2018年1月13日 星期六

西班牙大力神燈塔Tower of Hercules

古羅馬人會給燈塔装避雷針?  比較古羅馬人在西班牙的另一支燈塔 - 奇皮奧娜燈塔 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chipiona_Lighthouse   , 那支是沒有装避雷針的.  何解會有大柱將燈光掩蓋?

圖片來源: 上下圖:    https://inaciem.com/roman-empire/tower-of-hercules

以下轉載自維基百科 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/埃库莱斯塔 

埃庫萊斯塔(加裡西亞語和西班牙語:Torre de Hércules)位於西班牙西北部,距離加利西亞拉科魯尼亞2.4公里的一個半島上。

Hércules 是希臘神話的大力神赫拉克勒斯,因此Torre de Hércules之意為赫拉克勒斯塔。 它建於古羅馬時期,是至今仍然使用的古羅馬時期燈塔中歷史最悠久的,距今約有1,900年。1791年曾經翻新。

 塔高55米,屹立於西班牙西北部大西洋岸上。此塔最早的文獻記載是在公元一、二世紀時,是現時西班牙第二高的燈塔,僅次於奇皮奧娜燈塔 Faro de Chipiona  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chipiona_Lighthouse 




This is the oldest lighthouse still in operation in the world, nearly 2000 years of history, helping sailors looking for a guide in this troubled area of ​​the Atlantic.  The beauty, but also the usefulness of the venerable lighthouse is a symbol of what was the Roman Empire: a mix between business and pleasure, built primarily to perform a function that would serve every citizen.  It experienced  all the history of the Iberian Peninsula since the advent of Latin culture in the countries of western Europe. Source: https://inaciem.com/roman-empire/tower-of-hercules


西班牙大力神燈塔Tower of Hercules (紅點)以南三十至四十公里則是天主教聖地亞哥德孔波斯特拉 Santiago de Compostela. 維基百科說是相傳耶穌十二門徒之一的大雅各安葬於此,是天主教朝聖勝地之一。自中世紀以來,前來此地的朝聖者絡繹不絕,乃至形成了一條有名的朝聖之路,即聖雅各之路。 聖地亞哥-德孔波斯特拉古城於1985年被列為世界文化遺產。搜索: Santiago de Compostela, botafumeiro (圖片及影片)

朝聖者多天不洗澡, 八名教士齊心協力用滑輪盪千秋似的將香爐(50至160公斤)散播焚香, 有沒有意外? One of the most renowned accidents took place during a visit of Princess Catherine of Aragon. She was on a journey to marry the heir to the English throne in 1499 and stopped by the cathedral in Santiago de Compostela. While it was being swung, the Botafumeiro flew out of the cathedral through the Platerias high window. No one was reported to have been injured on this occasion.The ropes and other devices securing the Botafumeiro have also failed; on May 23, 1622, and more recently in 1925 and July 1937. In 1622, the Botafumeiro fell at the feet of the tiraboleiros. In July 1937, the cords holding the Botafumeiro failed again, and hot coals were spilled onto the floor.  Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botafumeiro



延伸閱讀:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Christians_in_the_Roman_Empire

