2016年4月29日 星期五


1316年不列顛島南部的温徹斯特Winchester, 雖然比鄰近地區更適合進行農業,收穫倍率卻只有兩倍 (100頁,田家康<<氣候文明史>> 臺北市, 臉譜出版社 2012 ,註—) 

人口增加太快,農業生產力無法應付.英格蘭在西元1000 年的耕地面積(包含穀物與其他作物)為340萬公頃,這些農地生產的作物尚可供應250萬人,但過了300年後,就必須用460萬公頃的農地養活500萬人 (174頁) 

註—: 收穫倍率 Crop yield 
Source: Wikipedia

 In agriculture, crop yield (also known as "agricultural output") refers to both the measure of the yield of a crop per unit area of land cultivation, and the seed generation of the plant itself (e.g. if three grains are harvested for each grain seeded, the resulting yield is 1:3). The figure, 1:3 is considered by agronomists as the minimum required to sustain human life.[1] One of the three seeds must be set aside for the next planting season, the remaining two either consumed by the grower, or one for human consumption and the other for livestock feed. The higher the surplus, the more livestock can be established and maintained, thereby increasing the physical and economic well-being of the farmer and his family. This, in turn, resulted in better stamina, better over-all health, and better, more efficient work.

The reviled 謾罵 18th C. politician 外交家 and bon viveur *, Talleyrand **, once claimed that England had 3 sauces and 360 religions ***, while France had 3 religions and 360 sauces! 

* one who lives well, eats well 享樂主義者 

** “他是一個塔列朗”的詞句,是用來形容偉大的機智且有手段的政治家。 拿破侖本人認為塔列朗 (1754 - 1838) 是個十分能幹的外交官。「塔列朗式」已經成為一種玩世不恭、狡猾的外交態度之代名詞 (Source: Wikipedia: Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord, 法國廚師之王,王之廚師卡漢姆的僱主) 

*** 恭親王評 ‘Take away your opium, and your missionaries, and you will be welcome’ (Chinese Prince Kung to Sir Rutherford Alcock 阿禮國, British Minister in Beijing)


地理上偏北島國缺乏油料,   1712  年美國Nantucket 開始大量捕捉抹香鯨取油. 1849發現煤油後才放棄鯨油.

田家康<<氣候文明史>> <wbr> <wbr>2012 <wbr>ISBN <wbr>978-986-235-203-8

殺鯨的現代版本請參考博文: 法罗群岛捕鲸真的血染大海

