2016年4月29日 星期五

英國提供了各國廚師創業的機會 (2016-03-25 16:48:20)

馬來西亞華裔邱瑞秋(Rachel Khoo 中奧混血名廚)最初以英國國民身份前往法國學習廚藝之經歷, 是被批評為 you are English you can't cook. 要向校方提供確實具有法菜訓練基礎オ被接納. 建議有心創業的人不妨出國試試. 参考短片 Rachel Khoo - The Little Paris Kitchen youtube.com 發佈日期:2012年3月8日 (碰巧利用婦女節這一天發佈短片,告知讀者法國普遍認為英國女人不會做飯)


英國佳餚電視頻道 Good Food channel 2011年 邀請了2000人做調査, 多於一半的人承認丈夫做飯比較好吃. 30年前, 五個婦女中有二個會做飯, 現在六個婦女中只有一個會做飯, 其他不會做飯的最多能倉促拼湊出七道菜, 通常是她們母親的一半. 八成入廚婦女只是不断将相同菜式重覆又重覆, 缺少新意.

参考 (Women who admit they can't boil an egg, 譯作不會用水煮熟雞蛋的英國女人 Daily Mail, 3 May 2011, 有個別婦女網站則採用下列標題 Most British Women Can't Cook 譯作大多數英國女人不會做飯)


basic curry more than 20% struggles with a basic curry

bake a cake 16% cannot bake a cake

roast meat 10% has never cooked a roast

cook a breakfast 5% messes up boiling an egg, or preparing a cooked breakfast

make a meringue.法國泡沫蛋糕甜點蛋白霜 30% have 'no idea'

make fish pie 13% wouldn't know where to start with a fish pie

make lasagne 10% can't make lasagne 千層麵是一種麵食,特點是用多張寬如手帕的大麵皮疊起來,內層夾上多種乳酪及肉醬,經焗製調味而成。

make fairycakes 16% shy away when tasked with making fairy cakes 紙杯蛋糕

week night dinners 16% regularly get their husband to fix up week night dinners

cook three meals 10% women can cook fewer than three meals without looking at a recipe book or asking for help.

eat at home 10% are either too busy or working late to get home in time

80% admitted cooking the same meals over and again 

2% read recipe books and 30% have no time to experiment. 

deciding what to eat 30% plan their meals in advance to 'make life easy'

20% said they use whatever is left in the cupboard or fridge


Around half admitted that their mothers would have easily fixed up any of those dishes above 30 years ago 40% women could easily whip up (to prepare) twenty or more meals off the top of their head用非洲婦女擅長用頭頂水和食物來比譬具備強烹調能力之上一代英國婦女,距今約30年前,十個婦女裏面總能找得出四個會做飯的,她們隨隨便便都能應付20多人同時就餐.


英國不産葡萄,橄欖,和甘蔗,但産甜菜(2011産量為八百五拾萬噸),  Delessert在1812年發展出以甜菜為原料的工業製糖技術,以取代對食糖的需求;這項技術使得寒溫帶的歐洲也能自行產糖,減少對熱帶產甘蔗糖的依賴,並進一步導致英屬西印度群島(巴貝多、牙買加)糖業的沒落與日後奴隸制度的廢除 参考 zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/糖用甜菜 .

英國在美洲的殖民地New England並不適合大麥或啤酒花的栽種,只能継續釀製傳統蘋果酒 Apple Jack, 131頁, 宮崎正勝, 酒の世界史, 台北遠足文化事業股份有限公司, 2009


1316年不列顛島南部的温徹斯特Winchester, 雖然比鄰近地區更適合進行農業,收穫倍率卻只有兩倍 100頁, ...人口增加太快,農業生產力無法應付.英格蘭在西元1000 年的耕地面積(包含穀物與其他作物)為340萬公頃,這些農地生產的作物尚可供應250萬人,但過了300年後,就必須用460萬公頃的農地養活500萬人 174頁, 田家康 氣候文明史 : 改變世界的攻防八萬年 ,台北市 臉譜出版, 2012 倫敦現在被譽為烹飪文化的中心,憑藉的幾乎完全從外國進ロ的食材.打造美食王國的功臣是食物的全球化,而非本土的發明 140頁, 飲食與愛情 : 東方與西方的文化史 = Food and love : a cultural history of East and West / 傑克.顧迪(Jack Goody)著 ; 楊惠君譯. 台北 聯經, 2004 1816年

法國廚師之王,王之廚師卡漢姆前往威爾斯親王處服務2年。但他發現,即使最棒的法國菜餚,都無法動摇数百年来淡而無味的英國食物. 他寫下: 英國烹飪的精華是烤牛肉;羊肉和羔羊;各種肉類在鹽水中烹调,就像煮魚和烫青菜的方式一樣...水果蜜餞,各種布丁,花椰菜煮雞與火雞,醃牛肉,鄉村火腿,以及一些類似的蔬菜燉肉-這就是英國烹飪的總和.

 Careme was depressed by the climate and the attitude of his fellow cooks, who resented the attention paid to this foreign interloper侵入. “The essentials of English cooking,” he wrote, “are the roasts of beef, mutton, and lamb; the various meats cooked in salt water, in the manner of fish and vegetables...fruit preserves, puddings of all kinds, chicken and turkey with cauliflower, salt beef, country ham, and several similar ragouts 醃肉- that is the sum of English cooking.” A more accurate description of old-fashioned English fare 伙食 could hardly be penned today. p.144 Willan, Anne (1938), Great cooks and their recipes : from Taillevent to Escoffier, 1992, London: Pavilion

卡漢姆還寫道:他們的料理不但難以下嚥還十分辛辣,威爾斯親王每次痛風發作,都得痛苦好幾天,好幾晚 p.32 20位顛覆飲食潮流的革命家 : 看這些人如何改變我們的味蕾與經典食譜 = Food gurus : 20 people who changed the way we eat and think about food / 史帝芬.韋安仕(Stephen Vines)著 ; 方淑惠譯 台北市 : 三采文化出版事業有限公司, 2014

直至非常晩近,西歐都依照阿拉伯飲食的規則,而它們是從希臘醫生那裏継承來的 225頁, 烹飪,菜餚與階級(Cooking, cuisine and class : a study in comparative sociology / 傑克.古迪(Jack Goody, died on 16 July 2015, aged 95)著 ; 王榮欣, 沈南山譯. 2012 廣場出版

The aristocracy of Europe despised the use of vegetables and ate a mainly meat diet. Consequently, they suffered widely from gout痛風. The arrival of sweets, jams and preserves created another problem: constipation便秘, through neglect of the recommendations of Muslim physicians. Thus, we learn from the chronicles of the Pope in Avignon in the 14th century, that boats from Beirut brought jams, preserves, rice and special flour for cake-making, plus compensatory 補充的laxatives!瀉藥 

Source: http://muslimheritage.com/article/influence-islamic-culinary-art-europe

