2018年8月11日 星期六


                              Source: Google maps
過去尼泊爾軍隊用上十多年時間修通道路到木斯塘(藏族, Mustang, 譯作野馬),  其中一段2公里尤其險要, 需要從山頂吊士兵下去放炸藥.  

路通了, 年青人全部放洋打工去了, 中東至北美都有他們在做工, 孩子也在外面長大了, 很少甚至不返鄉了. 

木斯塘多的是老年人和小孩.  這些 38(婦女)61(兒童)99(老人)部隊還在頑強地過著傳統的農村生活. 

有了交通和滙款, 農業不單只種糧食了, 還種蘋果, 釀拔蘭地哩 (看圖片請前往 https://www.flickr.com/photos/fengwei888/16583830801   搜索圖片 Marpha apple brandy  )  .  當地還有一種瓶庄野生沙棘汁  (看圖片請前往   https://www.flickr.com/photos/fengwei888/16398103410/in/photostream  搜索圖片 Hippophae-Tibetana Seabuck Thorn Squash)

這是重覆上世紀六,七十年代香港新界圍村原住民放洋(英國和歐洲)不歸的歷史, 至今只聽說這些村落會用來重建出售, 當地產項目了.


Marphal apple brandy  轉載自: https://marphalapplebrandy.weebly.com

The Mustang district of Nepal is famous for its fruit production.  A village in the district, named Marpha, is the epicenter of the production of apples in the country.  Most of the area is high in altitude and very dry, almost desert like and because of this, it has very different vegetation in comparison to the rest of Nepal. Commercial fruit growing is not a traditional form of agriculture in Nepal, but apple, pear, peach and plum trees are naturally plentiful in this region and can be used to produce brandy.  Fruit brandy is a type of liquor that is made by fermenting fruit juice.   It typically contains 40-45% alcohol.  This product could be consumed over ice or used in a mixed drink.

In Nepal, these fruit trees grow well naturally that fruit often goes unused and rots at the base of the trees.  These trees in the Mustang district also have a high rate of yield.  As of 1997 the yield of Nepalese apple, pear, peach and plum trees were 9.51, 11.48, 7.26, and 7.03 Metric tonnes per hectare, respectively.[1]  This would lead to a more than satisfactory work to production ratio.  In Nepal, it appears that these brandies are only produced in low-tech facilities for local consumption but there is significant potential to commercialize these products for export.  

Financing from a NGO, government grant/loan or private investor would be required to cover the start up costs, such as the planting of rows of trees, equipment, wages and a production plant. There are however some drawbacks this project.  There could quite easily be a loss of cultural traditions if this venture were successful.  If the company grew sizeably, much of Marpha and the surrounding area would become dependent on the production of the fruit brandy and many people may stop working traditional jobs to find more gainful employment for the company.  Regardless of how the business comes about and operates, it would create a sustainable income source to the area, plenty of jobs and extra tourism.

[1] Lok Nath Devkota, “Decidous fruit production in Asia and the Pacific…,” FAO CORPRATE DOCUMENT REPOSITORY, FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC, 1999, http://www.fao.org/docrep/004/ab985e/ab985e09.htm

參考: 山系人生片集 Mountains and Life (Movie)  http://programme.tvb.com/info/mountainsandlife0001/episode/1/

延伸閱讀: 網絡電影 Adventure of a Lifetime: Trekking the Nepal Himalayas  [Full Movie]

