2017年6月3日 星期六



A new era in fish farming is on its way

博主說明:  根據東森電視2017年6月5日晚十時半報導, 這樣的大養殖籠一共打造100個, 所養三文魚全部返銷中國

Source:   http://www.salmar.no/en/offshore-fish-farming-a-new-era
Ocean Farm 1 – the world’s first offshore fish farm – is now delivered from the shipyard in China and will soon be on its way to Norway. It may represent the first step towards a new era in aquaculture. Based on world-class Norwegian aquaculture and offshore technology, Ocean Farm 1 aspires to address central issues related to sustainable growth in the aquaculture industry.
Following an official handover ceremony on June 3, 2017, Ocean Farm 1 will be sea transferred at the shipyard in Qingdao, China and set its course for the coast of Norway. Upon arrival in the second half of 2017, the 110-meters wide structure will be positioned in Frohavet, off the coast of Trøndelag. As a full-scale pilot facility, Ocean Farm 1 is designed to test out both the biological as well as the technological aspects of offshore fish farming.
Responding to the world’s need for more and healthier food
Within 2030, the world needs to produce 70% more food, and we need to do so using less resources and with a minimal environmental footprint. While oceans cover more than two thirds of the world’s surface, only 2% of the food energy for human consumption comes from the sea. Producing animal protein from aquaculture takes less resources and is friendlier to the climate compared to livestock. Since traditional fisheries are almost fully exploited, increased aquaculture production needs to play a major part in efforts to feed future generations.
Awarded first development licenses in Norway
The Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal affairs recently decided to award development licenses for aquaculture purposes. The objective is to spur new technology concepts that can ensure sufficient growth whilst also ensuring environmental sustainability. The Ocean Farm project is an answer to this the challenge, and SalMar was the first seafood producer in Norway to be awarded this type of development license.
Developed in Norway, built in China
Behind the project is a unique interdisciplinary partnership between world-leading players in Norway within aquaculture, offshore and research (see table below for details). The result is a structure built on the robust technology and principles used at submersible offshore installations, while safeguarding the biological needs of the salmon. When developing technical solutions, every fish farming process has been considered, and new approaches are established for the various operating procedures. The structure complies with the aquaculture industry’s own fabrication standards, as well as relevant offshore oil and gas standards. Ocean Farm 1 is built by the China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIS) in Qingdao, China.
A full-scale pilot facility
The conclusion of the construction project is a significant milestone for SalMar, but the real work starts now. Ocean Farm 1 is a full-scale pilot facility for testing, learning, research and development. It will be equipped for R&D activities, with particular focus on biological conditions and fish welfare. Aiming to reduce environmental footprints, improve fish welfare and answer acreage challenges, the learning and new solutions from the project could represent a new era in sustainable seafood production – and is potentially adaptable world wide. In SalMar, we know that as operation starts, we are entering a new challenging phase.
This is Ocean Farming
The company behind Ocean Farm 1 is Ocean Farming AS, a subsidiary of the SalMar Group. Ocean Farming was established specifically to develop an offshore fish farming capability. Through the development and implementation of new technologies and the build-up of operational experience, Ocean Farming will acquire the specialist expertise needed for this next generation of fish farming facilities to achieve its full potential. Ocean Farm 1 demonstrates SalMar’s drive and determination to lead the way in technologies for sustainable seafood production. Ocean Farming has received grants from Innovation Norway to help fund the concept development phase.
Key dimensions Ocean Farm 1:
Height: 68 m
Diameter: 110 m
Volume: 250,000 m3

Our partners in the Ocean Farm project

Global Maritime AS Design and systems integration
Kongsberg Maritime AS Electrical installations and instrumentation for marine and fish handling systems
Mørenot Aquaculture AS Hull outfitting, nets and moveable bulkhead arrangement
Malm Orstad AS Drive system for moveable bulkhead
Emstec GmbH Equipment and systems for fish transfer
Graintec AS Equipment and systems for receipt and distribution of fish feed
Optimar Stette AS Equipment and systems for handling dead fish
Pump Supply AS Equipment and systems for net cleaning
CSIC QWHI Hull construction and installation of marine systems
DNV GL/Noomas Third-party verification and certification
MARINTEK Model testing and associated analysis
Sintef Fiskeri- og havbruk AS Environmental data and calculation of currents
FugroOceanor AS Environmental data and wave calculations
Ramnäs Bruk AB Mooring chain
Lankhorst Euronete S.A. Fibre ropes
Farstad Offshore AS Installation mooring system and fishfarm


全球最大深海渔场“青岛造”青岛早报 2017-06-04   
    “半潜式智能海上渔场由3-7人即可操控,一年养鱼150万条。 ”项目负责人介绍,挪威海上渔场项目配备了全球最先进的三文鱼智能养殖系统、自动化保障系统和高端深海运营管理系统及对应子系统。其中,智能养殖系统包括鱼苗投放系统、鱼苗进食系统、营养均衡系统、生物光调控系统、鱼群实时监控系统、自动捕鱼系统,高分子渔网保护系统、送氧系统、除虱系统等;自动化保障系统包括渔网自清洁系统、死鱼收集系统、死鱼物质分解、水文监测系统等;高端运营管理系统包括自适应升降系统、深海定位系统、通讯导航系统、动力系统、中央控制系统、物资补给系统、消防救生系统、火灾报警系统、生活娱乐系统等。
    挪威海上渔场养鱼的建造成功,为我国企业全面进入这一市场开了一个好头,让挪威海上养殖与“中国制造”深度对接,成为“一带一路”典型案例。(记者刘海龙通讯员张进刚 王守德 摄影报道)

