata tower made me feel ill and I had to see it every day."
The dubious honour, now in its fifth year, is intended as an antidote to the Royal Institute of British Architect's Stirling Prize for the best building and has attracted growing levels of interest. Design critic Stephen Bayley said it "attracts a far higher level of intelligent participation than the Stirling prize".
Thirty-one buildings were nominated by readers "united in their often poetic expressions of outrage", said Woodman. The shortlisted Cube office development in Birmingham was described by its nominator as like "a lumpy beige ornament your father buys your mother for her birthday because he thinks it's classy, whereas she can see it for the tat it is".
For the winner, there was the difficult question of how to react. Robert Torday, the marketing director of the apparently unamused architects of the scheme, BFLS, declined to comment.
And not everyone is sure the award is a good thing.
"Labelling one architect with having produced the worst building of the year without mention of the client, developer or contractor means giving the architect a massive kicking when they are very rarely the sole author of the project," said Charles Holland, director of FAT Architecture. "Nothing wrong with robust criticism, but laughing at other people's mistakes is never an edifying spectacle."

 London landmark building will generate 8% of its energy needs

Rooftop turbines on the 'Razor' are first in world to be built into fabric of apartment block

轉載自: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/mar/14/razor-tower-wind-turbines 

  The 'Razor', a newly completed tower block in Elephant and Castle, London, will generate nearly a tenth of its own energy through its three rooftop turbines. Photograph: Linda Nylind 

Peering down 148 metres from the top of the latest addition to London’s skyline at the traffic-clogged Elephant and Castle roundabout below and its notorious neighbour, the Heygate estate, feel an unlikely location for a world first. But next week, this new skyscraper, nicknamed “the Razor”, will take a crucial step towards becoming the world’s first building with wind turbines built into its fabric.
While wind speeds in the concrete jungle at the tower’s base would render a wind turbine pointless, at 42 storeys up they are capable of 35mph gusts – a serious challenge for the workers who created the complex steel structure – and are projected to generate 8% of the building’s electricity needs.
The building – officially called the Strata tower – is a £113m milestone in the £1.5bn project to regenerate the Elephant and Castle area. The Strata development, which comprises the tower and a smaller “Pavillion” building, is a statement of the new demographic Southwark council hopes the area will attract – its 408 apartments range from £230,000 to £2.5m.
But the tower also marks an innovation for the building sector, which under government regulations will have to make all new buildings zero-carbon by 2019.
Justin Black, director for Brookfield, the developer, said the decision to choose wind was a “conscious decision to experiment”. He pointed out that the entire southern facade of the building would have had to be covered in solar photovoltaics to generate the same amount of energy. “The brief we gave to Hamilton’s Architects was we wanted a statement, we wanted to create benchmarks for sustainability and urban living. We wanted something bold, we wanted remarkable. It’s what I term Marmite architecture – you either love it or you hate it, there’s no in between,” Black said.
Next week the blades for the 9m-diameter turbines arrive on site and will be winched on to the roof for installation in early April, before the building is opened by London major Boris Johnson – circumstances permitting – on 1 July. The 19kW turbines, which were made bespoke for the project, will have five blades rather than the usual three to reduce noise. Vibrations to the rest of the building should be eliminated by a five-tonne base fitted with four anti-vibration dampeners.
Unlike a conventional turbine standing in a field, the three in the Strata tower are expected to use the Venturi effect — think of wind being forced between two large buildings — to suck wind in from many angles and accelerate it through the tubes. As well as generating a predicted 50MWh annually, the turbines will also generate money – an estimated £16,000-£17,000 annually – through the government’s new and controversial feed-in-tariff, which starts on 1 April.
Other attempts have been made to minimise the tower’s environmental footprint, which is 6% above the energy efficiency required under building regulations. For example it uses a natural ventilation system and there is no air-conditioning. A wholly glazed building was ruled out to increase insulation and reduce noise.
Paul King, chief executive of UK Green Building Council, hailed the building as pioneering but warned that wind power was unlikely to become widespread in skyscrapers: “You’ve got to take your hat off to the design team for delivering a building that clearly captures the imagination. I doubt whether wind power will become a common feature in high-rise inner-city projects – but without this type of bold innovation, how would we ever know? Let’s see how it works and learn from the real performance data that is gathered.”
Strata is not alone among efforts to build wind-powered “cities in the sky”. The Bahrain World Trade Centre already has wind turbines slung between its two towers, China has plans for high-rise buildings with turbines built into their fabric, and the Lighthouse tower in Paris’ La Defense district should be topped by turbines when it’s completed in 2015. Not all such wind towers have met with success though: Dubai’s Anara Tower was cancelled, while New York’s Freedom Tower, which was to replace the World Trade Centre, lost its proposed turbines in a redesign.

