2018年9月8日 星期六



圖文轉載自: http://news.ifeng.com/a/20180312/56678176_0.shtml

中国电力新闻网讯 通讯员黄子平 潘锐报道
在为期三天的会议中,联合国教科文组织官员及来自世界各地的专家学者在大会上发表讲话,充分讨论形成共识,即立即行动,拯救乍得湖,以恢复其生态系统,实现可持续生存、安全和发展目标。2月28日,各国政府首脑表达了一致应对乍得湖湖面减少的政治意愿,签署发表了《阿布贾宣言》(Abuja Declaration),确定执行跨流域调水的解决方案。宣言呼吁乍得湖区域、非洲大陆,乃至国际社会对乍得湖的恢复加大关注力度和支持。


Lake Chad: Can the vanishing lake be saved?

  • 31 March 2018  
圖文轉載自:  https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-43500314   

                               Transaqua would cost tens of billions of dollars to build

This is one reason why the delegates in Abuja decided to dust off a scheme first mooted back in 1982 by the Italian engineering company Bonifica Spa.

It came up with Transaqua - a plan to construct a 2,400km (1,500 mile) canal to transfer water from the upstream tributaries of the mighty Congo River all the way to the Chari River basin, which feeds Lake Chad.

The study into the “Transaqua” project would be carried out by Italian engineer Bonifica and PowerChina. The two companies signed an agreement to cooperate on the scheme in Hangzhou last year.

'Deafening silence'

It proposed the transfer of up to 100 billion cubic metres (約兩條黄河) of water a year and featured a series of dams along the route to generate electricity.

At the meeting, it was agreed that Bonifica and PowerChina, the company that helped build the Three Gorges dam spanning the Yangtze River, would complete a feasibility study. They announced that the effort to raise $50bn (£35bn) for the Lake Chad Fund should begin immediately.

Bonifica says its plan will use less than 8% of the water the Congo River discharges into the Atlantic and would not be a threat to the Democratic Republic of Congo's continuing Grand Inga Dam project, which would create the world's largest hydropower generator if it is completed.

                                           Map showing the Chari River drainage basin. Source: Wikipedia

Further engineering work would be needed to enable the Chari River 沙里河是非洲中部的一條河流,長949千米,發源於中非共和國,向西北流入查德,在恩賈梅納與洛貢河匯流後沿查德與喀麥隆的邊界注入查德湖。沙里河流經的主要城市有薩爾和查德首都恩賈梅納,查德人口大多聚居河畔(Wikipedia)。to handle the increased flow of water. The project can be done in a staggered 交錯,
 way, with each completed stage immediately adding to the flow of water into the Lake Chad basin.

Other options that have been considered include one which involves pumping the water uphill from Palambo, in the Central African Republic.

As well as the funding challenge for Transaqua, there will be resistance from environmental campaigners to overcome. And even carrying out the feasibility study properly requires peace.
Chinese media has reported the transfer canal would be 100m  wide and 10m deep and would be flanked 側面 by a service road and eventually a rail line.

"It is a project which responds to the never-tackled infrastructural needs of the African continent, which maybe will give birth to a real African renaissance," says Mr Vichi, who sees all along the route of the canal vast potential for agro-processing and transforming agricultural products for African and foreign markets.
Ministers know life is likely to get ever tougher for the people who live around Lake Chad. That's why they are paying attention to the plans to bring it back to life.


 POWERCHINA attends international conference on Lake Chad

 2018-03-20   http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/20/WS5aa24e0ca3106e7dcc140b3d.html

Co-sponsored by the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and UNESCO, an international conference on Lake Chad was held in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, from February 26 to 28.

Attendees included the presidents of Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Central Africa and Gabon, the premier of Cameroon, representatives of the UN Secretary-General, the chairman of the African Union, representatives from the World Bank, African Development Bank, and Islamic Bank, and Director-General of UNESCO.

Representatives from POWERCHINA were also invited to the conference, including Tian Haihua, Deputy General Manager of POWERCHINA and Secretary of the Party Working Committee at POWERCHINA Central and West Africa Headquarters, Huang Ziping, Deputy Chief Engineer and Head of the Hydropower and Water Division, and Wang Xinhuai, Deputy General Manager of the POWERCHINA Central and West Africa Headquarters.

Officials, experts and scholars from all over the world gave speeches at the conference. During the conference, a consensus was reached that said actions should be taken immediately to solve the ecological problems and reverse the contraction of Lake Chad and achieve the goals of sustainable livelihoods, security and development.

Leaders from the participating countries showed determination in dealing with the problems of the Lake Chad Basin. On February 28, the Abuja Declaration was signed and published. It establishes a project for inter-basin transfer and calls for greater concern and support for the protection and revitalization of the area.

The Minister of Water Resources in Nigeria referred to the commission of POWERCHINA under theLCBC to carry out the basic research and feasibility study of the inter-basin water transfer project to Lake Chad. As one of the leading builders in the energy and power, water and infrastructure sectors in African, POWERCHINA expressed its good willingness and commitment to the social responsibility of African countries.

Led by POWERCHINA INTL. and implemented by POWERCHINA HUADONG, the research will consider the necessity and feasibility of inter-basin water transfer and provide a scientific basis for the project. The research team surveyed the Lake Chad in March, 2017 and the study is carried out according to the plan.

Huang Ziping also introduced China's inter-basin transfer projects exemplified by the newly completed South-to-North Water Transfer Projects.

After more than two decades of exploration, with the core plan of inter-basin water transfer project to save Lake Chad, restore its basin ecological environment in order to achieve tens of millions of the African people's survival and sustainable development. The conference set a milestone to save Lake Chad with the regional, African and international efforts. The conference has also sent a strong invitation to the African continent and the international community.

As an active participant and partner, POWERCHINA, in line with the concept of greater integration with the local societies and common development, has fulfilled its social responsibilities and served the African people. POWERCHINA became a prominent business card of responsibility at the conference.

延伸閱讀:  http://www.cblt.org/en/news/power-china-came-ndjamena-after-signing-memorandum-understanding-water-transfer

国际社会承诺为缓解非洲乍得湖盆地人道危机提供近22亿美元    https://news.un.org/zh/story/2018/09/1016822



轉載自:      https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1610659630963163260&wfr=spider&for=pc

环球网报道 记者 朱梦颖】据德国《明镜》周刊3日消息,德国外交部长海科·马斯当天在乍得湖国际会议上宣布,德国计划在2020年前,为非洲乍得湖地区的非洲人民提供1亿欧元的人道主义援助。




2018 年 9 月 4 日  轉載自:     https://news.un.org/zh/story/2018/09/1016822


