2017年4月22日 星期六

摩爾曼斯克逃逸之 Red King Crab 在挪威 Kirkenes 希爾克內斯峽灣氾濫

Source: Google map

前蘇聯 1960 年代引進了 13,000 隻北極長腳蟹進駐摩爾曼斯克, 但有相當數量逃逸至鄰國挪威之 Kirkenes 希爾克內斯峽灣 (距邊境一公里), 由於它是外來物種, 吃光了本土的蟹和魚類. 其數目高速繁殖, 總數已達二千萬只之鉅. 每只大者動輒有 15 公斤,  在國際市場上極為暢銷, 蓬勃了本地經濟和旅遊.



TVB.com Pearl 2017.04.14
Alexander Armstrong is about to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. He will set off into the Arctic winter on an epic 8,000-mile journey that will take him half way around the planet. He’ll witness the world’s most stunning natural wonders and discover why the far north has such a magnetic lure for its extraordinary inhabitants.

