2020年3月14日 星期六


2016, January, Steven Chu, Nobel Prize in Physics (1997) and former Secretary of the Department of Energy (DOE ) in the US, cites Valhalla as an example of energy innovation for fighting climate change. Source: http://valhalla.cl/history 朱棣文或者會認為美國不會跟隨死海, 埃及Qattara,  突尼斯及阿爾及利的 Sahara Sea,  依照 Vahalla.cl 太陽能抽水蓄計劃利用地勢發電  參考:突尼斯龐大的沙漠太陽能熱發電供電歐盟馬耳他  https://kcwongjinan.blogspot.com/2017/09/blog-post_19.html?

m=1://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102xho1.html   .

全球範圍的氣候轉變使以上大規模廉價發電計劃變得短期內可行, 尾隨者可從先行者處獲得啟發, 從而追上進度. 幾代中東, 北非沙漠人期待的內陸海水湖泊可藉着蒸發改善乾旱, 所發的24/7電又可收回成本, 廉價鈣鈦礦太陽能開發成功是主要因素.

若能改善沙漠乾旱, 加州的山火爆發率會不會就此降低?  2018年11月加州的山火已導致85人死亡, 3人失踪,  看來簡單的太陽能抽水蓄計劃利用地勢發電短期內會獲得全球接受和推廣. 沙漠裏水是生命之源, 只有大量的蒸發始能改善乾旱.  蒸發後的鹽又可以回收各種資源(如鉀肥).  大量的潮濕水氣能止大型沙塵暴, 它們會給太陽能電池鋪上一層沙子.  大規模蒸發會供應大量水蒸汽去改善乾旱. 想象中一連串珍珠項鍊般的蒸發池會改造日漸乾燥的氣候.    

還有20至40年美國東部的奥加拉拉蓄水層 Ogallala aquifer  便會被農人抽得枯竭,  現時的 45 萬平方公里農地(美國農地的20%)可能會變成沙漠, 留給人們的時間不多了.   https://www.kansascity.com/news/state/kansas/article28640722.html  http://www.ngchina.com.cn/magazine/2016/08/1016.html

地中海以南的撒哈拉沙漠過去都廣泛種上橄欖樹, 隨著氣候轉趨炎熱和乾燥, 橄欖樹的種植園都轉移到地中海以北歐洲地區去了.  撒哈拉沙漠又在上演沙進人退的悲劇了.



1. A 24/7 hydro-electricity generation which directs the flow from the  sea to the depression all year round;

2. When the sun rises from the east, a widest application of cheap perovskite  solar cells is more than sufficient to pump the sea water back to the sea and the process continues 365 days in a year.     Source: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102y7ly.html


圖文轉載自:  https://geology.com/below-sea-level

8) Death Valley

Elevation: 86 meters below sea level  7,800 km2
Country: USA
Latitude/Longitude: 36°51′N 117°17′W

Death Valley is the location of the lowest land elevation in the United States. It is a north-south trending valley between the Amargosa Range on the east and the Panamint Range on the west. Death Valley is part of the Basin and Range Physiographic Province where north-south trending valleys are bounded on both sides by normal faults. The north and south ends of the valley are formed by the Sylvania Mountains and the Owlshead Mountains. The valley is one of the hottest locations in the United States. The record high temperature for the United States was measured there in 1913 at 134 °F (56.7 °C). Death Valley gets very little rain and the deepest part of the valley is generally dry. However, heavy rains can cause flash floods that produce a large lake in the bottom of the valley.

延伸閱讀:  https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/死亡谷

10) Salton Trough

Elevation: 69 meters below sea level  索爾頓湖面積974平方公里,最大水深16米,蓄水量9.25立方公里
Country: USA, Mexico
Latitude/Longitude: 33°19′N 115°50′W

The Salton Trough is the second lowest depression in the United States. The lowest land in the Salton Trough is along the shoreline of the Salton Sea. The lake level is approximately 69 meters below sea level; however, the lake rises and falls in response to runoff from the New, Whitewater and Alamo Rivers plus some agricultural runoff. The bottom of the Salton Sea is about two meters higher than the bottom of Death Valley.

延伸閱讀:    https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/索爾頓湖


kcwongjinan   2015-12-17 17:57


我的回复(2015-12-19 10:26)谢谢参与:
Source:  http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=533560&do=wall

