2018年11月21日 星期三


中世紀葡牙除了供應農產品給英國外, 還是捕魚國家.  15世紀已經到達大西洋亞速爾群島Azores 並開始殖民, 開展漁, 農, 牧各業, 人口過剩便移民美洲新英格蘭.  十九世紀末大西洋鯨魚捕光了, 便改為移民加州, 繼續搜捕太平洋鯨魚.

以下地圖紅點為國岸邊觀看巨浪之納扎雷城鎮 Nazare, 昔日漁人岸上親屬眾目睽睽之下目擊巨浪吞噬小船,  漁人存活機會甚微,  故其民族篤信宗教, 以便撫慰亡靈.  漁人親屬失去至親及生活來源, 日後淪落風塵, 賣唱悲慟的民族曲調與歌詞 - Fado https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%B3%95%E6%9C%B5

Biggest wave surfed: has Hugo Vau set a new world record in Portugal?   Chris Harris 

視頻:  https://www.instagram.com/p/BeEUtFVlW1c/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=embed_video_watch_again

Hugo Vau could have smashed a world record amid claims he surfed one of the biggest waves ever seen at Nazare, Portugal.

The wave — nicknamed ‘Big Mama’ — was reported to be up to 35-metres-high, which, if confirmed, would beat current Guinness Book of Records holder Garrett McNamara, who tackled a 23-metre one at Praia do Norte in 2011.

"Today I probably saw the biggest wave surfed in Nazare by Hugo Vau," said teammate Jorge Leal who captured a video of what he claimed was Vau surfing the record-breaking wave on Wednesday (January 17).

It is difficult to pick Vau out in Leal’s footage, which has been validated by the World Surfing League and could now be passed onto the Guinness Book of Records.

The giant waves off the beaches of Nazare have helped the resort become one of the region’s tourist attractions.

Extreme weather conditions — including high winds — have seen top surfers spend the last week at Nazare in the hope of catching a big wave.

Frenchman Benjamin Sanchis broke McNamara's record by surfing a 33-metre wave, also in Nazare, although his milestone was never recognised by the Guinness Book of Records.



                               Source: https://www.amusingplanet.com/2015/11/the-monster-waves-at-nazare-portugal.html

                     懸崖 紅燈塔       Source: http://www.cm-nazare.pt/pt

延伸閱讀: https://www.surfline.com/surf-news/mechanics-nazare-portugual-biggest-waves-xl-surf/38658

                 Video:  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ancient-town-with-giant-waves-nazare-portugal-with-garrett-mcnamara-60-minutes

搜索: Biggest Waves Ever Surfed - Nazare

