最新消息: https://twitter.com/valhallaenergia
智利北部的阿塔卡马沙漠区有价值连城的矿藏,年光照时间达到2400小时,比西藏更长,而且平均温度只有25摄氏度,因此光伏发电率高于中东北非澳大利亞等炎热的地区。就光熱發電CSP來看, 它更拥有全球最高 DNI 辐照值.
玻利維亞的烏尤尼鹽沼 Salar de Uyuni (深最少 5 公尺, 一萬平方公里, 海拔 3,500公尺) 現時仍有數百萬噸鋰礦未開採, 估計不能用作抽水蓄能.
Source: Google map (純白的便是烏尤尼鹽沼)
Source: https://twitter.com/valhallaenergia 你知道智利是太陽輻射最高的嗎?
Source: https://twitter.com/valhallaenergia 你知道智利是太陽輻射最高的嗎?
智利北部的阿塔卡马沙漠区有价值连城的矿藏,年光照时间达到2400小时,比西藏更长,而且平均温度只有25摄氏度,因此光伏发电率高于中东北非澳大利亞等炎热的地区。就光熱發電CSP來看, 它更拥有全球最高 DNI 辐照值.
玻利維亞的烏尤尼鹽沼 Salar de Uyuni (深最少 5 公尺, 一萬平方公里, 海拔 3,500公尺) 現時仍有數百萬噸鋰礦未開採, 估計不能用作抽水蓄能.
Source: Google map (純白的便是烏尤尼鹽沼)
Source: https://twitter.com/valhallaenergia 你知道智利是太陽輻射最高的嗎?
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以下為 Valhalla.cl 網頁圖片: (純白的便是烏尤尼鹽沼)
圖文轉載自: http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/09/location-location-location-massive-pumped-storage-solar-pv-project-closer-to-reality.html
Location, Location, Location: Massive Pumped Storage + Solar PV Project Closer to Reality
The company is completing the last mile as it seeks to find the strategic investment it needs to build the project.
September 28, 2016
A proposed 300-MW pumped storage hydropower plant combined with 600-MW solar PV plant is taking shape in Chile. Valhalla, the team behind the Espejo de Terapaca plant said in an interview that it has hired Marathon Capital to help find strategic investors in the project. If the right partners are found, the US $1 billion project could begin construction in early 2017.
It’s the perfect location for a project like this because of the natural landscape. No dams will need to be built and the land will not be disturbed because it is a desert.
“There is a big coastal mountain range very close from the ocean and [the landscape] has natural concavities, said Francisco Torrealba, co-founder of the company. “That is something that you rarely see anywhere else in the world,” he added.
The project will use Francis-type turbines from a European supplier and PV with single-axis tracking to generate baseload power at an extremely competitive price.
“This is most likely going to be one of the cheapest pumped storage plants in the world," said Torrealba referencing the power auction held in Chile in early September where Valhalla bid $65.9 per MWh compared to gas at $69.9, hydro at $76.1, biomass at $85.6 and coal at $89.7.
“We actually came cheaper than hydro plants, cheaper than coal, cheaper than almost all natural gas plants,” he said.
The cost to build a project of this size is “significant,” said Laurie Kelly, CFO at Valhalla. For that reason, the company has recently begun working with Marathon Capital, a 17-year old investment bank and financial advisory firm headquartered in Chicago.
Thiago Alfaia, Director at Marathon Capital leads Latin American initiatives for the bank and is working closely with Valhalla.
“We are very confident that we will be able to raise the required capital,” he said in an interview.
Alfaia said Marathon finds the project intriguing not so much for the technologies in use (solar PV and pumped hydro are fairly commonplace these days) but for the concept and the costs.
轉載自: http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/articles/2016/03/solar-firm-seeks-backers-for-600-mw-project-in-chile.html
Solar Firm Seeks Backers for 600-MW Project in Chile
March 28, 2016 By Vanessa Dezem and Javiera Quiroga, Bloomberg Valhalla Energia is seeking partners to build a 600-MW solar project in Chile that will incorporate hydropower to deliver energy 24 hours a day. The company is in talks with investors to raise as much as 40 percent of the estimated $1.3 billion needed for the project — $900 million for the solar component and $400 million for a 300-MW hydropower system — according to Juan Andres Camus, Santiago-based Valhalla’s co-founder and chief executive officer. The rest will come from bank loans. “We are looking for sponsors that can be part of the project as equity," Camus said in an interview in Santiago on March 18. "We are in advanced negotiations." The Cielos de Tarapaca solar project aims to produce electricity around the clock, using an integrated solar and hydro system that pumps sea water uphill to a reservoir during the day and letting it flow through turbines at night. The project is in Chile’s northern Atacama desert, the same region where the struggling Spanish developer Abengoa SA recently mothballed its $1 billion, 110-MW solar-thermal power plant that retained heat to generate power at night. The two plants represent rival technologies to store solar energy and guarantee supply after sundown. ‘Risky Project’ Valhalla received environmental approval in January for the project and expects to start construction in the second half of 2016. Both the solar and the hydro plant will be about 100 kilometers (62 miles) southeast of the city of Iquique and are scheduled to go into operation in 2020. "It is an expensive and risky project as the technology is rare in the region," said Ana Verena Lima, an analyst with of Bloomberg New Energy Finance in Sao Paulo. "But of course everything will depend on its efficiency, on the contracts and financing conditions they can get." Valhalla is competing with a 616-MW solar plant owned by Empresa de Desarrollo de Energias Renovables Alen Walung SA, now under construction in Chile, to be the largest in Latin America. In terms of profitability, Cielos de Tarapaca will be competitive with new thermal electric plants, according to Camus, who didn’t provide details on financing. The company will focus on long-term, bilateral contracts with the copper mines that dot northern Chile and wants to participate in the next auction of Chilean power contracts later this year. It is negotiating with local and international banks for financing. "The big opportunity in Chile is energy supply 24 hours a day and, for now, solar energy cannot accomplish that,” Camus said. “The hydro project is a very efficient way of storing energy.”
圖文轉載自: www.marathon-cap.com/investment-banker/Thiago-Alfaia
Thiago Alfaia, Director for Marathon Capital, is responsible for executing M&A and private placement engagements in the energy sector. Mr. Alfaia has been involved with the Energy and Infrastructure markets since 2003. At Marathon Capital, he has worked on several significant wind, solar, biomass and geothermal financing and M&A transactions and led one of Marathon’s landmark transactions, the successful equity capital raise and project financing of Mexico Power Group’s La Bufa 1 Wind Farm. Other noteworthy transactions are: the sale of Suzlon’s 240 MW Big Sky Project to EverPower, the equity and construction financing of 30 MW Patua Geothermal Project, the sale of Coram Energy Group’s 124MW portfolio of operating wind projects in California to Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners and the sale of Central Hudson’s Shirley Wind Project to Duke Energy. Previously, he has also worked in various project finance and M&A assignments in the Brazilian energy industry, including the valuation and sale processes of an electricity transmission company, a 300 MW coal and gas-fired thermal power generation project and a 600 MW hydro power plant, in addition to many other renewable energy development projects. Mr. Alfaia is a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma Society and received his MBA with High Honors and with concentrations in Accounting, Analytic Finance and Entrepreneurship from the University of Chicago. Mr. Alfaia holds his Series 7, 63 and 79 licenses.
Source: Map of Bolivia from the CIA World Factbook.
硝石戰爭,亦稱太平洋戰爭 (1879–1883) 。這次戰爭中,秘魯和玻利維亞共同對抗智利。智利最終獲勝,奪得原本屬秘魯的塔拉帕卡省和阿利卡省(Arica),以及玻利維亞的濱海省(Litoral)。自此之後,玻利維亞失去出海口,成為內陸國。
硝石戰爭,亦稱太平洋戰爭 (1879–1883) 。這次戰爭中,秘魯和玻利維亞共同對抗智利。智利最終獲勝,奪得原本屬秘魯的塔拉帕卡省和阿利卡省(Arica),以及玻利維亞的濱海省(Litoral)。自此之後,玻利維亞失去出海口,成為內陸國。
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1883年前, Iquique
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Source: Wikipedia |
在中国被追杀殆尽的一支太平军残军 却在南美洲横空出世!
编辑:搜搜网 时间:2016-08-26 http://www. sosolishi.com/article/zhanshi/ 20160826/39932_4.html
西拉皮佐少将盛赞这支太平军说:“这支军队没有西方军队的纪律, 但却有着中国特色的纪律,他们配备了许多三角形的旗帜, 用螺号代替军号,他们的战士拿各种武器, 但更多的是使用两把东方式的短刀。”
在第二次莫克瓜战役中, 这些在和清朝军队的厮杀中历练出来的将士们, 将秘玻联军打得丢盔弃甲,夺取了4门大炮、 15面军旗和200余匹战马,并俘虏了大量的敌军士兵。
接下来, 太平军又在塔克纳和阿里卡两次战役中联合智利军队打败了玻秘联军 。
至此,智利军队占领了玻秘两国太平洋沿岸全部硝石产地, 玻利维亚也失去了继续作战的能力,退出了战争。
1883年10月20日,秘鲁与智利在利马北部安孔城签订条约, 结束了南美太平洋战争。
根据《安孔条约》,秘鲁将塔拉帕卡省割让给智利, 并将塔克纳和阿里卡两地区交给智利管辖10年。
玻利维亚则先后于1884年和1904年与智利签订瓦尔帕莱索协 定和“和平友好条约”, 丧失了安第斯山脉与太平洋沿岸之间的全部领土, 变成了一个没有出海口的内陆国。
为了表彰太平军的丰厚功绩, 西拉皮佐授予陈永碌等人智利国会勋章, 并给予阵亡太平军家属抚恤。
智利政府还决定履行先前的承诺,将伊基克赠给太平军余部, 并让他们成立一个自治镇,但条件是帮助智利继续攻打秘鲁。
但一生厮杀的陈永碌等人已经累了,并没有在异域割据的野心, 只想平平静静地生活,安享人生, 因此没有接受智利政府提出的条件,放下了刀枪,融入当地社会, 做起了普通的百姓。
如今,我们漫步在伊基克街头,依旧可以在这里找到很多中国元素。 比如,当地语言中餐馆叫“其发”(广东话吃饭),混沌被称为“ 完蛋”(浙江话混沌)。
而2008年2月20日, 太平天国发源地中国广西的省会南宁市也与伊基克市正式签订为友好 城市,生活在这里的太平军遗民终于再度与祖国联系在了一起。