2017年5月6日 星期六

粉紅豬肉不能吃, 未達攝氐71度

參考: 搜索 Food Unwrapped - S05E04 - Rose Oil Pink Pork  Roasting    


1. 研究指出10%的市面上香腸含有戊型肝炎 hepatitis E 病毒,   30%的人進食香腸從不介意是否煮至熟透;  

2. 食物安全專家雅歷施古奴 Alex Seguro 指出任何宰好了的豬體處處均有機會含戊型肝炎 hepatitis E 病毒; 

3.  2003 年全英國共有 124 宗感染戊型肝炎 hepatitis E 病例, 十年後 (2013) 數目上昇至 691宗.  年靑人免疫力高, 染上肝炎後病徵不太明顯. 年紀大, 免疫力低下, 有肝臟受損病歷, 病徵嚴重者須住院數星期, 有死亡病例;

4. 豬肉還含有旋毛蟲, 雖然現今已比較罕見, 還有沙門氐菌, 須煮熟方可進食.

英國電視節目主持人 Kate Quilton 與食物安全專家雅歷施古勞, 肉食商一起做一個烤豬排的實驗.  她負責在户外明火烤豬排, 肉食商負責用探針温度計刺入肉內測温, 直至温度達到 71 攝氐度才可進食.  結果是十五分鐘內三大塊豬排全烤得焦黑了, 內部温度才到達 71  攝氐度, 肉內粉紅色才退卻.  這樣烤焦的三塊大豬排, 是浪費了, 沒有人會有興趣進食 (見下圖). 


若要在豬排燒焦前放上餐桌, 進食粉紅色豬肉的顧客有機會得慢性戊型肝炎 hepatitis E,  症狀如下:

  • 黃疸(皮膚及鞏膜變黃、小便呈深色,大便呈淺色);
  • 食慾不振;
  • 肝臟發大,出現壓痛  (宗教迷信是感到給魔鬼壓住上身, 不能動彈);
  • 腹部疼痛、壓痛  (宗教迷信是感到給魔鬼壓住上身, 不能動彈);
  • 噁心及嘔吐;
  • 發燒。      Source: http://www.chp.gov.hk/tc/content/9/24/12257.html


16世纪之後英國樹砍光了迫着要燒煤, 因此不是人人都會明火燒烤 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102vmck.html   熟練的燒烤師傅會掌握好火候, 不會浪費食物.  倫敦每行走五分鐘便可以吃上北京烤鴨, 估計也會有廣東燒豬肉供應,  這些技巧在中國人看來, 從來不是問題.


參考 Tyler Cowen <<An Economist Gets Lunch, 中午吃什麼?>>臺北早安財經文化有限公司 2013 一書的説法, 上述高温快速烤肉實驗叫炙烤 grilling, 產生不了用老式美好慢烤出來的好食物. 

堪薩斯市 Arthur Bryant's Barbecue 的小排骨要烤 10 小時,
胸肉12 小時, 豬前腿肉 16 小時.
曼菲斯市有一家餐廳以烤 36 個小時的猪前腿肉聞名. 98頁

他得出結論是古典燒烤的核心要素是煙燻, 慢烤和低温, 只在德克薩斯州, 密蘇里州, 伊利諾州, 夏威夷烤豬, 墨西哥中部, 牙買加等南方吃得到.  他還聽說在北非沙漠地區, 如果碰上了正確的部落和節慶, 那裡的烤羔羊和山羊都令人嘆為觀止. 100頁

墨西哥烤豬肉用牧羊人式 al pastor, 將肉上义子, 然後在一個側面有炭火的直立烤窯中烤上一整天,  類似希臘和土耳其的旋轉烤肉 gyro, 靈感來自阿拉伯文化. 1930 年代黎巴嫩移民把旋轉烤肉帶到墨西哥美食中心 Puebla, 它從此在那裏落地生根, 成為當地特色. 旅客們接受它, 多於接受古典的墨西哥窯烤. 112頁 

根據此處博文: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b96391280102wam8.html


Arab Kitchens and Cooks: Cooking was often done outdoors in an area some distance away from any dwelling.  The major piece of equipment was the fireplace, which in some cases was little more than a brazier 火盆. Charcoal was preferred to wood because it produced less smoke and was easier to transport. Next to the open hearth there might be an oven (tannur).  Essential water came from wells, springs, or rivers and was piped into city fountains. p.211-2 Food: A Culinary History, ed by Jean-Louis Flandrin & Massimo Montanari,   ch.17  “Arab Cuisine and Its Contribution to European Culture” by Bernard Rosenberger

思考題:  沙漠烤羊是比烤豬簡單方便些. 所需時間較長, 燃料較多.  弄不好會傳染慢性戊型肝炎 hepatitis E (宗教迷信是感到給魔鬼壓住上身,不能動彈), 還有寄生蟲問題.  豬什麼都吃注定是高危的. 

若思維方式為: a tree is known by its fruit, 果樹的價值為果子所介定, 豬肉的禍害如不能有效除去, 還是不吃為妙, 结果是豬也不要養了.

熱帶有一種樹叫麻瘋樹 Jatropha curcas, 全株有毒, 以麻瘋為名, 作為警誡, 並非真的傳染麻瘋. 子孫後代, 應感謝前人智慧.
進一步閱讀:  轉載自:  https://www.yahoo.com/style/is-pink-pork-safe-to-eat-69622106225.html

Is Pink Pork Safe to Eat?

The pork of yesteryear was always cooked till gray, but that pork was a lot fattier than what’s on the market today. Selective breeding has made today’s pork much leaner, and if you cook it till gray, the meat will be dry and tough. We think the leanest cuts (like tenderloin) are best cooked to 145-150 degrees. At this point, the meat will still have a tinge of pink in the center.
What about trichinosis? Better farming practices have all but eliminated the trichina parasite from American-raised pork. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of trichinosis cases averages 12 per year — and most of those cases have been linked to wild game, not commercially raised pork. Also, the trichina parasite is killed when the temperature of the meat rises to 137 degrees, so cooking pork to 150 degrees should do the job.
Pink pork isn’t completely without risk. All meat (including beef) may be subject to cross-contamination with several pathogens, such as salmonella. This can happen during processing, at the supermarket, or in your home. To reduce this risk, some food safety experts recommend cooking all meat to 160 degrees — that is, until it is well done. But if you think it’s worth taking the small risk to enjoy a rosy steak, you might as well to do the same with pork.

If you’ve decided to serve pinkish pork, remember that the pork continues to cook even when it’s removed from heat. So take it off just before it hits the right temperature. If you take out a roast when it’s only 135-140 degrees, it’s too pink to immediately eat; but after letting the meat rest for 15 minutes so that the juices can redistribute themselves, the temperature will rise about 10 degrees. The meat will then be perfectly cooked — with just a hint of pink.

