2017年1月23日 星期一


轉載自: http://programme.rthk.hk/rthk/tv/programme.php?name=tv/moneyworld3&d=2016-11-30&p=7413&e=384738&m=episode


在2015年,這個問題至少影響著十分之一的歐洲人,例如在西班牙,28%的人口,即三分之一的人面對著能源貧窮的問題;而在意大利,有五百萬家庭受到影響 (博主注: 17%的英國家庭共450萬戶受到影響)。在德國,七百萬人難以支付電費;而在法國,則有八百萬人。 

© Map by Dr. Charlie Wand.
Please cite as: Wand, C.R. (2013). % of households unable to keep their home adequately warm. Available: http://fuelpoverty.eu.


The red squares represent the area that would be enough for solar power plants to produce a quantity of electricity consumed by the world today, in Europe (EU-25) and Germany (De). (Data provided by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), 2005) Source: Wikipedia

In Europe, the cold has started killing once again. Over the last 15 years, this problem, which was thought to be forgotten, hit the headlines. Specialists call it "Fuel poverty", in other words, the impossibility, because of restricted means, to heat oneself properly. This problem affects at least 1 European in 10. For example, in Spain, 28% of the population, almost one in three people, is now considered in danger of fuel poverty. 5 million and 7 million families are affected in Italy and Germany respectively. As for France, 8 million French people express having difficulty paying their electricity bill. “Electricity would obviously be cheaper, energy greener, the 27 countries of the EU would walk hand-in-hand towards the future in a transparent common market”. How, starting out from the good idea of liberalizing energy was the whole Europe hoodwinked with promises? Twenty years later, what is the result?

