2018年2月24日 星期六


今天,医疗技术初创企业 AWAK Technologies 宣布获得 1120 万美元融资(博主註: 5 個月後即增加至112億美元, 見下文),由淡马锡控股全资子公司 Accuron Technologies Limited 旗下的 Accuron MedTech 领投,另有其它投资人参投。公司计划利用本轮融资推进吸附剂再生技术的商业化,开发轻型医疗器械,降低透析的成本和复杂性。
AWAK 创立于 2007 年,总部位于加利福尼亚州,同时在新加坡设有办事处,致力于为末期肾脏疾病患者提供解决方案。AWAK 技术能够应用于血液透析和腹膜透析之中,帮助肾衰竭患者去除体内毒素。公司研发的“基于吸附剂的再生技术”能够将透析液进行再生,并重新制成新鲜的透析液,这就意味着,与常规透析器械相比,AWAK 透析技术能够提高透析效率,同时将透析液降低 90%。
AWAK 总裁 Gordon Ku 博士表示:“公司技术平台面向的是价值约 850 亿美元的末期肾病患者市场,本轮融资有助于我们在 2018 年之前完成产品研发和开发计划,并与 Accuron MedTech 共同将这些产品推向市场。”
Accuron MedTech 的集团 CEO Abel Ang 表示:“Accuron MedTech 是全球肾结石疾病解决方案的领先企业,AWAK 技术有助于我们迈向更广阔的肾病市场。本次领投 AWAK 的融资,是因为我们两个企业之间存在很多协同效应,可以利用彼此的开发能力、网络和器械制造资源等。”
2011 年 1 月份,AWAK 曾获得 600 万美元种子轮融资。未来,公司还将构建电池驱动的透析机设备,大大改善医疗器械的流动性,从而应用于一些突发紧急状况或是推动医疗器械进入到偏远的农村地区。


AWAK Technology receives a mammoth funding of $11.2 Bn from Accuron Technologies

18 May 2017   
轉載自: https://www.biospectrumasia.com/news/27/8932/awak-technology-receives-a-mammoth-funding-of-11-2-bn-from-accuron-technologies-.html

AWAK Technology receives a mammoth funding of $11.2 Bn from Accuron Technologies The investment was made through the MedTech Alliance, an accelerator appointed by SPRING SEEDS Capital, to facilitate the growth of start-ups in the local medtech industry.

Accuron MedTech, a division of Accuron Technologies Limited, has invested a massive amount of US $11.2 billion in a Singapore based medtech startup AWAK Technologies. This funding will support the commercialization of AWAK Technologies’ disruptive sorbent regenerative technology that aims to improve dialysis treatment options for patients suffering from kidney failure.
Accuron MedTech joins existing shareholders of AWAK Technologies, which include Baxter Healthcare SA and TP Innovation Holdings Pte Ltd. This is the seventh medtech investment/ divestment transaction that Accuron MedTech has made in the last three years.
The investment was made through the MedTech Alliance, an accelerator appointed by SPRING SEEDS Capital, to facilitate the growth of start-ups in the local medtech industry.
AWAK Technologies has developed a sorbent technology platform that has applications in both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis for the removal of toxins from patients suffering from kidney failure. The sorbent technology regenerates and reconstitutes used dialysis fluid into fresh fluid, which means more efficient dialysis with up to 90 per cent less dialysis fluid compared to conventional dialysis machines. This has the potential to make a significant impact by reducing the cost and complexity of dialysis, while at the same time increasing miniaturization and portability of dialysis machines.
“Accuron MedTech, through Dornier MedTech, is a global leader in providing treatment solutions in the US$400 million kidney stone market. AWAK Technologies is our first step in diversifying into the wider kidney disease market,” said Abel Ang, Group Chief Executive Officer, Accuron MedTech, a division of Accuron Technologies.

He further added that the company sees great synergies amongst its portfolio companies, which can leverage upon each other for development capabilities, networks and manufacturing. Accuron looks forward to partnering with AWAK Technologies’ Board and management in bringing its products to market.

延伸閱讀: http://awak.com/product

博主觀察:  救心在東洋, 救腎在南洋

